It was another gorgeous day! After our usual coffee start to the day, it was time to do our exercises, have breakfast and shower. As we were finishing up inside, more RV-Dreamers arrived...we walked down to welcome Harry and Vicky...we had met them last September at the Oregon rally. It's so good to see them again! Karen and Bob are leaving today, so we also went over to say goodbye to them...until next time you two...great seeing you!

Shortly after 11:00 we all hopped into vehicles and headed to
The Desert Bar ...we had a convoy as about a dozen vehicles drove the 40 or so miles north through Parker to Cienega Springs Road
. We went with Bill and Loretta...thanks for the lift, guys! The Desert Bar is 5 miles off highway 95 on a dirt road that is a little wash-boardy. When we were here last November, we offloaded our ATVs and rode them to the bar.
We arrived at about 12:15 and it was already packed...amazing considering it just opened at noon.
The first group to arrive had saved a long table and bleachers down below near the stage.
We had no shade...good thing we had sun screen on! But, of course, I forgot my sun hat.
Dave and Diane...
Vicky and Harry...
The band playing, "Hard Rain", was very good and had everyone justa' rockin'! They said this was their 14th year playing at the Desert Bar and today's crowd was the largest they have ever seen.
Linda justa groovin' to the tunes (with Howard behind her)...
Steve went out to the hill above us to take a picture of our's kind of hard to see us but we are way over in the back...Howard's bright yellow t-shirt is easy to pick out...if you zoom in...
The concrete structure on the right was just a cement foundation when we were here last November...
This is the upper level near the entrance bridge...
The band was really good but after a couple of hours sitting in the hot sun, it was time to go...this cool amphibious car was parked just outside the entrance....
After a stop at Walmart to pick up a few things, we headed was great chatting with Loretta and Bill, thanks again for the ride!
As usual, the evening campfires were lit and we all sat around chatting...the end to another great day and our last day here with the RV-Dreams group.
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