Not a bad sunrise.....
A couple from Quebec stopped by to check out our truck...they had a pretty cool RV as well...
Some pictures taken along our way...there won't be anymore pictures of the ocean; the highway goes inland now.
We crossed the Eel River many, many times...
Richardson Grove State Park...pretty narrow section of road through here...
There's the Eel River again...
We went through Willits...
About 15 miles past Willits, we turned east onto highway 20. We passed Lake's very low...
Blue Lakes...
We took the southern route around Clear Lake and after stopping in Kelseyville for diesel, continued on through the vineyards and then reconnected with highway 20 east.
Looks like there has been a forest fire through here...
Before hitting the I-5, we turned south on SR16...a very picturesque route that winds through Cache Creek Canyon...
Once through the canyon, it really opened up and the road became rather bumpy.
We arrived at today's destination...Cache Creek Casino Resort just before 4:00. Our GPS took us to the wrong entrance as we pulled into a huge parking lot that was empty except the sections closer to the casino. We drove through one section and then noticed "No RV Parking" signs so swung around and parked back in a big empty section where there were no signs. We figured that was where the RV's were supposed to park. After getting leveled and set up, we were relaxing with a cocktail when we heard a voice...hello, casino security. Apparently, we were not allowed to park where we were...RV parking is in Lot B, way around the other side of the casino. We'd been there 2 hours and they finally come around to tell us this? Sheesh!
So we quickly packed up and were escorted by a fellow in a golf cart to the RV parking area. The casinos we have stopped at all have signs directing RVs to the parking area...except this one. Well, at least we didn't see any. Oh well, I guess it serves us right for not checking first. It was a bit more of a challenge getting the trailer level, but we managed and were soon set up...again!
We had dinner and then went for a long walk over to check out the casino. It is huge! And pretty high end. The weird thing is, though, we couldn't find a bar open where we could stop for a beer. So we ended up just walking all the way around the inside of the casino and back out through the hotel lobby...and back to the trailer.
The Eel river is a long one!!! sure not nice to be all set up and have to move again cause you parked in the wrong area though!