Wednesday started off absolutely beautiful...so nice to see lots of blue sky! Steve went out fishing...
And I took Tucker for a walk around Leighton Lake. I had planned on just going up to the bench on the bluff but there were about a dozen cows laying smack dab in the middle of the trail. I figured they would move as Tucker and I got closer but all that happened was a few got up and stared at me in defiance...ok, you win, we'll go to plan b and go on another trail.
Steve took a picture of us...he was fishing in the cove near the creek between Tunkwa and Leighton lakes...
Well at least these cows aren't on the trail...but they are certainly keeping an eye on Tucker and I. See us on the far left...
Steve returned from fishing and had caught nothing but the bottom loosing some gear.
Well, our nice start to the day didn't last and by the afternoon dark heavy clouds and strong winds had come into the area. So with the wind, Steve thought he'd get his stunt kite out...
He practiced a few stunts occasionally crashing...
Steve led the way, so only a couple of pictures on this ride. Heading back down off the mountain, Steve managed to find the trail that we had taken a few years ago when riding the area with Earl and Allison. It ended up connecting to the main road where we rode a short distance to the turnoff up to a remote family cemetery. Bel and Ron, the folks from the Lower Mainland ATV Club, showed us this spot last Spring when we rode with them. Another great view from up there...but no pictures this time. We had our lunch up there and then as dark clouds were heading our way, we decided we had better get home before the rain set in.
We were back shortly after l:00...another great few hours out on the trails! The rain seemed to have skirted around us...for now. As a thank-you for the ride Steve had taken Doug out on the other day, he offered to bring over the park's power-washer to wash the quads. This was awesome because they were pretty muddy...so we managed to get them all clean and ready to load into the truck tomorrow...
Done just in time...a few minutes later, it started to pour!
With the rain, we figured that we would be hunkered down inside for the evening. However, by the time I was out of the shower, the rain had stopped and Steve was outside getting a campfire started.
We were sitting by the campfire when Sue and Doug joined us...a last visit with them as tomorrow they will likely be too busy with weekend campers arriving. Sam also walked down and chatted with us.
Friday morning Steve managed to get out on the lake fishing one final time. While he was doing that, I cleaned inside the trailer and was ready to lend him a hand outside when he got back. He was skunked again. The fishing was certainly better last spring.
Once that was done, we went down to the lake to load the boat. It was a busy afternoon getting all the toys packed away...so we were happy to relax in front of one final campfire.
We head back down to Fort Langley tomorrow...wow, that was a fast summer!
it was indeed a 'fast summer'..your visit was so short this time round..can't believe that Fall is just around the corner!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for everything guys! It was great spending more time with you.