A picture of the picnic table this morning...
The rain had let up by the time we were ready to head into Redding for a few groceries. We stopped at the office on the way out to let them know that we would be staying another night, likely two, depending on the road conditions over the mountain pass. We found a Safeway in a large plaza where there were other stores, among them, a SuperCuts so Steve went for a haircut while I did the grocery shopping. Much to his disgust, I still wasn’t finished by the time he wandered into Safeway to find me. Oh well...almost done, honey! After going through the checkout, I went to the ATM for some cash (we needed cash to get a discount at the campground)...a $5 service fee...sheesh! That’s a bit rich...but California does seems to be much more expensive than most of the other States we have been through.
We crossed the bridge and decided to take a walk on the riverfront path to get a little exercise. It was cold out with that wind so we had to walk fast to keep warm.
We even came across some reminants of snow!
The river was really high and when we came to a spot where the river had flooded the path, we turned around...it was starting to spit out anyway. After battling the wind as we crossed back over the bridge, we stopped at a little cafe for coffee and to warm up.
While inside the cafe, it had started to rain out...so after we finished our coffee, we had to make a mad-dash for the truck, which was a fair distance away...so we were a little wet by the time we got there!
We stopped at the office on the way in to pay for another night...I took a picture of the entrance...notice the temp...43 degrees...
Once home, I put the groceries away and we spent the rest of the afternoon sitting inside watching the rain come down and the river rise...only the top of the picnic table is visible above the water now....
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