Thursday, December 13 has finally arrived! The day we fly home to meet our newest grandson, Issac, and spend time with family and friends.
Suzanne was up early to cook us a delicious breakfast...and then we showered and packed our suitcases. We had some "summer" clothes that we didn't want to take with us...they will go into another bag we brought along. Suzanne even offered to launder them for, that's service! Thanks Suz!
Dennis was keeping an eye on the traffic and it was fairly heavy on the way to the airport. So not wanting to take any chances, especially with the early Christmas travellers, we headed out just after 10:00. It ended up only taking us about a half hour, so we were early...but better early than late! Thanks Dennis and Suzanne for all your hospitality...see you in a couple of weeks!
The Westjet kiosks weren't working to print off our luggage tags, so we had to stand in line to see a customer service rep...then we had the usual rigmarole getting through security. With lots of time to spare, we found a restaurant/bar near our gate...Cowboy Ciao...and relaxed with a beer....
Our plane was about 10 minutes late leaving but we were soon on our way...taxiing over the road below...
Bye Phoenix!
Sure looks a lot bigger from up here...
The Grand Canyon in the distance...
Lake Mead and the Colorado River near Vegas...
Hoover Dam and the new bridge...
Las Vegas strip...
Looks like a couple of volcano's...
We had a good flight with just a little turbulence as we neared wonder as it was a miserable rainy evening on the BC coast.
Clearing Canadian Customs was a breeze...they now have kiosks where you scan your passport, answer the questions that used to done by paper on the plane before you landed. Unfortunately, there were a number of flights landing at the same time and we had to wait for our suitcases. I hate standing there watching all the luggage come down the conveyor belt and you're waiting and waiting for yours...afraid that it isn't going to come. But at last it did, and we finally got through into the arrivals area where Chris was waiting for us.
The traffic on the way to Chris and Angela's place was terrible...the fact that it was dark, raining and windy didn't help. In fact it was some of the rainiest weather on record! When we arrived, Angela had dinner waiting...and Isaac was sleeping. It was all I could do not to pick him up...but alas, after a delicious dinner, I finally got my chance...he's now 10 days old. can hold him too...but only for a moment LOL! Isn't he just perfect?!
Friday, still being on Arizona time, we were awake very early. So I went downstairs and put the coffee on. About 5:30 Chris came down with Isaac...he had had a rough night, and therefore so had mom and dad. Chris left him with me, I fed him a little formula to supplement what mom had already given him...while Chris and Angela went back to sleep.
Three hours later, Isaac was ready to be fed again, so Chris came down to get him. They also had a check-up appointment with the doctor and had to get ready.
Once they had gone, I finally decided I had better shower and get myself cleaned up. Steve had been working on picture editing all morning and had some ready for a blog. Yay...another blog update done!
I also received some very sad news today...Tucker, my walking buddy for a few summers, passed away. I was so saddened by this...I can't imagine how Sue and Doug felt loosing their furry son. He was such a beautiful (or should I say handsome) Golden Retriever with such a personality...Rest in peace will always make me smile when I think of all the fun we had at both Tunkwa and Monck Provincial Parks.
Sure looks a lot bigger from up here...
The Grand Canyon in the distance...
Lake Mead and the Colorado River near Vegas...
Hoover Dam and the new bridge...
Las Vegas strip...
Looks like a couple of volcano's...
We had a good flight with just a little turbulence as we neared wonder as it was a miserable rainy evening on the BC coast.
Clearing Canadian Customs was a breeze...they now have kiosks where you scan your passport, answer the questions that used to done by paper on the plane before you landed. Unfortunately, there were a number of flights landing at the same time and we had to wait for our suitcases. I hate standing there watching all the luggage come down the conveyor belt and you're waiting and waiting for yours...afraid that it isn't going to come. But at last it did, and we finally got through into the arrivals area where Chris was waiting for us.
The traffic on the way to Chris and Angela's place was terrible...the fact that it was dark, raining and windy didn't help. In fact it was some of the rainiest weather on record! When we arrived, Angela had dinner waiting...and Isaac was sleeping. It was all I could do not to pick him up...but alas, after a delicious dinner, I finally got my chance...he's now 10 days old. can hold him too...but only for a moment LOL! Isn't he just perfect?!
