Tuesday was a total chore day. Conditions were right to get the trailer washed...the campground had sprayed the gravel roads to keep the dust down, and there was no rain in the immediate forecast. Steve had done the roof, awning and slide toppers yesterday...today, he continued with the underside of the slide toppers and the slide tops, then the rest of the trailer.
For me, it was a day spent cleaning inside...I even managed to put a couple of loads of laundry on in the afternoon. Not a very exciting day....
Wednesday morning Steve was picked up late by the courtesy shuttle and taken to Gold Key Isuzu to pick up the truck. Yesterday the service manager called to say that he and the BC rep for Isuzu did a road test and were unable to duplicate either issue, the squealing when the exhaust brake engages or the engine knocking when cold. They have in the past always been able to trace the squealing area by a dark soot trail, but not this time. Steve had requested that they get an early start when the temperatures were cooler to listen for the engine knocking when cold. Well they hadn't started it up until 10 a.m., way too late. So Steve wanted to leave the truck overnight again and pick it up early today to do the test drive with the service manager, but by the time he got to the dealership it was 9:45 a.m., again too late for the knocking test. Geez! The service manager hooked up the computer to the truck and away they went. Well Steve was also unable to duplicate the squealing noise. For the other issue the computer showed that one of the injectors had a high reading and is apparently the reason for the knocking until the engine warmed up. At this point he said it's not fatal but should be monitored. That's an eventual $1200 bill we're not looking forward to. It was decided that on our return in September and they would have another go at the exhaust brake squealing. Steve no sooner left the dealership and on the first time the exhaust brake engaged, it squealed, so he immediately turned around and went back. The service manager hooked up the computer and away they went again. Hearing the squeal it was decided that he would talk to the Isuzu rep about possibly replacing the exhaust brake. This saga will continue sometime next week!
While he was gone, I walked into town, mailed a letter, picked up a birthday card for Bryce and was back home about 35 minutes later. I was planning on wandering around the shops a bit more but most didn't open until 10:00 and it was only 9:30. I had a nice long conversation with my brother, Don...hope you had a great Birthday!
Steve finally got home late morning...and after lunch, got to work waxing the trailer. He got the back of the trailer done, along with the over-hang ("snout"). I helped out where I could but I mainly spent the afternoon doing odd jobs inside the trailer...it's probably the cleanest it's been in a long time!
Thursday morning we were up and out before 8:30. Our first stop was at Langley Memorial Hospital where I had an appointment for a routine mammogram at the Screening Mammography Department. That was over with quickly and I was back out at the truck within 20 minutes or so.
Next on our morning agenda was a trip out to Abbotsford to drop the quads off at
Checkpoint Motorsports for servicing. It's been two years since their last servicing...so Steve asked that they be checked out "top to bottom". I don't think I'm going to like paying that bill when we pick them up!
With the "chores" done, we went back home, had lunch, finished packing and headed to the Tsawwassen ferry terminal to catch the 3:00 sailing over to Swartz Bay.

Yes, we are going back over to North Saanich to visit Rob, Angie and the kids. Today is Bryce's first birthday, so we are going over for a short visit. There is our ferry coming in...we'll be boarding it once it off-loads...
And we're off...another gorgeous day for a ferry ride!
With Rob back at work this week, we had to wait about a half hour to be picked up...after he collected the kids from daycare. Conner was anxious to help Bryce open the birthday gifts he had picked out... once Mommy (Angie) got home...
Bryce loves balls!
Conner playing with one of Bryce's presents...a whistle (a noisy purchase which was quickly "hidden" LOL)...
After dinner, we had "Treatzaza Pizza" from Dairy Queen...
Bryce enjoyed it!
Steve and I, along with some of Angie's parents gave money towards a new car seat for his birthday...he's outgrown his old one!
Friday morning I went with Angie...dropping the kids off at daycare and then dropping her off at work (University of Victoria), so that Steve and I could have the car for the day.
We had a bunch of errands to run...Steve had to renew his driver's licence (it wasn't expiring until his birthday in August but since we will likely be somewhere in Alberta by then, he decided to just do it now). After that was taken care of, we stopped and picked up his contact lenses and then headed into Victoria to renew the insurance on our quads, as well as the trailer.
With those errands completed, Steve dropped me off at the
Fifth Street Bar and Grill where I met a couple of friends that I used to work with...Lynn and Delcie were the only two available today. Sorry for cancelling last week, Gwen...I missed you! But it was great catching up with Lynn and Delcie. These are awesome ladies that I worked with at BC Assessment. We all retired within a year of each other...after most of us working together (in the HR Dept) for over 30 years! Steve also went for lunch then went to visit the staff at his former workplace waiting for my call to be picked up.
After dropping Steve off back at the house, I spent a couple of hours in Sidney wandering around a few shops and then picked up a few groceries for dinner. On the way home, I picked up Conner and Bryce at daycare. I didn't know whether they would be glad to see me or not but all was good. I got a look from Bryce that said "you're not my daddy"...but then he smiled and was happy to see me. He's had a rough week adjusting to daycare. I guess when daddy picks him up, he's been filled with emotion...poor little guy. It will take time for him to adjust to the new routine. Conner was a big help, carrying out things to the car for me...time to go home and see Grampa! Mom and Dad will be home a little later.
Saturday morning Chris and Angela caught the 9:00 a.m. sailing from Tsawwassen arriving at Swartz Bay at 10:40. Steve and Conner went to the ferry and picked them up.

