Shannon and Andre joined us and we sat chatting...
A flock of Pelicans flew over...
A lot of chit-chat filled the morning and next thing we knew, it was after noon. Paul offered the use of his power-washer to clean the quads before loading them, so Steve rode his quad up to the house. Dave rode mine up...thanks, Dave! I stayed behind thinking I might get a blog update done...but that didn't happen; I made a big pot of chili instead.
While up at the house, Steve got a tour (I didn't miss out though...I got mine a little later).
They started on the sundeck...this is one end...
Outdoor kitchen on the other end...
The backyard...
The big kitchen was open to the full two stories...
...with a beautiful canoe hanging from the ceiling...
Upstairs is the huge master bedroom, complete with a gigantic ensuite bathroom and walk-in closet. From it, there is a spiral stair that takes you up to Diana's art studio where she has magnificent views to paint...
Quads lined up below ready for a washing. The lake used to be up to the trees...
Looking down into the kitchen from the second floor. Diana also has a Rieki studio (to the left off the kitchen) and there is also an office on the main floor.
Then the basement...more beautiful living area where Paul has his collection of guitars. There are also two bedrooms down there.
There is also a huge room above the garage...currently it is used for storage but they are considering transforming it into Diana's Reiki studio. It has a separate entrance off the side (once a staircase is built) and could also make for a great suite...its plumbed for a bathroom, add a little kitchenette...and you're good to go!
After power-washing the quads and a tour of the house, Dave and Steve decided to do a little road repair. That's Dave loading some gravel...
...into the back of his side-x-side. Steve drove the mini dump truck while Dave followed in the tractor... they could fill the ruts in the road. Good job, guys!
Shannon and Andre were leaving today...but before they did, Steve got a group picture. Left to right...Shannon, Andre, Dave, Leslie, Diana, Paul, Denise, Allen and Lisa...
Paul driving me up to the house for my tour...
Leslie came along and gave me the tour, rifle and all...
Diana and Paul's daughter, Ashley came out for a visit along with her 11 month old daughter Aubrey. Their son, Ryan also happened to be there...he's playing the guitar ( son...)
Then it was time to set up the bean-bag game in the shade..."the girls vs the boys"...
Diana and Paul...
Denise, Paul and Dave...
Leslie's turn to throw...
Allen...the master bean bag thrower!
Aubrey..."Let me outa here"!
Great-Grandma, Denise, taking Aubrey for a walk...with Grandma, Diana watching...
Paul making Margaritas for everyone (it certainly improved my game!)...That's quite the machine!
Our final tie-breaking game, with the guys in the lead was quickly shut down as a thunderstorm rolled in with very strong winds...making everyone scramble to get things undercover. With the rain outside, everyone managed to fit into our trailer for dinner...9 people plus a baby...I think that is the most we've had for dinner!
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