Thursday to Sunday, February 1 to 4, 2018 (La Posa South LTVA, Quartzsite, AZ)

Thursday morning Steve headed off with Red to the RC airfield...I have a feeling they will be spending a lot of time there over the next while! While they were gone, I went out for a power walk...3.77 miles today. Of course by the time I got home, I was hot and sweaty, so after a bottle of water, I jumped into the shower.

On their way home, Steve and Red stopped at Quiet Times to pick up a parcel. The new boots for the front axles of Steve's quad had arrived. After a bite to eat, they got a late start on the job of changing them. Neither Steve or Red have ever done this before but Red has much more mechanical experience (and tools) and figured they could do it after a little help from YouTube.
Left front axle is off. There is an inner and outer CV rubber boot on each axle. Both front axles have a leaky inner boot.
Finally!...the shop foreman Jim showed up...
Dylan, Jim and Red. After cleaning all the old grease from the ball bearings and CV joint assembly they got the axle put back together with the new grease and boot and called it a day around 3:30.
It was time to get cleaned up and head over to Les and Sue's for dinner and a campfire. Another great evening...with Sue cooking up a storm! Thanks, guys, it was fabulous.
Me, Red and Pam, Vicki and Harry, and our hostess Sue...
Our other host Les, Jim and Brenda, Steve's chair :) me and Red...
Steve, Jim and Brenda, Harry and Vicki, late arrival Cindi, Les and Sue...

Friday morning Steve was back out working on the quad. I went out for a walk and when I got back, he had quite a gathering of guys "helping out". Steve and Red couldn't get the right front axle nut off yesterday so let it soak overnight with WD-40 which didn't help. So they went and got Jim R (we have 3 Jims here) from our ATV club that's here. He's a heavy duty mechanic and showed us a few tricks with a hammer. With his assistance they had the job completed in no time. Thanks Jim R, Jim N, and Red for all your help!
It was about 2:30 by the time it was all done and he had cleaned everything up. After a shower, we headed into Quiet Times to pick up another parcel...Steve's RC plane!
Once back, we grabbed a drink and walked over to see what Jim and Barb were up to. They had been up bright and early this morning...Jessica and the kids were heading home today. Barb drove them to the Phoenix airport and had gotten home early afternoon...she was busy cleaning inside. So I think they welcomed a break as we sat outside visiting...Red and Pam also joined us.

Red was "hot to trot" on building Steve's RC plane...but Steve was tired and wanted to wait until the morning. Guess who won out? As we left Jim and Barb's, Red suggested Steve bring his plane we spent the next hour or so over at Red and Pam's. Red and Steve out in "the shop" building the plane...
While Pam and I sat chatting and "stitching"...over a glass of wine...
We think Red was more excited about this than Steve was!
Saturday morning Steve and Red took off for the RC airfield...and I headed out for my morning walk.
Steve's instructor Wayne, the most experienced electric flyer in the club was only too happy to help out another newbie. Wayne spent about an 45 minutes explaining everything while tuning all the control surfaces of the plane with the radio transmitter. Once he was happy with everything he made the first flight to make sure it flew straight and level with hands off, doing a few circuits around the field and even a few loops.
After landing they changed to a fresh battery, then Wayne took off again, eventually handing over the transmitter to Steve. He had two successful landings and take offs with zero damage to the plane!
By late morning, Pam and I were sitting outside...she with her crocheting and me with my knitting. Red and Steve were back briefly, then after quick ride in the rhino checking out flat areas for flying in the area behind us...headed off to the airfield again for Steve's second flight of the day. He has done great learning to fly his new RC plane...and it is still in one piece!

They were back just before 4:00...the time of day we sit and chill with an adult bevie. Jim and Barb wandered over, as did Harry and Vicki...and then Dave and Cheryl also joined us. They arrived here Thursday and ended up in a spot not too far from us...welcome to the neighbourhood guys! Dave and Cheryl are the couple from Alberta we met and spent time with at Lone Rock, Lake Powell last October.

Just before 6:00, Steve and I decided to walk over to Cindi and Roger's where a small group was gathering for margaritas and a campfire. Vicki, me, Cindi pouring margaritas, Roger, Brenda, Jim, Steve, Cec (Jim had gone to meet Bill and Janet, another couple from Vancouver Island, who had just pulled in)...thanks for the picture, Harry!
After our planned "quick visit" (LOL), we headed home for a late dinner...another great day on the desert!

Sunday was pretty much the same as yesterday...Red and Steve headed off to the RC airfield. They just missed watching this guy fly his A-10 Warthog :(
Steve had two more successful flights, although apparently the last landing was not pretty, but no worse than some of the more experienced pilots :)
I decided to give my knees a break from walking...I'm trying to keep them moving but I may be overdoing it by trying to increase my pace and walk further.

After dishes and cleaning up inside, I put together 'Bourbon Chicken' recipe in the Instant Pot and set it on the slow cooker mode to cook all day. I also did a little baking.

Super Bowl Sunday...and we were invited over to Jim and Brenda's to a small gathering watching the game outside. Not being big football fans, we chose instead to just have a quiet evening. Art popped by on his evening walk and chatted with us for a while...Steve is planning to lead a ride tomorrow and Art will be joining in too.


  1. Way to go Steve ... you were able to fly your new toy without incident.

  2. Those were a busy few days! Now that Steve has his plane we really need to talk about that drone.......

    1. Love the way you think! One step at a time though, it takes Dianne awhile to come around. 😜

  3. Wow, lots going on with the Colibaba' was great having you over.....looking forward to the next get together.

  4. Never a dull moment in the desert! Good to see everyone is finding lots to keep the days busy:) Good to see the plane is still one piece!

  5. How cool is the new plane ?? Steve you look pretty happy in the pics, good stuff! Happy landings:) Another Dave from Alberta...must be a nice guy too. Soon you'll be able to say Steve,Jim or Dave and guarantee somebody will answer lol. Cheers guys, we get back close to freezing by the end of the week!!

    1. The plane is a lot of fun but nerve racking in front of a crowd of many more experienced pilots. Probably waiting for the newbie to crash, but we all had to start somewhere. It's a great group of very friendly and helpful guys. Glad you made it back to the great white north safely.

  6. This is Dave 2. Ha ha!
    Well, Steve won't be hard to buy gifts for Christmas, birthday, blue moons, Thanksgiving, etc, etc.