Friday, still being on Arizona time, we were awake very early. So I went downstairs and put the coffee on. About 5:30 Chris came down with Isaac...he had had a rough night, and therefore so had mom and dad. Chris left him with me, I fed him a little formula to supplement what mom had already given him...while Chris and Angela went back to sleep.
Three hours later, Isaac was ready to be fed again, so Chris came down to get him. They also had a check-up appointment with the doctor and had to get ready.
Once they had gone, I finally decided I had better shower and get myself cleaned up. Steve had been working on picture editing all morning and had some ready for a blog. Yay...another blog update done!

Our other son, Rob, and his family are coming over today from Vancouver Island to meet their new nephew and cousin. Rob, Angie, Conner and Bryce arrived around 11:30. They visited for awhile and then went to check into a nearby hotel.
Just after 2:00, Bev (Steve's cousin) and Rob arrived, followed shortly by Esther and Paul. Unfortunately, other family couldn't make it...but it was so nice to see those that could make it. Of course, they were all anxious to meet Isaac.
Paul, Esther and Bev holding Isaac...
Rob returned with the kids, leaving Angie to rest at the hotel...probably best as she is just getting over a cold. Uncle Rob holding his new nephew...
Bryce and Conner opening Christmas presents from Uncle Chris and Auntie Zia (Angela)...
Bev and Rob...
Me, Paul, Esther, Bev, Chris, Rob, Angela and Rob...
Both cousins wanted a chance to "hold" baby Isaac...
After a lovely few hours catching up with Bev and Rob, and Esther and Paul, they all headed off. Great seeing you all..Merry Christmas!
Sunday (Dec. 16) I was up at 5:30...about a half hour later, Steve joined me downstairs. Chris didn't bring Isaac down until about 7:00...leaving him with us and going back to bed for a couple of hours.
Bev and Rob...
Me, Paul, Esther, Bev, Chris, Rob, Angela and Rob...
Both cousins wanted a chance to "hold" baby Isaac...
After a lovely few hours catching up with Bev and Rob, and Esther and Paul, they all headed off. Great seeing you all..Merry Christmas!
Sunday (Dec. 16) I was up at 5:30...about a half hour later, Steve joined me downstairs. Chris didn't bring Isaac down until about 7:00...leaving him with us and going back to bed for a couple of hours.
Rob, Angie and the boys arrived just before 11:00...and picture time, of course! All the Colibaba boys...Grampa Steve with Conner in front of him, Chris holding Isaac, and Rob with Bryce...
Love this picture! Angela and Chris holding Isaac...and Rob, Bryce, Angie and Conner (we're very proud of our sons and their families! xo)
Rob, Angie and the boys left just after 3:00 to catch the ferry back over to Vancouver Island. It was so nice having the whole family together! We'll see you in a few days!
Angela's parents invited us all over for Sunday dinner, so we all managed to pile into the car...Angela and I in the backseat along with Isaac in the baby car seat.
Bis Nonna (Great Grandma) holding Isaac and Marc (Angela's brother)...
Dinner time! We always look forward to an Italian dinner and home made wine. Steve taking a group selfie...Steve, me, Amanda (Joe's fiance), Joe, Luigi, Nonna, Marc, Lucy holding Isaac, Angela and Chris...
And before we leave, a family picture...
Thanks for a wonderful dinner and evening, Lucy and Luigi! So wonderful seeing you all again!
Monday (Dec. 17)...this time change is really causing havoc on me. I was wide awake before 5:00 this morning! Hmmm...on the other hand, maybe I'm just excited about having my "Isaac" time LOL!
Chris brought him down just after 6:00. I gave him some formula and then he stayed awake for almost 2 hours! He seemed more alert and curious about his surroundings.
We had a pretty "chill" day today...doing a little of this, a little of that, a little TV...just enjoying time together.
Love this picture! Angela and Chris holding Isaac...and Rob, Bryce, Angie and Conner (we're very proud of our sons and their families! xo)
Rob, Angie and the boys left just after 3:00 to catch the ferry back over to Vancouver Island. It was so nice having the whole family together! We'll see you in a few days!
Angela's parents invited us all over for Sunday dinner, so we all managed to pile into the car...Angela and I in the backseat along with Isaac in the baby car seat.
Bis Nonna (Great Grandma) holding Isaac and Marc (Angela's brother)...
