The past few weeks have been pretty low-key...Steve developed a cold and then decided to share it with me later in the week. Probably caught it in the tent at the RV Show. The week started off with cooler weather, clouds off and on, and lots of wind...usually coming from the south, southwest, odd because the prevailing winds are usually from the north.
I walked into Kuehn Street a number of times, leaving Steve to nap in the afternoon. It's amazing how quickly the vendors pack up and move on. There are still some seasonal vendors left along Kuehn but the tent and vendors in that area are gone...
The RV's that RV Country brought in for the show are still here...but it won't be long before they too are gone.
Friday (Jan. 31) morning we decided to drive to Blythe to pick up some cold meds for Steve, along with a few groceries. It is starting to warm up...the high is 18C/65F today with the temperatures increasing each day over the next week.
Come Saturday (Feb. 1) morning, I woke with a scratchy throat...I really thought with the echinacea and oil of oregano oil I was taking, that I would be able to keep my resistance up, but no...Steve shared his cold.
A brilliant sunrise this morning...
It was nice to sit outside in the sunshine again...Always lots of interesting vehicles out here in the desert...
By Monday (Feb. 3) I was feeling much better but still had a cough with chest congestion. It was a very hot day...30C/86F so we sat out in the shade behind the trailer knitting and reading.
Terry and Fred picked up some MucinexDM for me while they were shopping in Parker...thanks guys, really appreciate it!
We've had more clouds lately, making for some gorgeous sunsets...
And sunrises...
Steve managed to visit the RC airfield one morning while I was doing laundry. He doesn't have his planes, so it was just to watch the folks fly...
Friday (Feb. 7) morning started with another gorgeous red sky...
Mid-afternoon, we decided to walk into Kuehn Street and see what vendors were still around. The main ones that are there the whole season remain but there were also a number of smaller "transient" vendors still around too...more than in past years.
We stopped for a brew at Beer Belly's Adult Day Care and then walked home, where we sat behind the trailer, out of the wind....wind, stupid wind!
Saturday (Feb. 8) morning my cough was worse. I had decided not to take a MucinexDM last night and I guess that was a mistake. I took one in the morning and the expectorant needed to "catch-up" because my deep chest cough had me trying to clear my lungs all day.
We had plans to go the Blythe Races with Fred and Terry...I cancelled going because of my cough, but Steve decided to go. Terry decided to let the guys have some "guy time", so decided not to go either.
I'll pass it over to Steve....
As you can tell by the lack of spectators we were a little early.
I don't remember this guy!😂The Blythe Raceway has been closed for a few years and this was only their second race of the season...
There were only a couple of different classes of cars for a total of 24 cars...
25 lap race...
This young fellow beat his dad for the very first time. His dad was very proud...
There were too many 3 car races and one race turned into a 2 car race after one dropped out...
There was a 70 lap race coming up but Fred and I had had enough. This was the worst race I'd ever attended but perhaps it will get better as the season progresses. Dianne and I have been to a couple of races here years ago and the races were great and the stands were packed.
Sunday (Feb. 9) morning when we opened up the blinds, we were greeted with another beautiful sunrise...
It was time to pack the trailer up and take it over to La Posa South LTVA to dump the tanks and fill up the water tank. I have to stay and guard all our worldly possessions 😂. Steve was back and we were all set back up by 11:00...
We chilled for the rest of the day and then walked into Beer Belly's...always nice to get out, have a brew, listen to some music...and people watch!
And...a beautiful sunset to complete the day...
Our fridge and pantry were pretty darned empty so on Monday (Feb. 10) we drove to Parker to stock up.
We've been having fairly cloudy, cooler days recently...and lots of wind...and Wednesday (Feb. 12)
was no different. We had a long walk, and then went into town to fill our drinking water containers...still 5 gallons for $1.00, that price hasn't changed in all of the years we have been coming down here.
That afternoon Fred and Terry picked us up and we headed out on a little sightseeing trip to the Imperial Dam LTVA area. We don't really see what the draw here is...this part is just like a huge gravel parking lot with almost no vegetation. We were amazed at how many people are still here!
But if you go down along the reservoir, there are some beautiful camping spots. This first area is just below the 'gravel lot'...We found the North Shore Road that actually goes around the reservoir...
We found a nice spot for a break...Terry and Fred having their lunch, while we had a snack...
A short 13 second video...
You can see the dam in the distance...
We thought that we would be able to go all of the way around the reservoir and cross the dam over to the main road but unfortunately the road was gated, so we had to turn around and go back the way we came. There is a lot, and I mean a lot of burrow poop everywhere as well as their trails...
RV's on top of the ridge in the distance as we head back...
What a great nice finding all of the secluded spots along the waters edge. Hard to believe some folks tow their rigs in over some of those rough gravel roads, but the end result is a lovely spot on the water. It's just a heck of a long way to go out to dump tanks, get water, groceries, etc.
With all of wind lately, we were afraid that the annual Quartzsite Desert Flyers Fun Fly would be a bust, but come Saturday (Feb. 15) morning, the sky was clear and the wind, if any, was light. Steve wanted to get there early to get our chairs set up so we arrived just before 8:00. Over to Steve...
Wayne on the left taught me how to fly a few years ago. These are just a few of his many planes...
As we were early there wasn't that many planes on display yet...Now that's a cool ride!
On with the show!
I wish I had filmed the second flight this amazing pilot put on as he did most of his crazy, erratic stunts just off the ground! He even touched the ground with the tail of the plane!
This jet has been clocked at 157 mph!
I have this plane, it's an Aero Scout...

And that concludes the show. There were fewer pilots this year but the crowds seemed larger.
Fred and Terry arrived late, so really didn't see much of the show...but they joined us for lunch at Silly Al's Pizza...
As we entered La Posa West LTVA, Steve noticed a dust devil coming across the desert so stopped and videoed it...a 50 second video. Luckily it missed our little trailer!
Sunday (Feb. 16) we enjoyed video calls with both of our sons and their families and worked on this blog update.
Steve got the Core Crash game out and set up in some soft sand behind the trailer so it would be ready for when Fred and Terry arrived. They pulled in just before 3:00 and we had fun couple of hours playing four games...and chatting.
And that pretty much covers what we have been up to the last 3 weeks...