Our destination today is Port Orange...about 28 miles north of here. With the help of Serena, we arrived at Roy and Sandy’s house just before 11:30. We met Roy and Sandy while at Laura S. Walker State Park in southern Georgia and they had encouraged us to call them when we were in their area. Roy and Sandy are wonderful people and we felt very fortunate to have been able to meet up with them again. And, of course, there is nothing better than having a personal tour of the area...bonus!
This is Roy's workshop (the inside)...
And the outside...
Both Roy and Sandy are kept very busy with their hobbies. In addition to woodworking, Roy also has a passion for the accordion and has mastered this complicated musical instrument. Sandy does beautiful quilting in addition to her gardening...I would love to see her yard in the spring and summer! She has also been a very “active” participant in the renovation projects, helping Roy out in the woodworking shop.
After getting their Class A motorhome, they decided to build an addition onto the house...a garage to store it in. This addition also paved the way for two “man-rooms” over the existing garage for Roy. One room is his music room for his accordion and the other is...well...every man’s dream...a home theatre!
Steve was really liking this...actually, he was drooling...(haha)...
After a tour of the house, yard and woodworking shop, we headed out for a little sightseeing tour. Unfortunately, it was a cloudy, windy, cool day...but the beach was spectacular just the same. We went to Daytona Beach Shores and drove onto the beach...yes, they allow driving on some parts of the beach which seems very odd to me...but pretty cool!
We continued onto the community of Ponce Inlet...some beautiful homes here. We stopped at the Ponce lighthouse...’Ponce De Leon Inlet Light Station Museum’ to be exact...and decided to climb the 203 steps up to the top. What a view from up there!
We checked out the ‘Lens Exhibit Building’ where there were a number of old lighthouse lens that had been restored.
Roy showed us a bit more of that area before continuing onto the Olive Garden...it was time for lunch. Well, by this time it was already 4:00...so I guess it was more of an early dinner. Roy had read on our blog that my favourite restaurant is the Olive Garden, so that is where he suggested we go...thanks, Roy!
After filling up on delicious Olive Garden food, there was still some daylight left so we continued onto Daytona Beach and the Daytona 500 Race Track. Holy cats! It’s huge!
We drove through old Daytona Beach along the river. Sandy grew up in the area and pointed out places where she used to go and described what the area used to be like. It was all very interesting and great having tour guides who grew up in the area and were willing to share with us.
It was after 6:00 p.m. by the time we arrived back at Roy and Sandy’s. We said our goodbyes and after handshakes and hugs, we were on our way. We had thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon! Thank you so much for all your hospitality, Roy and Sandy. We look forward to the day when our paths may cross again!
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