Friday and Saturday, February 7 and 8, 2020 (La Posa South LTVA, Quartzsite, AZ)

Friday afternoon Steve and Dave joined Earl/Allison, Red/Pam, Colan/Marilyn and Len on a ride to Livingston Mine. Still not confident that my quad would run okay, Steve rode it while Dave took Steve's quad.

Steve giving last minute instructions before they leave...
And they're off...Earl and Allison in the lead...
Steve, Red and Pam...
Dave, Colan and Marilyn, with Len following as tail gunner...
Over to Steve now...

Arriving at Livingston Mine...

Dave checking out the mine entrance...
It doesn't go in very far...
Some sort of shute perhaps...
As we continued on Earl came to a stop and pointed uphill...that small light coloured area below the mountain was a small herd of Bighorn Sheep...
They didn't seem too concerned about us and continued to graze...
When we started moving they did too...we were able to get quite close and I counted 6 of them...
Today's ride was just a short one and was a good test run for my ran great!

Dave and Cheryl McMechan are leaving we managed to have one final get together with them...left to right around the circle: me, Leslie, Dave R., Cheryl, Dave M., Fran, Len, Roger, Cindi, Earl...
The others departed leaving the six of us to enjoy a little Campfire-In-A-Can time. Great connecting with you, Dave and travels!
Saturday (Feb. 8)  morning we noticed the Doves had come by again to have breakfast. It took a while before any birds noticed the seed we have out for them but we are now getting quite a number.
Cindi and Roger are leading a ride out to Patton's Dam and Camp. It's a fairly easy, level ride so I decided to join them on my own quad.

I'll pass this on to Steve...
As we were passing the Arco Station an elderly fellow pulled up next to me and asked if this was a private ride or could anyone join in. I said he was welcome to join. We later learned that he was to meet a group there for a ride but they didn't show up.

Parked on the ridge of Patton's Dam...
We're not sure on the actual history of this man made ridge...
We continued onto a wildlife watering station called a guzzler where we had lunch...
Earl called me over to have a look at these weird tracks. They lead to a wildlife trail and our best guess was the animals over time have place their hoofs into the same spot leaving them void of stones...a desert mystery for sure!
After lunch we headed towards Patton's Camps. During WWII Patton had many training camps in the area...
Everyone zoomed past this camp without stopping except for me...the tail gunner. So I did and took a couple of pictures...
Camp number D-124...
You can still see tank tracks in several areas after almost 80 years! There were some better ones than these but I was already quite a ways behind the group so had to keep going. Once I caught up I took the lead...
We found another camp near the I-10...

Earl and Allison left the group to do some geocaching. I was volunteered to find our way to Beer Belly's Adult Daycare even though I hadn't been in this area for years! Might end up with the blind leading the blind...LOL! I did find our way back to town which turned out to be quite easy...Red and Pam returned to camp while the rest of us continued on. What would a quad ride be without finishing up a great day at Beer Belly's Adult Daycare!

Sue and Guy, Roger, Colan and Marilyn, our new tag along friend Don, Cindi and Steve...
That night Steve got a couple of great shots of the Snow Moon...Wow!


  1. Glad you were able to get out on a ride. Great moon pictures Steve.

    1. Thanks! I’ve taken many moon shots and this is the only one that’s ever turned out. I guess it’s because it wasn’t dark out.

  2. Looks like more fun rides. The Ranger is getting bored up on the trailer.

    1. You could point it back in our direction...just sayin. 😉

  3. More of a message to you than a post to your blog...

    Thanks again to Steve for his gps track to Preacher Pass. We finally got to go out there yesterday. I enjoyed his choice of trail that went past Pattons camps and on top the dam. Then, the long ride out to Preachers. Scenic ride, and then I enjoyed the steep climbs on Preacher. Barb did not so much. My rubicon handled it easy.

    Thanks again Steve.


  4. I appreciate being able to go for a ride or 2, thanks to both of you! Great pic of the moon, it was incredible to see.

    1. Any time Dave. We have to get Leslie out before you leave.
