After a tour around the facility, Garth decided to take us on a drive through the mountains. There is a route that would take a big loop going to the Roosevelt Dam and Lake. What beautiful countyside! We had a wonderful drive...
We stopped at an interpretive centre near Lake Roosevelt...
Cool looking cactus...
Roosevelt Lake...
Roosevelt Dam...
Donna wanted to stop at Costco on the way home to pick up a couple of things so I took the opportunity to do a quick shop and stock up on meat and a couple of other items...a power shop for me—all done in a half hour!
Once back home, we put the groceries away and then went back down to Garth and Donna’s. They were having Donna’s sister over for dinner and had included us as well. Berna (short for Bernadette, I believe) was visiting from Saskatchewan, staying at a cousin’s place also in the park.
Garth and Donna offered the use of their land-line phone since they had a “no extra cost” long distance package, so I took them up on their offer and called Suzanne to wish her a very happy birthday...I also spoke with Dennis and then call Rob and answer when I called Chris, though. So, I had a great chat with some family tonight!
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