We have decided to rent a car for a month...with so many appointments, it just makes sense. I also love having my "own" wheels to get out. So that was next on the agenda this morning. We went to Budget Car Rental and picked up a red Hyundai Elantra...nice!
Our next stop was at Mayfair Mall and Bell Mobility to set up an account for our MiFi as well as a plan for Steve's phone. We have never been with Bell, but Telus just does not have a data plan large enough for our needs. We own the device, so figured it was just a matter of opening an account and activating it....but when the Bell rep had problems, we found out that our device can only be used with Telus and we would have to purchase another device that is also only used with Bell. What?! We thought all mobile devices are now unlocked! Apparently not...cell phones are but not the MiFi devices. Well, that is just stupid! To make a long story short, by the end of the day, we had a small plan for Steve's phone...his phone is just a back-up phone...and another MiFi device, identical to the Telus one.
Steve's Uncle and Aunt (Gord and Esther) from Edmonton, Alberta rented a condo in Victoria for a month and invited us for lunch today. We left the courtesy car at the mall parking lot and headed downtown. The place they rented is on Fisgard Street in Chinatown....
...a beautiful old building that has been renovated into condos...
We sat outside on their small deck enjoying the sunshine. They are the couple that arranged the African tour we went on in 2016. Uncle Gord is a retired minister and has married and buried many of us...
...and then went inside for lunch....delicious, thanks!We had a great visit with them...so glad our time here in Victoria overlapped allowing a visit before they leave on Saturday!
When we left their place, we decided to take a drive over the new Johnson Street Bridge...
From the Internet...

In the raised position for boat traffic...

I dropped Steve off at the courtesy car and he headed off to pick up the truck...we had received a phone call while having lunch that it was ready...and then he went home. I went into the mall and finished up the paperwork at Bell.
I got home at about 4:30. Steve had finished his outside setup...the barbecue was out and he had outlined our site with solar lights...looks good!
Wednesday (Apr 3) we woke to rain...it had rained all through the night too. After our usual leisurely start to the day, we did our resistance exercises and had a big breakfast. Then it was time to get to work!
First we took care of a couple of phone calls...Steve called his dermatologist in Vancouver...she wants to see him every year for a check up. He has an appointment in September. Then I called BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) to let them know that we are back in the province after being away for 10 months (you have to let them know if you are out of the province over 6 months).
I defrosted and cleaned the refrigerator while Steve edited pictures...and that was our morning!
After lunch we headed off to our dentist appointment...as we got to the highway, we hit ferry traffic. Yikes! Hope we make our appointment in time! Travelling on the Patricia Bay Highway south towards Victoria is all about timing...to avoid ferry traffic...something we had forgotten about! Luckily we made our appointment on time. Although we try to have any major dental work done in Los Algodones, Mexico, we still like to go to our regular dentist here for cleanings and check ups. I found out I needed a filling as well as a new crown. I booked an appointment to have the filling done...it's a front tooth that is part of some bridge work that I had done years ago. I don't want any problems with that, so will have it done immediately. The crown can wait until next winter when we are down south. The estimate she gave me was $2100...it will cost a fraction of that at our dentist in Los Algodones. Steve's teeth are fine.
Thursday (Apr 4) was a beautiful sunny day. We went out for a walk, taking a path from the RV park marked "To Beach"...well it turned out to be too swampy and wet to make it to the beach but we found some great views. Edge of the RV Park on the right...
Looking towards the ocean...
Logs placed on the trail to keep your feet dry...ah NO!
So we took another trail and it just overlooked swampy areas on both sides. James Island in the distance...
RV Park...
Back in the RV park, we talked to a fellow who told us how to get down to the beach...turns out that folks just step over the low fence at the end of our road, that goes to a dead-end street down to the beach. That was our route when we lived here in 2010.
I said goodbye to Steve at this point as I planned to head out in the car to take care of some errands. Steve carried on to the beach and got some great pictures.
Panorama shot of the bay at low tide...
Creek flowing into the end of the bay...
It's strewn with animal bones...
The RV Park is on the Tsawout First Nation (Indian) Reservation. Steve thinks after a hunt they throw the carcasses here for the birds and other animals to pick at...
Low tide attracts lots of ducks, gulls and herons...
Anacortes Ferry from Washington State...
Arriving at Sidney...
Steve counted 14 herons here in total...9 in this photo...
At the end of "The Spit"...
(Click to enlarge)
Time to head back...
RV Park across the bay...
Our rig with the flag...