And before we leave, a family picture...
Thanks for a wonderful dinner and evening, Lucy and Luigi! So wonderful seeing you all again!
Monday (Dec. 17)...this time change is really causing havoc on me. I was wide awake before 5:00 this morning! Hmmm...on the other hand, maybe I'm just excited about having my "Isaac" time LOL!
Chris brought him down just after 6:00. I gave him some formula and then he stayed awake for almost 2 hours! He seemed more alert and curious about his surroundings.
We had a pretty "chill" day today...doing a little of this, a little of that, a little TV...just enjoying time together.
I took care of a few odds and a hotel near the Vancouver airport for December 26 when we come back from the island to fly back to Phoenix. I also purchased our travel medical insurance for the rest of our stay in the USA.
Angela cooked the best ribs for dinner...absolutely delicious! A great dinner!
Chris and Angela decided to sneak in a nap while Steve and I stayed with about 10:00 they came downstairs and it was time for us to head to bed!
Angela cooked the best ribs for dinner...absolutely delicious! A great dinner!
Chris and Angela decided to sneak in a nap while Steve and I stayed with about 10:00 they came downstairs and it was time for us to head to bed!
We had our usual start to the day Wednesday (Dec. 19)...and then I put on a load of laundry and we packed our suitcases. Our time with Chris, Angela and Isaac has come to an end...we are heading over to Vancouver Island today.
We got one final picture of the new expanded family before leaving...
Chris drove us to the ferry...with plenty of time to spare for the 3:00 sailing. Thanks for all your hospitality, Chris and Angela! We are certainly going to miss baby Isaac...but they have promised to send lots of pictures! Looking forward to seeing you all again in April!
Rob picked us up at the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal and, as usual, dropped us off at the airport to pick up a rental car. We have 2 days of appointments, so decided it would be more convenient to rent a car for Thursday and Friday.
When we arrived at the house, we had a wonderful greeting from Conner and Bryce! They were so excited to see us and give us our Christmas presents...we had to unwrap them as soon as we got in the house! Thanks for the beer and wine, little know your Gramma and Grampa so well...LOL! That saved us our normal trip to the liquor store on our arrival.
We spent a lovely evening sitting around the kitchen table....dinner and chatting with Rob and Angie...oh, and I think a little beer and wine was consumed!
When we arrived at the house, we had a wonderful greeting from Conner and Bryce! They were so excited to see us and give us our Christmas presents...we had to unwrap them as soon as we got in the house! Thanks for the beer and wine, little know your Gramma and Grampa so well...LOL! That saved us our normal trip to the liquor store on our arrival.
We spent a lovely evening sitting around the kitchen table....dinner and chatting with Rob and Angie...oh, and I think a little beer and wine was consumed!
Thursday (Dec. 20) and my first appointment...with my optometrist. I received the "full meal deal", taking over an hour and a half. The eyesight has deteriorated significantly (which I knew), new contact lenses for distance only, I will need 'readers' for close-up (no more multi-focal lenses)...and a referral to an Ophthalmologist for a cataract consult when we return in the spring.
Steve had dropped me off and while I was in my appointment had driven into Victoria to pick up my prescriptions for my knee injections tomorrow...$730! Yikes...sure hope it works!
Once I was done, we met our good friends, Rob and Nancy, for coffee...and enjoyed a fabulous time catching up with them. (Forgot to take a pic.) Far too short, my friends...looking forward to being able to spend more time with you this spring!
It was a super windy day today and as we drove home, there was a lot of branches, trees and debris on the roads...
And as we turned into the driveway, a cluster of trees were down! We had to walk through the side yard keeping an eye out in case a tree came down on us...
Looking back down the driveway (that's our rental car down there)...what a mess!
Once making it up to the house we also discovered the power was out. And it was still just howling out! It turned out to be a major wind storm that came across the island. I had an appointment for a haircut but cancelled it...I'm not going back out in that! At least I managed to change it until tomorrow.
Steve got a fire going in the wood stove...and when Angie and the boys got home, he went down the driveway to help them make their way up. Thankfully Angie had picked up pizza for dinner!
Rob arrived home in the dark after work...but we had been in touch with him. It was a pretty crazy drive home from Victoria for him...lots of trees and branches down!
