Tuesday morning at 10:00, everyone gathered at our place in preparation for another day of riding out on the quads. Today there would be 7 machines...6 quads - Earl, Eric, Art, Fred, Steve and I and one side-by-side - Jim and Barb, along with Daisy.

It was a pretty chilly morning as we headed out...we're heading to Diablo Pass.
(Remember to click on pictures to enlarge)
As we are heading up to the pass, we pulled over to allow fifteen jeeps pass...
Our turn to head up...
...and up...
...and up...
Looking back down the trail...that's Eric coming up...
A break up at the top...
...before heading down the other side...
That's me...
Jim and Barb...
Up and down...and around...such a great trail...
Daisy peeking out from her spot...
Up to Dome Basin Mine...
Lunch time!
And a selfie...

This little fellow quite liked Daisy's blanket that Barb put out on the rocks...once Daisy saw it, the chase was on! We think it's a juvenile Chuckwalla...
Jim and Barb went up to find a geocache hidden by Earl...
Steve and Eric went up after them...leaving the rest of us waiting down below...
Time to hunt for a geocache...
Jim and Barb found it!
While the rest of us wait down below...
And look what we saw on the trails...Desert Bighorn Sheep...very cool!
Lots of ups and downs twists and turns...this part of the trail was fun!
Amazing trails!
It was about 4:00 when we got home...another great day out on the trails!
Apparently there had been some excitement in our area while we were gone. There is a fellow down the road with an extremely noisy construction type generator that has been an annoyance to all around him. Quiet time is 10 pm to 6 am however we have heard him fire it up at 4:17 am and run it after 10 pm. Apparently he has even left it running all day long while they are away until it eventually runs out of fuel. Well, one of our neighbours who is a real nice guy went over to talk to him about the generator and was attacked getting hit in the head with something. Our neighbour, in his 70's, in self defense lost it and punched the guy 3 times in the head apparently breaking his nose and maybe more. Two Ranger vehicles and a Sheriff's car (guns drawn), two ambulances and a fire rescue truck arrived. Our nice neighbour was arrested and spent the night in jail while the other guy spent a night in the hospital. The police apparently couldn't find the weapon that was used to hit our neighbour and there were no witnesses so it's a "he said she said" type of thing. Once out of jail our nice neighbour was ordered to leave the area but can return next season and we are left with the noisy neighbour...sheesh!
After getting cleaned up, we enjoyed a cold bevie outside with Eric, Earl, Barb and Jim. Rob and Peg stopped by too a little later...
Wednesday morning Pam messaged me asking if Steve and I wanted to join her and Red at a "Geocaching History Tour" being put on by the Escapees group. She has been attending a number of seminars about geocaching in the area this week. We said "sure"...and made arrangements to leave at about 11:45, grab a bite to eat in town, and then head out to the meeting place.
At about 11:00 when the newest addition to our community arrived...Dave and Diane pulled in and took a spot just to the west of us. We originally met them at the RV-Dreams Rally September, 2012 in Oregon, and met up again at the boondocking rally in February 2013...and have stayed in touch. We have connected every winter since...good to see you both again!
At 11:45, we piled into Red and Pam's truck and headed off. After a stop at Main Street Restaurant for lunch, we went to meet the group lining up on the road outside of Road Runner BLM. With everyone ready, we followed the procession of vehicles and turned onto Old Yuma Road. Well, it turned out the historic spot they were going to was a spot that we have gone to many times...the petroglyphs and Indian grinding holes at Tyson Wash.
With vehicles parked, the group walked down to the wash...
The old fellow talking runs the Quartzsite Museum...
Then we went in search of a few geocaches...this hide was very unique...
Another geocache...near a very cool Saguaro...
Late afternoon, we gathered at Red and Pam's for happy hour before grilling steaks and joining the rest of the group around the campfire at Lee and Tracy's....
Thursday was a work day...time to get some chores done! Shortly after 10:00 Steve and I headed into town. He dropped me off at the laundromat and while I took care of that, Steve got propane, gas, drinking water and picked up a package (the new CV axle boot for my quad) at Quiet Times. I was finished and had just pushed the laundry basket out the door as he pulled into the parking lot...what timing!
The rest of the morning and afternoon was spent continuing on with our chores...Steve emptied the holding tanks and filled the fresh water tank while I cleaned inside. It was a busy day with us both taking care of lots of stuff that needed to be done...can't be all fun and games all the time, I guess!
By late afternoon, with my work done, I decided to sit outside with my crocheting. We ended up having an impromptu happy hour with Dave, Diane, Red and Pam joining us for a drink. Once the sun had gone down...no clouds, so no colourful sunset tonight...we called it an evening.
Well, the weeks are just flying by...can't believe it's Friday again already and just another couple of days and we're into February!