Conner and Bryce with Uncle Chris...
Of course, a big empty box makes for a great toy...especially when Auntie Angela (aka "Auntie Zia"...Zia is Aunt in Italian, so that would be "Auntie Aunt" LOL), a kindergarten teacher, makes it into a house with a door and window. Conner referred to it as his spaceship!
Of course, Conner insisted daddy go inside...with him. A little cozy?!
Shortly before 5:00, we all headed over to my brother and sister-in-law's place. Dwight and Helen were having a 30th birthday party for their daughter, Vanessa. Unfortunately, the pictures are not the best. We forgot our camera, so I relied on my phone camera. Most pictures did not turn out...so I don't have many. The one of the birthday girl (Vanessa) was totally fuzzy!

The get-together started in their backyard where we enjoyed drinks and appetizers.
And Steve joined a game of Bocce Ball...
Bryce wanted to chase the balls...
They also had a Ladder Ball game (what we call) redneck golf set up...
Conner enjoying a drink and some appetizers...
Then we all gathered up on the sundeck for a sit-down dinner...wow!
That is my brother, Dwight, at the very end of the table...
We had a great evening! The dinner was fabulous...and it was so good seeing Dwight and Helen, and their family, and meeting their friends! Happy Birthday, Vanessa! Thanks for including us...and it was wonderful meeting your baby daughter, Ella!
Sunday morning Angie and Rob had a birthday party for Bryce planned at a local park/playground in Sidney. So shortly after 9:00, Rob, Angie and the kids headed off into Sidney to pick up a few things before going to the park. Steve, Chris, Angela and I were in charge of stopping at Tim Horton's for two boxes of coffee. Luckily no other parties were planned at the park and we had use of the two picnic tables that were under cover. Getting all set up...while others chatted...
Grampa pushing Conner and Bryce on the swings...
Then it was time for birthday cake...
It was really a great place for a kids birthday party...all of the kids attending could play in the completely enclosed playground. Here are Auntie Angela and Uncle Chris playing "kick the ball" with Bryce...
...and slide time...
We even managed to get a group picture of family that were there. Left to right...Mike, Nadine, Matthew, me holding Bryce, Steve, Angela, Chris, Angie and Rob (we couldn't get Conner away from the playground)...
At about noon, the party was over and after cleaning up, we all headed home. We spotted this mother with her wobbily fawn just down the road from the house...pretty darned new, I'd say! So cute!
As soon as we got home, we put our suitcases in the truck...and when Rob, Angie and the kids pulled up in the car, suggested that they follow us to the ferry terminal so Rob could drive the truck home. The kids were already in the car (Bryce was fast asleep) and we thought that it would be a lot easier rather than unload everyone and have to load them back in again in an hour or so.
After big hugs, we said good bye...and Chris, Angela, Steve and I boarded the 1:00 ferry back to the mainland. We enjoyed our ferry ride chatting over a late lunch...and then went our separate ways as we left the ferry terminal. We caught the waiting shuttle back to the Park and Go lot while Chris and Angela walked back to their car parked in the BC Ferries lot.
And there you have it...we are back home after a great few days over on the island...having fun at birthday parties!