We were dropped off at an Appleby`s just across the street from the mall. The Appleby`s wasn`t open yet but there was a Denny`s right next door...which is where we really wanted to go but didn`t know it was there. It wasn`t until the driver dropped us off that he noticed it and yelled out the window to tell us. Steve loves the Grand Slam breakfast...two pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, orange juice and coffee for $8.00!!
It was around 9:00 when we were all done breakfast and heading across the street to the mall. Since the mall stores don`t open until 10:00, we joined the "mall walkers" and then settled at a table in the food court. Steve was on the iPad and I had the iPod.
The stores had just opened and I went to explore a bit while Steve remained at the table, when he received a phone call from service manager Brian at Midway. After a 40 mile test drive by the mechanic, the computer read-out from the truck indicated that the fan clutch was cutting in and out at the correct temperatures and an external and internal inspection showed no sign of a coolant leak. Sheesh! It was a little difficult to discuss much in the noisy food court, so we called for the shuttle and returned to Midway.
But before we do that, we wanted to go to the "Sketchers" shoe store. We both wanted a new pair of walking shoes. As usual, they didn`t have Steve`s size in the pair he wanted....so that was that...we`ll have to go to another store...sometime.
It was noon by the time the shuttle driver dropped us off at Midway...the lunch hour...great! I left Steve at the commercial truck division and went to wait in the customer service lounge. I`d say it was a good hour—hour and a half when Steve came back to get me. I`ll let him explain the end result...
To make a long story short...after a test drive in which it was concluded that the fan clutch was loud and a phone call by the Service Manager, Brian to somebody else I was told that they wouldn’t replace it for noise as it is operating at the correct temperatures. Technically the fan clutch isn’t covered under the extended warranty and I wasn't about to pay for fan clutch #4. Today was a waste of time...however it was good to have these things looked at and documented before the warranty expires in case we have issues in the future.
One cool thing Brian showed me was the computer printout called the health report. It’s just like a flight data recorder showing: Fuel economy...7.13 mpg, fuel consumed...4,623.13 gallons, engine/emission and brake condition, highway/city miles driven, idling hours and idling fuel consumed and much more...interesting stuff.
With all of the test drives, the truck was running on fumes so the first thing we had to do when we left Midway was to fuel up with diesel. There was a Fry’s just down the street with diesel at $3.70/gallon...the cheapest we have seen it since we’ve been down south. Unfortunately, the maximum authorization when using a credit card at the pump is $150, which didn’t fill one tank...so we ended up just putting $150 in each tank. That will do...we can fill up another time.
I put the groceries away while Steve puttered around outside. We were about to relax in our chairs and watch the sun go down when we thought we would go over and meet our neighbours. They happened to be from BC as well...Nanaimo, as a matter of fact, more Vancouver Islanders! What a small world.
We sat outside for a bit and once the sun went down, it got quite chilly, so we headed inside. We are looking forward to just having a relaxing day around here tomorrow.
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