...and then goes inland for a bit...
...and then comes out at another part of the lake...
...and ends at a beaver viewing platform (but we didn't see any beavers)...
Beaver Dam...
These are pictures as we returned to "our" side of the lake...
Day use area centre and our site on the far right...
The dock near the boat launch...
We were back at the trailer by 11:40, dropped off the backpack and then went for a walk around the campground. It had really cleared out. This is a nice pull out lakefront site...
Back at our site, we relaxed for a bit and then Steve decided he was going to try his luck fishing again...out in his tube again...
Time to play with the wine/waterproof (to 50') feature on our new camera...above and below the water...
Can you see his yellow floating fly line above and wave reflections on the bottom...
While Steve was out fishing, I baked some trail bars and a walnut raisin loaf and then sat outside reading my book. It was shortly after 3:00 when he came back in...apparently there really aren't any fish in this lake!
We sat enjoying the view and the sunshine until it was time to head inside and get dinner on. While I was doing that, Steve started his pack up outside since we are leaving in the morning. We spent the evening watching TV and reading and were both in bed by 10:00 to conserve battery power. The generator hours are a little off for our liking...6 to 8 p.m. would work better for us instead of 5 to 7 p.m. Even with all of the sunshine we had today, the solar wasn't able to fully charge the batteries...trees blocking the sunrays, I guess.
Dianne, what beautiful photos! This has to be one of the clearest days you've had. What amazing reflection pictures! The sky and lakes are so pretty.