It was another gorgeous day here in beautiful southern Arizona! And there is no better way to spend such a lovely day than to head out on the quads. So with lunches packed and plenty of water, we headed was shortly after 10:30.
Thumbs up...let's ride!
It looked like we should be able to make our way over to the Darby Wells BLM area, so we thought we'd see if we could find the trails. As usual, Steve took lots of pictures along the way...
We turned at a place called Little Eberling Tank. We think it's a watering hole for cattle...
There were a couple of gates that we had to go just have to make sure that you close them behind you...
The trails we had been following eventually met up with a fairly major road...Bates Well Road that ultimately turned into Darby Wells Road...we made it! We are now on the opposite side of the New Cornelia Mine pit that we visited the other day. Mine tailings in the distance...
Mine tailings on the right go a long ways in both directions...
We rode right to the junction with highway 85, where we had turned around yesterday. A white truck passed us going in the opposite direction and Steve had an after thought...that might have been Bill and Donna, but he couldn't make out the license plate. We knew that Bill and Donna often camp in this area during the winter. FYI...Donna is Steve's sister's (Nadine's) husband's (Mike's) sister...follow that? LOL! So we turned around and started checking side roads to see if we could find the white pick-up. We did....and sure enough, it was them! We ate our lunch and had a nice visit with them...

On our way back, we took a small side-trip on another road and found Darby Wells Cemetery...way out in the middle of no-where!
Okay...time to head home...
See me in Steve's mirror?
Is this one of the black water bottles we read about that illegal migrants use? Steve said there was no evidence of any oil was clean and dry.
Shade is hard to find in the desert...
Back at Little Eberling Tank...we had a welcoming committee this time....
We got home just before awesome day out on the quads exploring the area! We rode 66 kms/41 miles. It had gotten pretty darned hot out by this point, so we were happy to shed our jeans and boots for shorts and flip flops! By the time we got all cleaned up and stuff put away, it was time to relax outside with our drinks and munchies, and watch the sun go down...
By the time you read this blog post, it will be the American Thanksgiving we'd like to wish all of our American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving!