We finished our morning coffee, had breakfast, showered...and then got started on our own pack up. It was after 10:00 when we said goodbye to Pam/Red and Harry/Vicki...see ya in a couple of hours! We made our way to the line up for the sani-dump...there were three in front of us. Once the tanks were empty, we were on our way south on hwy 95 to Yuma.
We pulled into Westwind RV and Golf Resort about an hour and a half later. I totally forgot to take pictures as we pulled into the resort, so took these ones later (we actually pulled in from the other direction)...
The drive to the registration/activities building...
We pulled into the lot to the right and went into register...being a Sunday, the main office was closed, so we had to go into the library...
We were escorted to our site #270 and managed to get backed in...the fellow in the site next to us moved his pickup truck, so that helped. Then the work began...time to get set up!
It's a beautiful RV Park with nice wide streets, but the sites are a little tight width wise at 32.32' x 47.5'. The truck, patio, and trailer total width is just over 28' wide. The neighbours truck is normally parked on the right. Our street with us in the distance on the right...
Shortly before 2:30 we were all set up...and Vicki and I were with Pam on our way to Walmart, conveniently located just a couple of miles down the road. Both Vicki and I went in for a pedicure and manicure, while Pam did her shopping. Unfortunately we took longer than expected and made Pam wait...sorry about that, Pam!
When we got home, the guys were all sitting outside enjoying their happy hour. Of course, we joined them for a glass of wine...before we all walked up to the restaurant for dinner. We all had great meals at a very reasonable price!
Monday morning we had a very lazy start to the day. We were particularly late getting out for our planned shopping trip to Walmart because the shower stall would not drain after Steve's shower. He ended up working on it for quite sometime before he finally got the water drained...and I could have my shower.
It was going on 11:00 by the time we were on our way. In Walmart, we both went our separate ways so he could take care of his shopping list while I did my shopping. He eventually found me so he could unload his basket of goodies into mine...and I was soon on my way through the checkout while he waited for me in the truck.

Once home, we quickly put our stuff away, put our bathing suits on and joined Pam at the pool. The first thing Steve did was take a walk to get pictures of all of the activities going on...
Corn Ball Toss....
Of course, there are Pickleball courts...
And Shuffleboard...
Sitting area outside of the pool area...
Red joined us a little while later...
It was after 3:30 when we decided we had better get home and get ready for our potluck Happy Hour. Larry and Judi (the couple from Victoria who we rode with in Q a couple of weeks ago) joined us. If you recall they are from Victoria and the Cowichan Valley ATV Club and have rented a park model here for the winter...
Pam and Red...
Harry and Vicki...
We all gathered at Red and Pam's site...
Unfortunately, I had gone back home (we are in the site directly behind Red/Pam) to put the salad together when 'Line Dancing' broke out after Larry cranked out some tunes on his cell phone. Luckily Steve took pictures!
They even carried it out to the street...looks like Judi is calling it quits here! I can tell the dance this Friday night is going to be fun with an old time rock and roll band!
After the appetizers served by Larry/Judi and Pam...it was time for the next course, chicken broccoli casserole prepared by Harry/Vicki and my Japanese Cabbage Salad..
Steve brought out the Campfire-in-a-Can when the sun went down...and we enjoyed a couple of after dinner shots...Bailey's and "little beers" (43 liqueur topped with heavy whipping cream). Cheers!
Another fun evening!!
Tuesday morning Steve and I hit the road just after 9:00...on our way to Los Algodones, Mexico for my 10:00 dentist appointment. This time I didn't have any dental work that needed to be done but wanted a night guard made to try and protect my teeth from grinding/clenching that I seem to occasionally do while sleeping.
The weather today is much cooler and rain is in the forecast...look at those clouds!
We parked the truck ($8/day for our size) in the huge parking lot and walked across the border, arriving at the Bernal Dental Group office just before 10:00. I was taken in immediately, the impression was taken and that was it...we now had a couple of hours to wander around before the night guard would be ready.
We decided to stop in this cool little courtyard for a latte...
We had never wondered in this direction before and came across a Mexican Restaurant and a...
...Hotel at the end of a beautiful courtyard...
Many of the vendors sell the same stuff...
This guy must have been cold wearing that!
We went to El Paraiso for lunch and started by sitting outside as we normally have done before but it was just too cold...
so we moved inside...
Steve had Shrimp Tacos and I had Fish Tacos...of course, we had a Corona to wash them down!
By the time we were finished, it was time to go back to Bernal. As it turned out, my night guard had just been delivered and I was taken right it to try it. All was fine...I paid the $100 and we were on our way to the border crossing.
As luck would have it, there was absolutely no line up at the border...a rarity this time of year, but then it was still pretty early in the day for folks to be heading back.
Before going home, we made a stop at Southwest Exchange Home and RV Super Store which is next door to the resort. After checking it out, we decided to make a 10 minute drive back towards Yuma to RV World just to check out some of the Montana Fifth-Wheels they had. Nothing too exciting there...so we headed home.
It was a pretty cold, blustery day, so we hunkered down inside for the rest of the afternoon. I spent what seemed like "hours" on the phone to our bank in Canada getting an issue straightened out. After that, Red and Pam popped over for a little "wine/beer time" before dinner.
New episodes of our favourite TV programs are starting tonight...so we enjoyed a "rare" quiet evening watching TV. We did have a nice surprise, though...the iPad started ringing and it was my brother Dwight from Victoria calling. We had a great chat...and then it was back to the TV.
Tomorrow is Wednesday already...this week is already going too fast!