Today there would just be Earl, Allison, Steve and I out quad riding...Bob and Sue had quite a mess to clean up after Coco had been sick in the truck...poor thing. We planned on just an easy ride hunting for some geocaches. I had joined last night and now have a username...but other than that, we really don’t know too much about this hobby. But we are set to learn lots more under Earl’s guidance...thanks, Earl!
Our plan was to head out at our usual time of 10:00 a.m. but that got delayed at bit while Earl took our GPS and loaded some geocaches on it. So it was shortly after 10:30 by the time we hit the trails.
We stopped on the side of the road to take a look down at the rodeo grounds...
Steve found his first geocache...
This is Allison, Earl and me...Allison found this geocache tucked away under a rock...
Earl found this cool geocache on the canyon wall...
Here I am logging in the find...
I found my first geocache...called "Bam Bam's Lunch Box"...
Earl and Allison had previously found this geocache...they had to give us a few hints because we walked right by it...
We noticed something up on the side of the canyon's a beehive...interesting!
Here is a close-up shot...
Here's a Gila Monster that had crossed the road in front of us...glad it stayed around long enough for us to stop and take a picture...
Now it's time to start climbing some mountains...
What a view! See that cactus in the foreground? Well, the cliff drops straight off just past it....
Earl and Allison...
The view looking the other way...
Time to carry onto another peak (that's me)...
That's the Hassayampa River down's a dry wash right now busy with lots of 4-wheelers playing in the sand...
Earl finds another geocache...
We came across this big stinky cave up on the mountainside...
Down we go...
This part really got my heart pumping...hmmm...doesn’t look so bad in the picture...thanks for the picture, Allison...
Steve took this picture from behind me...
We crossed the dry riverbed (wash) and went up to the top of another mountain where Earl found another geocache. There is the mountain we were just on with the stinky cave (or mine)...
More beautiful scenery...
We are almost back down to the wash now...
And it is time to head home...but we have a couple of mountain ranges to cross. I’m sure glad Earl knew how to get is just a maze of trails and roads...
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