The young lady in the centre was very helpful, telling us the best route to get off the Trans Canada highway and over to highway 132. We were soon on our way....taking the exit to Beaumont and highway 132 about 20 kms later.
As usual, I took many pictures along the way...
The South River as we pass by Montmagny...
Cute waterfront cottages...
Eglise Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours in the town of L'Islet-sur-Mer...
Three Salmon River...
One thing we noticed in Quebec is there are many rest areas, however most are not RV friendly including this one which was one of the larger ones...
Church of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli...
The Belle Epoque - Auberge B & B...
Historic Church and Presbytery of Saint-Roch-Des-Aulnaies...
Ouelle River....
We passed a couple of these windmills...
Village of Saint-Denis-De La Bouteillerie...
Couldn't figure out what this is...kinda spooky!
Approaching Kamouraska...
Kamouraska Regional Museum....
Kamouraska River...
CRADLE OF KAMOURASKA 1692-1791 (translated from french)
Open field...and although hard to see, the St. Lawrence River in the distance...
St. Andre Manor...(hotel in a Victorian Mansion)...
Inn 112...
Unfortunately, along a secondary highway there are not many rest stops...and those there are certainly would not fit us. We wanted someplace to stop, rest and have lunch so Steve decided to pull off the highway, turning left onto a road where it looked like there were other RV's parked. Bad decision...we managed to pull over far enough off the road but the road itself was not one we should be driving on. Google maps showed several very sharp switchbacks ahead to get back onto 132. So after taking our lunch over to a park bench across the street, we had to figure out how to get out of there. Luckily Steve managed to pull forward and then back up into the entrance to a small parking area and turn around...all while I was out on the road stopping any traffic. It worked, though, and he got turned around without much trouble...thank goodness!
View as we ate our lunch..
House of Prayer The Cenacle...
Green River...
Fields of fire weed with the St Lawrence in the distance...beautiful!
Riviere des Trois Pistoles...(Three Pistoles River)...
Lots of pasture and agricultural land as the highway veers away from the St. Lawrence River...
Fog in the valley...
Rimouski in the distance...our next stop
Driving through Rimouski...getting close to our destination!
Bombardier is a multinational aerospace and transportation company based in Montreal and manufactures the Can-Am Spyder. Are they ever popular in Quebec...seems more than half of the motorcycles you see on the road are these...
Looks like there is a car show happening at the park...Place des Anciens Combattants (Veterans Place). The church in the background is St. Germain Cathedral.
We turned off highway 132 onto the road to Pointe-au-Père (English: Father Point) where there are three national maritime historical sites. In his research, Steve found out that there is a big jetty that is for RV parking and you are allowed to camp overnight for free!
We followed the signs to RV parking...
It's a huge area...there are some RV's already parked for the night...
We went to the very end...and when a small motorhome left, we backed right into the corner which was the best spot in the whole area...
(Click on panorama photo)
Wow! Good find, honey! and it's free...bonus! We got ourselves all set up but when Steve tried to get a satellite signal, it was a no go...which is really odd because we have a wide open sky! Steve is wondering if the LNB needs to be replaced...sheesh!
Unless we're in our rig looking out the windows or sitting on the rocks we don't have a water view...
It's a popular spot...lots of campers started rolling in not long after we did. Got here just in time...whew! The locals come here to fish as well...
Sweet spot!
Can't beat this long as that fog doesn't come in...
And the sun goes down...not particularly colourful, but beautiful just the same....
What a beautiful drive today...tomorrow we tour the submarine, museum and lighthouse...