We were up and ready to head out by 9:00 this morning. Bob and Sue left just ahead of us. Earl and Allison lead our procession, followed by Eric and then Steve and I. It was another beautiful day as we all headed north to Parker, AZ.
After a quick rest break in Parker, we continued the short distance to Cienega Springs Road. The first pull-out area where we could offload the quads was full, so we continued further on the bumpy road and found another area. Here we all are, offloading our quads and getting ready for today's ride...
And we're off!

We started off by exploring different trails...this one didn't seem to be taking us in the direction that we wanted to go, so we turned around...that's Earl and Allison in front, followed by Eric and then me...
Eric, me, Bob and then Sue and Vince in the RZR side-by-side...
Arriving at the back entrance to
the Desert Bar. Earl, Allison and Eric are already parked on the hillside...
It was just after 11:30 when we arrived at the Desert Bar and even though it doesn't open until noon, it was already packed with people jockeying for tables in the shade (which are few and far between). We found a spot, had a beer and then it was time to get lunch. Here are Allison and I standing in line at the Gyros stand. Steve, Bob and Eric were in the longer line-up for burgers. fries, etc...
Just finished lunch and waiting for the band to start...(left to right...Allison, Eric, Steve, Earl, Vince, Bob and Sue)...
The Bob Gulley Band were playing today...
This is the lower level where there is food (and line-ups), more seating plus another stage...

Before we left, Steve wandered around and took more pictures...
New section below has food and washrooms...
Ladies line dancing...
It's a busy place!
View of the main road left, and trail right from the hilltop above the Desert Bar...
The original bar...we are parked on the far right...
They now have helicopter tours from here...this is one ready for take off...
Tortoise, rocking chair, and bench all made out of horseshoes...and the horseshoe pitch behind the bar...

Eric and Sue...and the helicopter tour returning...

It was shortly after 2:00 when we decided to head back out for a little more exploring on the trails...and we're off!
More riders below...
Earl and Allison heading up to the viewpoint. It was quite steep and rough, so I chose to stay down below. Sue and Vince in the RZR didn't go up either (not quite sure whether it was to keep me company or whether Sue didn't want to drive up either)...
Earl, Allison and Bob ahead at the viewpoint...
Wow! Colorado River in the distance. Dianne, Sue and Vince have been joined by others down below centre right...
Be careful Earl...it's a long way down!!
Mining shaft to the left of this colourful rock...
Colorado River...

Down we go...back to where Sue, Vince and Dianne are waiting...
Better view of the river...
Old stone building...
Eric, Steve and I headed back to the trucks while Earl/Allison, Bob and Sue/Vince checked out another area. On our way home we stopped at Safeway in Parker and were just pulling back onto the highway when we met Bob, Sue and Vince, and Earl and Allison...so they weren't too far behind us.
It was around 4:30 when we got home. Another great day! I know it must be getting a little tedious with all of the ATV'ing pictures but we only have one week left and then we will be washing and putting the quads away for the winter. We will be going to Estrella Mountain Regional Park (just west of Phoenix), followed by Blythe, CA and then Indio, CA before we start our trek north back to Canada...so after this week, that will be it for ATV pictures until this spring/summer in BC.

Allison, Earl and Eric joined us for happy hour in the late afternoon sunshine. Shortly after 6:00, they headed home and we retreated inside...but Steve did go out to capture this beautiful sunset...