After a stop at the sani-dump, we left Chena River State Campground at about 9:30 and headed south on the Richardson Highway (AK-2).

We didn't go very far before we came to our first stop...the town of North Pole (about 15 miles from Fairbanks).
Interesting light poles....

Of course, we had to stop and go into Santa Claus House...
Santa Claus was even there!
Quite the store...
Santa's Reindeer....
After we were back on the road for a bit, we stopped at a rest area...this helicopter was transporting people somewhere. He made two trips while we were there.
The rest area is also a historic site...
Scenery along the way...
Tanana River...

We passed through Delta Junction...this is where the highway we were on changes to the Alaska Highway. At a junction, the Richardson Highway continues south to Glennallen as AK-4. Delta Junction is the official end of the Alaska Highway...Mile 1422 (that's 2289 kms from Dawson Creek!)
Gerstle River...
Johnson River...
Fireweed fluff in the air...
Recent forest fire areas outside of Tok...
This is the Tanana River south of Tok...

We stopped for diesel in Tok and then continued on for about another half hour or so until we found a lovely pull-out off the highway at Midway Lake. We decided to stop here for the night.
Not a bad view from our overnight spot...

After doing a minimal setup, we sat outside enjoying the view until it was time to go in for dinner. We spent the rest of the evening watching TV and reading.
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