We enjoyed a leisurely morning and after exercises, showers and breakfast we were finally ready for the rest of the day...it was almost noon by this time! We thought we`d go for a hike on one of the many trails here in the park but first we decided to take a drive into Ocean Springs to pick up a few things at the grocery store.
This is a picture of the bridge (in the distance) over to Biloxi...
So we crossed back over the bridge into Ocean Springs and took the first road to the right. This was Front Beach Drive and went along the inlet...it had a beautiful beach. As in many places along the Gulf, the destruction caused by the hurricane is evident. But they are rebuilding...here is a picture of the waterfront where work is being done....
Across the street though, is the shell of a house...remnants of Hurricane Katrina...
Well, I must say that I envisioned our new lifestyle of wintering down south as needing nothing other than shorts, t-shirts and sandals. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I’d be searching my drawers for turtle-neck sweaters, long-johns and heavy socks! But that is precisely what I was doing...we needed to bundle up to go for our hike. It was only 37F (3C) and the windchill made it well below freezing...the wind was brutal! However, we were going to get out for that walk!
First of all...a picture of our campsite...
The wind was brutal...
The short trail we went on...A little info on the area...
A picture from one of the lookouts...We had a great walk and after stopping to chat to other hearty souls out braving the cold, we returned to the warmth of the trailer. We had planned on barbequing kabobs for dinner tonight but neither Steve nor I wanted to stand outside cooking them...so I had to go to ‘plan B’. Steve would have to be a guinea-pig for a stir-fry...ala ‘’Dianne’’! The sauce part was a bit tricky (no cornstarch...and little soy sauce) but I managed to make it palatable...it actually wasn’t too bad.
After dinner, we watched TV while I did a little banking on the laptop. We seem to have a pretty good signal with the rocket stick so downloading went quickly. Rain had been in the forecast and sure enough we started to hear the pitter-patter on the rooftop just before we headed to bed.
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