We woke up to clouds, wind and a bit of rain this morning. A look at the forecast indicates that today was a blip in the normal sunny Okanagan weather with thunder showers expected. But it was just one day with hot sunny days expected back tomorrow.
Steve left at 8:20 to drop the truck off for the morning at the glass place across the street. The windshield was being replaced this morning.
Steve decided to wash the roof of the trailer and eventually continued on to wash the whole thing! I spent most of the day inside, working on getting the blog up to date and ready to publicize. I also made spaghetti sauce to take over to Dennis and Suzanne’s for dinner tonight.

Dennis picked us up at about 4:30 and after a quick stop at the grocery store, we were again at their place enjoying a cocktail on the deck. The sky was starting to break a little, so there was some promise for the weather to clear and we’d be back to sunshine tomorrow. We had another delicious dinner of salad, spaghetti and garlic bread.
After dinner, we decided to go down to the hot tub. Steve needed it after spending the day washing the whole trailer. Another great evening with Dennis and Suzanne.
Wow! What a great blog Dianne and Steve! Dianen, you are an excellent writer and it is such a pleasure to read about your adventures and to see the photos! Well done. I look forward to hearing more stories. Be safe and have lot's of fun! Love Angie