I was back home about 3:00 after picking up a prescription for my knee injection and stopping at Walmart and then Save-On-Foods for a little shopping.
While I was gone, Steve had taken the bikes off the back of the trailer, cleaned them up, and generally puttered around...he also met a couple of neighbours.
Then it was time to sit out in the late afternoon sunshine...we even have a little ocean view!
I finally took a picture of our rental...
While I was gone, Steve had taken the bikes off the back of the trailer, cleaned them up, and generally puttered around...he also met a couple of neighbours.
Then it was time to sit out in the late afternoon sunshine...we even have a little ocean view!
I finally took a picture of our rental...
Friday (Apr 5) morning I loaded the car trunk with laundry and drove up to the laundromat...and had a "fun" couple of hours taking care of that chore.
While I was doing that, Steve did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen...and then settled in to edit pictures for the day. It really wasn't a nice day weather-wise, so a good day to hunker down and work on that.
The appointment with my Orthopaedic Surgeon was at 1:40, so with an appointment later in the day, I took my Kindle fully expecting a wait. He usually ends up getting way behind as the day goes on, so I usually try to book an appointment early in the morning if possible. But I was just happy to get this appointment rather than wait until next month. To my surprise, I went right in...now that's a first!
He injected my left knee with the Durolane prescription...the Cingal that he had injected in it at Christmas time hadn't worked on that knee, but my right knee seems fine for now. I asked him for a re-assessment of my knees...he was rather hesitant until he learned that it had been over 4 years since the last x-rays, so he sent me "next door" where I had a bunch of x-rays. After the x-rays were done, I went back to see him because I had forgotten to get a letter to submit to my extended health provider for reimbursement of the $330 cost of the injection. While I was there, he pulled up my x-rays and compared them with the last ones...well, there has been significant deterioration on both knees. They are both basically down to "bone-on-bone". Well, I wasn't surprised! And was happy to finally get him to believe the pain I was going through. Since he no longer does knee replacement surgery, he will likely be referring me to one of his colleagues. However he wanted to wait to see how the injection worked, so I have another appointment at the end of May. (Update: after a few days, it was evident to me that the injection did not help at all, so I called his office and he agreed to refer me right away to one of his colleagues. I am now waiting to find out a date for a surgery consultation).
While I was doing that, Steve did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen...and then settled in to edit pictures for the day. It really wasn't a nice day weather-wise, so a good day to hunker down and work on that.
The appointment with my Orthopaedic Surgeon was at 1:40, so with an appointment later in the day, I took my Kindle fully expecting a wait. He usually ends up getting way behind as the day goes on, so I usually try to book an appointment early in the morning if possible. But I was just happy to get this appointment rather than wait until next month. To my surprise, I went right in...now that's a first!
He injected my left knee with the Durolane prescription...the Cingal that he had injected in it at Christmas time hadn't worked on that knee, but my right knee seems fine for now. I asked him for a re-assessment of my knees...he was rather hesitant until he learned that it had been over 4 years since the last x-rays, so he sent me "next door" where I had a bunch of x-rays. After the x-rays were done, I went back to see him because I had forgotten to get a letter to submit to my extended health provider for reimbursement of the $330 cost of the injection. While I was there, he pulled up my x-rays and compared them with the last ones...well, there has been significant deterioration on both knees. They are both basically down to "bone-on-bone". Well, I wasn't surprised! And was happy to finally get him to believe the pain I was going through. Since he no longer does knee replacement surgery, he will likely be referring me to one of his colleagues. However he wanted to wait to see how the injection worked, so I have another appointment at the end of May. (Update: after a few days, it was evident to me that the injection did not help at all, so I called his office and he agreed to refer me right away to one of his colleagues. I am now waiting to find out a date for a surgery consultation).
I was home by 3:00...time to relax with my legs up and an ice pack on my knee! A little while later, we heard a knock on the door...it was Steve's sister and brother-in-law, Nadine and Mike, with Uncle Gord and Aunt Esther. We are all getting together tonight out at Rob and Angie's for dinner and a final visit before they leave in the morning. We had a short visit and then they were off to show Gord and Esther around the area before going to the house.
We gathered our things and headed over to Rob and Angie's. Rob and Steve grilling burgers while Bryce "supervises"...
A fun evening filled with lots of conversation and laughs! Left to right around the table...Rob, Steve, Gord, Angie, Esther, Mike and Nadine...(We thought that was a halo around Mike's head but it was the back of the chair...LOL!)We gathered our things and headed over to Rob and Angie's. Rob and Steve grilling burgers while Bryce "supervises"...
