Suzanne and Jean picked me up at 10:00...we are going shopping today. We had a great day...I picked up a few things including an outfit to wear to our son's wedding in September. I hadn't gone on our shopping trip intentionally looking, but thought that I should start checking out dresses to get some ideas. Well, I found a 3-piece outfit in a beautiful shade of gray and when I tried it on, I received a number of compliments from others in the fitting room. Suzanne and Jean also thought it looked there you go, I'm all set!

Five hours and seven stores later we were back at our place to pick up Steve and go to Suzanne and Dennis's place for cocktails and dinner...Jean and Dick joined us...
Crazy Suzanne and Jean...
Dennis and Suzanne's friends, Delores and Casey visiting from Edmonton, stopped by for a quick visit...(Steve, Jean, Suzanne, Delores, Dennis, Casey and Dick)...
Dennis sauteing onions to go on our burgers....
Me and my bro...
Burgers cooking...looking good, Dennis!
We had a delicious dinner...burgers with all the fixin's...and after digesting for a bit, Suzanne and Dennis drove us home. Another great day here in beautiful, sunny (and hot 89F/32C) southern California!
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