Dennis and Suzanne picked us up just before 10:30 this morning...today we are driving out to Cabazon to the factory outlet stores. The winds were fairly calm in Indio but as we drove west on the I-10, they started gusting...there was a wind warning out in that valley. The windmills were going strong...
The tall building in the distance is the casino where Dennis and Steve are going once they drop Suzanne and I off...

It was about 11:30 when Suzanne and I were dropped off at
Cabazon Outlets...and Dennis and Steve headed off to
Morongo Casino Resort...see you in a couple of hours.
Suzanne and I ended up just wandering around 2 of the three big complexes...most of our time was spent in the Izod store. Wow, what great prices! Suzanne bought a few things and I ended up trying on ten million things and coming out with $476 (excluding tax) worth of clothing for only $134! What a deal! And the clothing is good quality. I was very pleased!

Dennis and Steve picked us up just after 1:30 and we headed into Palm Springs. We thought today we would park and just wander along the main street. We parked by the statue of Marilyn Monroe again and took more pictures...in the daylight this time...
Steve took some pictures as we wandered down the street...
We stopped for a bite to eat at Tyler's Burgers. Dennis and Suzanne shared a burger and I had turkey sliders...very good! Steve had already had something to eat while at the casino, so he sat and watched us eat. Okay...he sat and drank a beer while he watched us...

...then we continued our wandering...such a beautiful area...

There are tons of restaurants...with shops and boutiques dispersed between them...

The sidewalk has the names of all sorts of celebrities...some names we recognized, others not...
This beautiful old Thunderbird was parked just a few cars ahead of us as we walked back to the car...

It was getting quite chilly out as we finished our walk...the sun goes behind the mountains early. Back in the jeep, we drove to Costco...I had received a phone call saying my contact lenses were in. After a quick stop there, we stopped at Ralph's to pick up a few other groceries and then we went to the
Hog's Breath Pub. The pub and restaurant is owned by Clint Eastwood and is in a real cool historic area of La Quinta.

They have Happy Hour from 3 to 6:30 pm where they have appy and drink specials. We enjoyed a couple of drinks and shared a few appy's...
Another great day with Dennis and Suzanne!
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