Mike and Nadine's daughter, Amanda also came out for a visit...she's entertaining Bryce and Conner...
We called it an evening just after 9:00...a wonderful get together! Safe travels home to Edmonton tomorrow, Gord and Esther!
Saturday (Apr 6) we woke to wind, as predicted...there was a wind warning in affect. So right after breakfast, Steve and I went out to duct tape a couple of our tarp poles together to make them long enough to place up on top of the big slide topper and tie the ends down to stop it from flapping in the wind. Steve is going to buy some pvc pipe with elbows and make one for each slide topper.
With that done, Steve took over the laptop again and continued working on picture editing...and watching his TV shows. Since we won't be using our satellite radio for the next 6 months, I called Sirius to suspend or cancel the service. I was told they won't suspend purely on the basis that we won't be using it...not a good enough reason? And to cancel it, they would hold back $40 of our annual subscription...that's crazy! Afterwards Steve sent an email to them basically saying that after 8 years, their policy sucks and they've lost a loyal customer forever. Anyway, after many emails back and forth, we apparently have the option to re-subscribe for 6 months at a special reduced rate come October and our next suspension which we couldn't do before would be free. We'll see...
It was late morning by the time I was showered and ready to go out. I left Steve hunkered down inside out of the rain and wind and headed out by myself...have I mentioned how much I like having my own wheels? LOL! My first stop was at Wine Kitz to put on a batch of wine...and to visit the owners, Derek and Donna. Before we retired, I used to order my wine regularly and got to know them well...lovely folks! Ordering wine this way is much cheaper than purchasing it from a liquor store and since we are not moving around as much this summer, I thought I'd take advantage of it again. Besides, you can now put the wine in bladders (like buying boxed wine)...much easier than storing and carrying 36 bottles of wine!
After that, I bummed around Sidney for awhile, stopping for coffee and basically enjoying having some time to myself. I finished my afternoon off by treating myself to a much needed pedicure...perfect!
When I got home, Steve had finished editing another folder of pictures and had also managed to get out for a walk down to the beach.
Sunday (Apr 7) we went out for a walk down to the end of the spit...perhaps I should say, I hobbled. I guess I shouldn't be trying to walk so much with my sore knees but I find it hard to stop doing something I love to do.
Steve captured some more great pictures....
Shortly after 1:00 Rob arrived....followed by Angie and the boys who had been out visiting friends. Steve grilled hot dogs on the barbecue, with Conner and Bryce looking on...
...and although a little chilly with the wind, the sun would occasionally peak out...it was great having a little outdoor picnic...
After lunch, we all went down to the beach to fly the kid's kites...Steve used to do this with our boys when they were little while I grocery shopped. Bryce with Grandma. This didn't last long once Bryce discovered crabs under many of the rocks...
Angie getting Conner's kite ready while Rob holds onto the line...
Then we went back up to the playground in the RV park where the kids played on the swings for bit...
...before going inside the community building where they have a ping-pong table...
A foos-ball table...
Along with a whole bunch of other outdoor games that we took outside to play...lawn darts...
A game where you have to throw the disk into the hole...
Bocce ball...
We finished off the afternoon by going back to our site and sitting around the propane fire...
A great afternoon!
Monday (Apr 8) was back to being rainy day. I opened and sorted our mail that Rob had brought over yesterday...and gathered all of the paperwork for income tax preparation to take to our financial advisor.
Shortly after 10:00 we headed into Victoria to our meeting with our financial advisor. We gave him our income tax stuff and then he reviewed all of our investments with us. All is okay, we've basically just made up for the big losses in the markets that we had in December, so we made very little.
About an hour or so later, we said goodbye to Grant and after a couple of stops on the way home, I dropped Steve off at home and continued on into Sidney for an eye appointment. I needed a stronger prescription in my right eye...looks like the cataracts are getting worse. My consult appointment with the specialist is July 2.
I left the office to a huge downpour....so much rain! We are already missing the desert!
I thought the two of you would hop, skip and jump across those logs! Maybe when you knee is better, which will hopefully be soon. Lots of great bird shots and looks like you are getting a lot of grandkid time!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to being able to hop, skip and jump....well...at least walk properly again!
DeleteOceanside is a great place, we really liked it there when we stayed last year. That swampy path was very similar then as well, we didn't make it very far. Also nice it has the paths and places for the boys to play while visiting. Enjoy guys!
ReplyDeleteThe kids think that Gramma an Grampa's place is pretty cool!