Thursday, July 14, 2011 (New Denver, BC)

It looked quite promising out there this morning as I opened up the blinds.  There were still a lot of clouds but there were also small patches of blue that the sun was trying to break through.  We were planning on going for a hike today as long as weather co-operated.

But before the hike, we decided to drive the short distance to Silverton and fill up the empty propane tank...we were working on the second tank and didn’t want it to run out before getting the other one filled. 

Silverton is a small community just 5 kms south of New Denver.  The main street is the highway that runs through town where there is a grocery store, hardware store  (both housed in a big old building that has a ‘For Sale‘ sign on it), a coffee well as The Silverton Lakeshore Inn and a Gallery & Restaurant...both of which are closed and have ‘For Sale‘ signs on them.  So there is a lot of property for sale here. 
( on any picture to enlarge)

We parked the truck by the Gallery & Mining Museum and went to take a look.  The museum was actually all the old pieces of machinery displayed outside...and the big, old building that was ‘‘The Gallery‘‘ was closed. 

We went across the street to what was the old Blacksmith Shop and Cabin...lots of artefacts and history here in the Slocan Valley.

We walked down one side of the street and back, stopping at the hardware store to see if they filled propane tanks...they do, so we‘ll be back.  After getting the tank filled, we drove down to the lakefront to check out the Municipal Campground...very small and very rustic.
Most of the clouds had parted and the sun was coming out in earnest by the time we got back to the campground.  So we got changed into our shorts in preparation for our hike.  It was almost 11:30 by this time so we thought we would have lunch first. 

As I was making sandwiches, we started hearing the rumble of thunder...and one look down the lake showed where it was coming from...storm clouds were on their way!  It is amazing how quickly the weather changed!  We sat at the table with our lunch watching the thunder and lightning storm...and then the rain started. much for our hiking plans...
Steve settled in his recliner to read and wait out the storm...hopefully it would pass over quickly and we would be able to get out....I decided to take the laptop over to the gazebo.  But the weather only got worse...there was now major wind!...and I was freezing!  I ended up going back to the trailer and bundling up with an extra hoodie and rain jacket. 
So there I was sitting all bundled up at a picnic table (that I had turned so that the wind would be at my back) in the shelter of a gazebo while it was just pouring out!  What a sight I must have been...!!  And that’s where I stayed for the whole afternoon.  I was downloading updates for my iPod (it had been quite some time) and then I re-downloaded the BC Backroads Map and tried installing it.  It still wouldn’t work so I called their tech support...he suggested I restart the computer and if it still didn’t work, then try re-installing it again.  After trying that and it still didn’t work, I called them again...the tech was, of course, now busy on another call and since I was calling using Skype, I couldn’t leave a call-back number.  At this point, I was just frustrated and had had enough so I gave up for today...I will continue with it another day.  Instead, I posted a few more days to our blog...I’m getting there!  I hope to have it totally up-to-date by the time we leave here.
I was absolutely chilled right through by the time I decided to pack it up and go back to the trailer.  And I just couldn’t get warmed up...Steve even ended up turning the furnace on.  Good grief...this is summer??!
The rain had stopped by the time we had finished dinner so we decided to get out for some exercise.  Armed with our umbrellas (just in case), we headed out for a walk.  We walked up to the highway, across the bridge that crosses Carpenter Creek (don’t let the name fool is a full-fledged river!), hung a left at the main street and walked all the way down to the lake.  Downtown New Denver is pretty darned quiet in the evening...everything was closed.  Hmmm...I wonder where people go if they want to go out for dinner?  Mind you, I didn’t see any full restaurants...there just seemed to be small cafes.
Steve noticed a trail that went along the lakefront so we headed back in the direction of the campground.  The trail went to the creek and then followed the river back up to the bridge.  Of course, I had forgotten my no pictures today...
We had had a good 50 minute walk by the time we got home.  Now that felt good...and I wasn’t cold anymore!  

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