There was a beautiful sunrise this morning...
We left the campground at 8:00 and continued south on a much smoother road than we had experienced prior to Boya Lake. This is Mud Lake...
Such a beautiful day...
Arriving at Jade City...
We stopped for about 20 minutes and then were back on the road...
Cottonwood River...
Time to turn on the lights...
Approaching Dease Lake...
Steve had stopped to make sure that the paint was dry...this line runs just as far behind us.
We stopped in the town of Dease Lake to fuel up with diesel and get gas for the generator/boat motor. Next door to the station/store, was Rumors Café that advertised free we thought we would go in and have a coffee. Well, the "fine print" was that you had to eat something for it to be free, so we decided that since it was going onto noon, we would share a burger. After checking our email and sending a couple, we were finished there. I stopped to use a pay phone to change a scheduled appointment I had in Victoria and then we were on our way. We stopped at a local RV Park to use their sani-dump ($10 charge) and add fresh water...and then we were on the road again.
Cubby of Grouse...remnants of one that didn't make it...
The leaves are starting to change colour...
Tatogga Lake Resort...
Kinaskan Lake...
I walked down to the information kiosk to check what the generator hours were while Steve started getting ready to set up the satellite. While I was walking through the campground, a herd of horses came running through and I didn't have my camera with me!!
After trying five different locations for the satellite, with no luck, we gave internet and no satellite TV at Kinaskan Lake...but it is such a beautiful spot! We had just finished eating our dinner sitting in our chairs by the lake when the park attendant came by the collect...$16/night, no hookups. We had a nice chat with her...she lives here year round.
It was going onto 8:30 by this time so we decided it was time to head inside. Steve watched a PVR'd show while I updated my notes and played a little Sudoku on the iPad. Then we called it a night...Steve is looking forward to getting out in his boat fishing tomorrow. Hopefully, he has better luck than at Boya Lake!
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