It was travel day no time for my usual leisurely start to the day today! We were packed up and pulling out of our site at Jimsmith Lake shortly after 9:30. After stopping at the sani-dump, emptying our holding tanks and filling up our freshwater tanks were said goodbye to Cranbrook.
Here are some pictures taken along the way...this is the tip of Koocanusa Lake...
Beautiful countryside...
One thing Steve says he has really enjoyed as we tour around the Kootenays are the short drives...and this was no exception. It took us slightly over an hour to get to Mt. Fernie Provincial we entered we had our fingers crossed...we hope to be able to find a non-reservable site available AND big enough for us to fit into. We were getting a little discouraged when we came across site #43...okay, we should be able to fit into that. Steve backed in with no problems and with the truck un-hitched, we just had to angle it a bit and we were off the road...perfect!
We got all set up...then I we have an Internet signal?...Yes! Now the final thing was to set up the satellite dish. That ended up being a little more tricky...moving and levelling the tripod 3 times but we eventually got a good setting the dish up on the side of the road just up the hill a bit. Thank goodness for the extra cable we got. With so much to do in the area, we will likely stay here for at least a week so having satellite and Internet is awesome!We were sitting outside in the shade enjoying our new spot when it got quite dark out...the clouds had rolled in and then the thunder started. When the rain started, we moved our chairs under the awning but then the wind caused us to retreat inside. It is amazing how quickly it cooled down once the clouds and the wind had moved in.
Although the storm was relatively short-lived, we ended up staying inside. I was working on the journal and Steve was watching TV.
After dinner we decided to go for a walk...we went down the trail to Lizard Creek....
....and then walked around the campground. This is a busy spot...the overflow section looked pretty full. I’m glad we arrived as early as we did this morning!
We’re looking forward to exploring the area a bit tomorrow...
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