I was up shortly after 6:00 this morning. After opening all of the blinds, I thought I
would give the MiFi another try...and it worked! There seems to be one spot where it catches a
signal...on top of the TV, facing west towards California. Almost immediately, the iPad start bleeping...a
Skype call was coming in from my brother and sister-in-law, Dennis and
Suzanne. They are on their way south and
will be staying in Laughlin, NV for a week.
That’s about an hour and a half drive from here and since we will be
here for a week, they are going to come for a visit...really looking forward to
seeing them!!

Steve took a picture of some red-wing blackbirds having breakfast on the birdfeeder that we put up...
After 4 days without an Internet signal, I immediately went
to work on our blog...and by late morning, was one day shy of being up-to-date. But by this time, we figured it was time to
get out and on with our day.
We headed into downtown Lake Havasu City to find the post
office. One of the tire pressure
sensors was giving a false low battery signal so we had to mail it back to the manufacturer for
a warranty repair/replacement.
After that was taken
of, we drove across the London Bridge and parked in the Island Mall &
Brewery parking lot...time to check out this touristy little area.
We wandered around the waterfront, took some pictures and
then headed up back into the mall to Barley Brothers Grill & Brewery for
We had a nice window table....
After lunch we walked across the bridge...
...and took pictures from the bridge...
Then walked down the stairs to the lakefront walkway...
We checked out the tourist information centre, picked up a few information pamphlets and then continued exploring the area...
Here I am checking out the schedule for the boat that goes to the casino on the California side of the lake...
It's obviously off-season here but with temps in the high 80's/20's, you'd think there would be more people around...
We walked under the bridge along the channel walkway...

The London Bridge Resort...looks like a happen'in place in the summer time...
Here's another lighthouse for you, Suzanne...
We walked to the end of the channel...
...and turned around and walked back...taking breaks in the shade where we could...it was pretty darned hot out there!

A couple of more pictures from the bridge on our way back to the truck...
We did a little more sightseeing via truck and then headed home. It was around 3:00...time to find some shade and relax with our books. Tomorrow, we thought we would take the boat across the lake to the casino.