Steve had dropped me off and while I was in my appointment had driven into Victoria to pick up my prescriptions for my knee injections tomorrow...$730! Yikes...sure hope it works!
Once I was done, we met our good friends, Rob and Nancy, for coffee...and enjoyed a fabulous time catching up with them. (Forgot to take a pic.) Far too short, my friends...looking forward to being able to spend more time with you this spring!
It was a super windy day today and as we drove home, there was a lot of branches, trees and debris on the roads...
And as we turned into the driveway, a cluster of trees were down! We had to walk through the side yard keeping an eye out in case a tree came down on us...
Looking back down the driveway (that's our rental car down there)...what a mess!
Once making it up to the house we also discovered the power was out. And it was still just howling out! It turned out to be a major wind storm that came across the island. I had an appointment for a haircut but cancelled it...I'm not going back out in that! At least I managed to change it until tomorrow.
Steve got a fire going in the wood stove...and when Angie and the boys got home, he went down the driveway to help them make their way up. Thankfully Angie had picked up pizza for dinner!
Rob arrived home in the dark after work...but we had been in touch with him. It was a pretty crazy drive home from Victoria for him...lots of trees and branches down!
Friday (Dec. 21), not surprising, Rob decided to stay home...there is a huge mess to clean up! Good thing he has a chainsaw!
I had an appointment with my Orthopaedic Surgeon whom I've been going to for years for my knees. I discussed possible knee replacements down the road...that will be the very last resort, when the injections no longer work. I guess I'm least I am still able to walk, but not pain free. After the injections, I finally got out of there after hour and a half after my appointment time.
I had a haircut appointment at 12:30 so decided to just go into Sidney, pick up a few groceries and have a coffee...and was back home just after 2:00.
While I had been away, Steve, Rob and the kids had been busy outside most of the day clearing the debris from the driveway and bucking up the trees on the driveway that had fallen. At least they will have lots of firewood for next winter!
I had an appointment with my Orthopaedic Surgeon whom I've been going to for years for my knees. I discussed possible knee replacements down the road...that will be the very last resort, when the injections no longer work. I guess I'm least I am still able to walk, but not pain free. After the injections, I finally got out of there after hour and a half after my appointment time.
I had a haircut appointment at 12:30 so decided to just go into Sidney, pick up a few groceries and have a coffee...and was back home just after 2:00.
While I had been away, Steve, Rob and the kids had been busy outside most of the day clearing the debris from the driveway and bucking up the trees on the driveway that had fallen. At least they will have lots of firewood for next winter!
Tree down over the septic field...
Another down in the lower total 7 trees down, but thankfully none near the house or any of the really big ones came down...
Bryce thinks it's a jungle gym...
The boys helping pick up branches while Grampa rakes the driveway...
Rob cutting away...
Conner stacking...
Bryce helping to unload the this age they still think this is fun!
Now, that looks better!
Still branches down behind the house though...
Steve took a walk to the subdivision behind us...they were really hit hard. There must have been a down burst of wind here...about a dozen trees were down in this one spot...
Hard to see but the Arbutus tree leaning over the road has power lines hanging from it...
Looks like the whole neighbourhood has to park here. The power pole behind the cars is leaning as is the one it's connected to that's further up the side street...
This guy is helping to clear the road...
The roots of a windfall...
A windfall has been cleaned up on our street. Rob and Angie's driveway is the next one up the road on the right...
That was a big cleanup but was only the driveway...Rob and the boys have much more to do around the yard...
Saturday (Dec. 22) Angie and I faced crowds in town to do some grocery shopping and then we got ready for the Christmas Party Rob and Angie are hosting.
Food being prepared...Angie, Conner, Bryce and Rob...
Folks started arriving just after 5:00...Jennie (Angie's friend), Mike (Steve's brother-in-law), Rob...
Jennie talking to Nadine (Steve's sister) and Amanda (Nadine's daughter)...Angie in the background...and Rob enjoying one of his delicious chicken wings...
Bryce and Conner playing with Jennie's 2 kids...
Steve with good friends, Nancy and Rob...
Me and Nancy...
Another down in the lower total 7 trees down, but thankfully none near the house or any of the really big ones came down...
Bryce thinks it's a jungle gym...
The boys helping pick up branches while Grampa rakes the driveway...
Rob cutting away...
Conner stacking...
Bryce helping to unload the this age they still think this is fun!
