We were joining a group of ATV’ers going out to check and mark trails for the poker ride this weekend so after putting a lunch together and getting the quads ready we headed out at about 10:30. It was a beautiful day—not a cloud in the sky; it was going to be a hot one! There were 12 of us and for my second ride on my own quad, I must say both the new quad and I are now worn in! We did not get back until 6:30 p.m.! We were up and down mountains, rode through beautiful grassy fields covered in wild flowers and we even went into the little town of Tulameen for ice cream. We were hot, dusty and sore by the time we got home.

A lot more people had arrived to the Fairgrounds during the day and more are expected tomorrow—looks like it is going to be a good turnout. After a cold beer while chatting the Trevor and Sharon who had arrived and set up next to us, we got cleaned up and Steve BBQ’d burgers. Larry and Judy had also arrived by this time and there was quite a gathering of us sitting out visiting and enjoying the evening. We called it a night just after 10:30.
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