Wednesday morning I was up early to drive Rob to work so that we could use his truck. It worked out well because he and a co-worker are going over to Vancouver later on today and would have had to stop by the house to drop off his truck before catching the ferry. He will be away until Friday night, so we have the use of his truck...thanks, Rob! I had an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon who injected my knee with some super-duper lube stuff. While I was there, Steve had a dentist appointment where they took a CT scan of his head to ensure the bone was ready for the implant tomorrow.
We met with our financial adviser and after a quick visit to Steve's old office, we headed home. At about 4:00, I picked up Conner from daycare...he and Grampa had a fun time playing with his trucks...
Thursday morning, I puttered around most of the morning. Steve was a little more energetic, getting outside for a walk. It was almost noon by the time I had showered! After a bite to eat for lunch, it was time to head off for our dentist appointments...Steve was getting a post implant put in and I was getting a cleaning.
...and then gave Angie a pedicure! (Angie, Nadine and Kerry)
Friday, Steve and I met our good friends, Rob and Nancy for breakfast...and then Nancy and I headed off for a day of shopping. We had a great day! I managed to find shoes for the wedding along with a few other things. Thanks for the awesome day, Nancy!
That night Rob got home at about 9:00 after catching the 7:00 ferry...Conner will be glad to see his daddy in the morning!
After breakfast Saturday morning, Steve and I drove out to Langford to meet more friends for coffee. Jim and Nan live in Cowichan Bay and the Tim Horton's at Millstream was a good half-way spot to meet. We enjoyed a good hour plus chatting with them...good seeing you, Jim and Nan!

After our walk, we had a nice visit visit with Steve's dad. Rob, Angie and Conner also joined us. Four generations of Colibabas...
Late Saturday afternoon, we were back home enjoying a little time out on the sun deck...
Conner chilling on the sofa before dinner...he's such a cutie and talking up a storm!
Sunday morning, Rob, Conner, Angie and Steve went out for a walk along some of the neighbourhood trails. I had packing and cleaning up to do since we are heading back to the mainland this afternoon. Conner fell asleep while on their walk...
About noon, Angie's "island parents" (actually close family friends) came over for a visit. They are down from Campbell River for the weekend and stopped by for a visit. They also brought 'bake-at-home' pizzas for lunch. Very nice!
After hugs and handshakes, Emery and Rob drove us to the ferry terminal in time to catch the 2:00 sailing. Once at the Tsawwassen Terminal, we caught the shuttle back to the Park and Go...and, as Conner would say, "Buster the truck"! The new route back out to Fort Langley takes you along the Fraser River...
...and under all three bridges that cross it . This is the Port Mann bridge...
We got home at about 4:30. We have to drop the truck off tomorrow afternoon at Gold Key Isuzu for servicing which means that the boat has to come off beforehand. With rain forecast for the next few days, Steve decided to take the boat off tonight rather than wait until the morning. When we wound the rope back in, one side was much looser than the other. It's the newer rope, so Steve figures that it had stretched, we had to unwind the whole thing, shorten it about an inch...and wind it back in. worked!
As usual, it's good to be back in our home on wheels. We enjoyed our visit on the island, as short and busy as it was. There are still friends that I didn't get a chance to see...unfortunately, it will have to be next spring.
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