Now, that looks better!
Still branches down behind the house though...
Steve took a walk to the subdivision behind us...they were really hit hard. There must have been a down burst of wind here...about a dozen trees were down in this one spot...
Hard to see but the Arbutus tree leaning over the road has power lines hanging from it...
Looks like the whole neighbourhood has to park here. The power pole behind the cars is leaning as is the one it's connected to that's further up the side street...
This guy is helping to clear the road...
The roots of a windfall...
A windfall has been cleaned up on our street. Rob and Angie's driveway is the next one up the road on the right...
That was a big cleanup but was only the driveway...Rob and the boys have much more to do around the yard...
Saturday (Dec. 22) Angie and I faced crowds in town to do some grocery shopping and then we got ready for the Christmas Party Rob and Angie are hosting.
Food being prepared...Angie, Conner, Bryce and Rob...
Folks started arriving just after 5:00...Jennie (Angie's friend), Mike (Steve's brother-in-law), Rob...
Jennie talking to Nadine (Steve's sister) and Amanda (Nadine's daughter)...Angie in the background...and Rob enjoying one of his delicious chicken wings...
Bryce and Conner playing with Jennie's 2 kids...
Steve with good friends, Nancy and Rob...
Me and Nancy...
Dwight holding his grandson, Jordan and Rob...
And a group picture!
Matt (Nadine/Mike's son), Angie holding Bryce, Rob holding Conner, Rob, me, Nadine, Steve, Vanessa holding Jordan, Dwight and Helen (Dwight's wife)....front row: Nancy, Mike and Amanda...
And a group picture!
Matt (Nadine/Mike's son), Angie holding Bryce, Rob holding Conner, Rob, me, Nadine, Steve, Vanessa holding Jordan, Dwight and Helen (Dwight's wife)....front row: Nancy, Mike and Amanda...
What a great time! So good seeing everyone! Thanks for a great party, Rob and Angie!
Sunday (Dec. 23) we all decided to get out for some fresh air and exercise. We took the trail behind the house that weaves through various subdivisions in the area. We went off the trail to check out this Christmas display. The owner of the property has been doing it for should see it at night when it's all lit up! It also goes along the right hand side of his property. We met the owner and he said he has around 100 items on display and spent a lot of time chasing many of them around during the windstorm...
Sunday (Dec. 23) we all decided to get out for some fresh air and exercise. We took the trail behind the house that weaves through various subdivisions in the area. We went off the trail to check out this Christmas display. The owner of the property has been doing it for should see it at night when it's all lit up! It also goes along the right hand side of his property. We met the owner and he said he has around 100 items on display and spent a lot of time chasing many of them around during the windstorm...
Then back on the trail...
Conner and me...
Another windfall...
These are old ones...
The subdivision behind ours is still waiting to get some power restored. Ours was out for about 12 hours but theirs was out for days. BC Hydro said at one point over 330,000 BC residences were without power and this was the worst windstorm in decades. Crews from other provinces had to be called in as local crews were overwhelmed...
Bryce and Conner playing with one of their Christmas gifts that they were allowed to open early...air hockey!
I also did something that I've been wanting to do for a long time...pulled some old photo albums out of our storage box hidden away in the basement! It was wonderful reminiscing and Angie and the boys thought it was cool seeing pictures of Rob and Chris growing up. Sometime in the future we must pull all the old pictures out and have them scanned...but it really is nice looking at actual pictures!
Monday (Dec. 24) Rob left for work bright and early...I actually didn't even hear him leave. But it was a short day for him...getting home around 12:30.
Angie took the boys out, leaving Steve and I to just relax...and what does Steve do while relaxing? Edit pictures, of course! LOL We did go out for a walk...but it was very chilly out, so were only gone about 15 minutes or so.
Rob and I put the turkey in the brine that Rob had made yesterday...this is the first time we've tried this. Rob likes to experiment with various recipes when he has a chance...don't know where he got that from...wasn't me!
Angie and 2 very excited little boys got home late afternoon....time to commence Christmas Eve festivities! They opened one of the gifts from Pyjamas...
I've never seen a little boy so excited about a pair of pyjamas...apparently Bryce loves dinosaurs and guess what was on the pj's I picked out for him...Monday (Dec. 24) Rob left for work bright and early...I actually didn't even hear him leave. But it was a short day for him...getting home around 12:30.
