Nasty looking clouds headed this way!
The fishing is really good right now as the ice has only been off the lake for about 3 weeks now...
As we all know these guys leave quite the mess...
This is the work yard beside the compound...
Veteran Volunteer, Hugh, heading out in the gator...
Sue showing me the recycling area...
Steve cleaned the outside of the windows...guess I'd better do the inside!
This is a great gathering spot for the workers...the wood stove is kept stoked on these chilly days...
Did I say chilly? Yes...that's snow! We have had everything from sunshine to clouds, to hail, to rain to wind...the whole gammit!
Doug and Sue cooked us dinner Saturday night...
Something not quite right...they are working, we are not (yet)...and they cook dinner! Thanks guys! So great getting caught up with you!
Sunday, Sue took me for a ride around all of the campgrounds...she had hand-drawn maps of the 3 campgrounds to help us acquaint ourselves with the layout and site numbers.
That afternoon, Steve and I off-loaded the boat down at the boat launch. After that was done and all of the accompanying paraphernalia put in it, Steve decided to take it out for a little fishing. Unfortunately, he no sooner got out there and the wind really came up, forcing him back in. With work starting tomorrow, the cold wet weather and the busy May long weekend coming up, he hopes to get out next week.
Steve and Doug filling the trailer with firewood...
Steve, Doug (and Tucker)...
Tuesday morning, we woke to snow! The night temps have been pretty darned cold, our water lines were frozen the first 3 mornngs! But snow? Sheesh...it's May! It didn't stay around long...thank goodness! View out our back window...
Doug and Sue headed into Kamloops...leaving us to clean outhouses and collect (if we felt comfortable). Steve and I did all three campgrounds together...and all went well. Oh...okay, there were a couple of oops' but for the most part, I think we did pretty well :-)
Wednesday was our day off, so we headed into Logan Lake and then carried onto Kamloops to run a bunch of errands. This is Logan Lake...
The campground at the end of Logan Lake with a golf course...
Highway 97D about 10 kms east of Logan Lake had a bridge wash out so had been closed until they could get a bridge brought in. They recently opened it to single lane traffic.
The water is really gushing through. That's the original culvert with a couple of more pieces at the edge...
We reached the Coquihalla highway and continued north to Kamloops.
We started off at Best Buy to drop our laptop off so the Geek Squad could transfer the recovered data from the defective drive. After a bunch of other stops, we picked up the laptop, made one final stop at Costco and then started the trek back to Tunkwa.
This is the Thompson River that runs through Kamloops...
Kamloops as we head up out of the river valley...
Sure enough, we ran into rain and eventually a little hail or snow was visible on the hills and roadside ...and it had started off being such a beautiful sunny day! We made our last stop at the Logan Lake sani dump to fill up our drinking water containers. It was going on 5:00 when we pulled back into the compound. A good day...with a lot accomplished!
One of the stops we had made was at Jubilee RV to pick up a new Hi Limit/Thermostat switch for the hotwater tank. Just before leaving Fort Langley the electric side of the hot water tank stopped working. Steve researched troubleshooting it online and it said to first try pushing the reset located under the black cover. The thermostat is suppose to cut off at 130 F and if it doesn't, the hi limit will trip off at 180F. That did the trick once but the high limit continued to trip intermittently, so Steve purchased a new one in Langley and was going to install it once we arrived here.
Turned out the switch he was given was for the propane side, on the right. Thinking they looked the same they should be interchangeable, right? Wrong! The switch on the left had different size terminals that were on the opposite side. Oh well...we did have the propane side trip on us once in Quartzsite too, so now they are both new...
Back to work tomorrow...and the start of the very busy May long weekend!
Good to see you guys are settled. Looks like it should be a great summer only working 20 hours then having all that time to do whatever you want!
ReplyDeleteSo much better than the park we worked at a couple of years ago and great coworkers too!