After we got the morning dishes done and the kitchen cleaned up, Steve headed out for a boat ride to see if he could see some alligators. I hunkered down with my laptop and wrote...trying to remember what we did over the past few days. I hate it when I’m unable to keep the journal up-to-date. My usual routine is that I write the previous day’s first thing each morning. But occasionally, I’m unable to do that or decide to do something else...I was behind today mainly because instead of writing yesterday morning, I had chosen to see if uploading pictures to the blog would be faster in the morning. It didn’t seem to matter and the consequence of this decision was that I would have to write two days the next morning. I’m really glad that I am keeping the journal/blog, though. It is amazing how quickly you forget (or should I say, “I” forget) exactly what we did each day.
I was still working away when Steve returned and asked if I wanted to go for a walk this afternoon. Sounds like a plan...I’m almost finished here. We headed out for our “usual” walk on the Nature Trail. I had my pedometer with me...I was still trying to get it set correctly. After the loop, it was still out...sheesh, guess I’m going to have to keep walking this loop until I get it right...but not today. On the way back, we decided to walk through the day use area. There were a bunch of cars parked down there so there must be a Thanksgiving gathering in one of the group shelters.
Once back, we relaxed in the shade with a cold bottle of water...whew, it was hot! I checked the Weather Network and found out that the current temperature was 79 degrees and 86 with the humidex. Okay...yeah...I am rubbing it all our family and friends back home where they are experiencing cold and snow!
I left Steve outside having an afternoon siesta while I went back inside to try getting some pictures uploaded to the blog. After much perseverance, I managed to get Monday and Tuesday’s postings finished and posted. That just left yesterday’s to do and since we had had a full day, I had lots of pictures I wanted to include...that would take more time...and patience!
After trying unsuccessfully to have a Skype call with Chris, I settled for MSN texting back and forth with him. After working long hours for the past week or so to meet a milestone date, he is looking forward to a more “relaxing” day at work tomorrow and actually taking the whole weekend off. We are looking forward to seeing him and catching up when we are all “home” at Rob and Angie’s for Christmas.
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