Angie took the boys out, leaving Steve and I to just relax...and what does Steve do while relaxing? Edit pictures, of course! LOL We did go out for a walk...but it was very chilly out, so were only gone about 15 minutes or so.
Rob and I put the turkey in the brine that Rob had made yesterday...this is the first time we've tried this. Rob likes to experiment with various recipes when he has a chance...don't know where he got that from...wasn't me!
Angie and 2 very excited little boys got home late afternoon....time to commence Christmas Eve festivities! They opened one of the gifts from Pyjamas...
Steve, Conner, Angie and me playing 'Snakes and Ladders'...
While Rob and Bryce played 'Connect Four'...
Our little cutie who loves to pose for pictures...
Then it got busy in the kitchen! The boys helping mom bake some cookies...
Rob making Sambuca Prawns...for the adults!
Stand back kids! Rob is about to flambe the prawns...
And their annual Christmas Eve picture...
Kids in bed...shhhh...looks like Santa came!
Tuesday (Dec.25)....MERRY CHRISTMAS! The boys were up around 7:00 and so excited!
They had a wild time opening up all their gifts....
Our fearless crime fighter...
A little reading before brunch...
Time to eat!
Steve and I borrowed Rob’s truck to visit the cemeteries and pay our respects to family no longer with us. While we did that, Angie took the boys out to try their new scooters at the skate park...leaving Rob with some peace and quiet...and to get the turkey ready for the barbecue.
We got home around 1:00. Rob had just put the turkey on and I got busy making some other dishes....and Angie made Steve's favourite, butter tarts!
Dinner was a real group effort….and a lot of fun! We were all in the kitchen, drinking wine/beer, chatting and trying to co-ordinate everything to be ready at the same time.
Fabulous dinner! And the turkey was wonderful….we had never brined it before and the flavor was great and very moist.
Steve enjoying his butter tart with a splash of Bailey's on top!And that was Christmas Day 2018....fabulous day!
Wednesday (Dec. 26) I was up extra early...just couldn't sleep so was up around 5:30! Sheesh! I quietly sat with my laptop, drinking coffee and working on a blog update until others started getting up.
After a delicious eggs benny breakfast (thank you, Angie!), we finished packing our suitcases. Yes, we leave today...taking the ferry back to Vancouver and flying out early tomorrow morning.
With big hugs, we said goodbye to Angie, Conner and Bryce and got into the truck. Rob dropped us off at the ferry terminal in time for the 11:00 sailing...thank you, Rob and Angie, for all your hospitality. We had a wonderful Christmas! See you all in April!
After a delicious eggs benny breakfast (thank you, Angie!), we finished packing our suitcases. Yes, we leave today...taking the ferry back to Vancouver and flying out early tomorrow morning.
With big hugs, we said goodbye to Angie, Conner and Bryce and got into the truck. Rob dropped us off at the ferry terminal in time for the 11:00 sailing...thank you, Rob and Angie, for all your hospitality. We had a wonderful Christmas! See you all in April!
The ferries were very busy this Boxing Day as folks head home after spending Christmas day with family.
Ferry entering Active Pass from Tsawwassen (Vancouver)...
On its way to Swartz Bay (Victoria)...
Once on the mainland, we took a transit bus from the ferry terminal to Bridgeport Station, near the airport and then walked a few blocks to the Days Inn.
We spent the rest of the afternoon just chilling in the hotel...and then ordered pizza in for dinner. The end to our very fast 2 week visit home!
Absolutely beautiful family! Glad your holidays were extra special with the arrival of Isaac! How did the injections work out for you?
ReplyDeleteThanks so much...we think they're pretty special! Unfortunately the injections in my knees really aren't doing the trick...especially with my left knee. I think this is the third different med he has tried...I suspect he'll try a different one next spring. The question many different ones are there to try...
DeleteGlad you all survived the Dec 20th windstorm. So much damage everywhere. Rob and Angie were lucky that only a few trees came down and none on the house or cars. 12 hours without power was not bad especially since they have a wood stove. We were out for 2 1/2 days and Kristi was out for 4 days. What a fabulous Christmas you had with all of your family and especially the newest member... so cute.
ReplyDeleteA lot of damage all over the island with that wind storm! We were very lucky where we were.