Steve did something different at this car wash...we stopped at the park and filled the blue water containers with water and he used it to fill his bucket. This way, he was able to use his own soap and control when he wanted the metered water on and off. This worked well, and we also used a lot fewer quarters!
Two and a half hours later, we (or should I say, Steve) was done and we were on our way home. We had a bite to eat for lunch and then got ready to go to the Blythe I-10 Race Track.
Dennis and Charlene picked us up at 1:45 and we headed to the track to watch the race cars "try and tune" in preparation for the races tomorrow afternoon. There were four classifications of cars getting out on the track today.
This driver is 7 years old and it's his first time driving!
He spun out a couple of times...
These are Legend cars that run 1200 cc motorcycle engines
Legend car spins out...
This is the Pinto class...yes, the old Pinto cars...this one spins out...
The fourth class trying out the track today were the Stock cars. Only one showed up...I guess the rest are all "tuned" and ready to go tomorrow!
The track closed at about 4:15. We had been the only ones in the stands was nice because Dennis was able to ask the "flag guy" lots of questions about the cars, drivers and the track. We were invited to stay for the dinner afterwards but after a lot of humming and hawing, decided against it...mainly because the food wasn't going to be served for another 30 to 45 minutes, the sun had gone down and it was getting chilly...besides, I kind of felt that we would be intruding...the dinner was being hosted by Lucas Oil for all of the drivers, pit crews and their families.
So we headed home...where Charlene invited us over for homemade bean soup...nice! We enjoyed another evening...cocktails, a delicious hearty soup...and great company! Thanks guys!