I wasn’t able to do my complete walk this morning...about 25 minutes into it I got a sharp pain in my right hip joint. I tried stretching and walking slowly for a bit in hopes that it would go away, but it didn’t so I limped my way back to the trailer. It wasn’t too bad by the time I got back but I think I had better take it easy for the rest of the day. I guess the poor old joints just aren’t used to all the exercise they’ve been getting since we arrived here!
After breakfast...(I made a smoothie with my new blender that I bought on our shopping trip the other day...now I just have to get rid of something so I have a place to store it when we travel)...it was my turn to hit the shower.
We really didn’t do much today...we had thought of going for a hike. There is a trail all the way around the lake so we thought that we might at least start it and see what it is like...but by early afternoon, it was just too hot so we decided against it.
While I was downloading some pictures and writing the blog, Steve decided to plug the spot in the slider where the mice have been getting in with some steel wool. It’s such a tiny spot...I’m absolutely amazed that they manage to get in! His main concern about putting the steel wool in is that he would forget to take it out before we put in the sliders...so he decided to put a note in the utility area to remind him.
The rest of the afternoon was spent lazing in the shade...until about 3:30 when Steve decided that he should finish treating the rubber seals on the last slider. So he got to work...I continued to laze!
It was a beautiful evening...the sun had gone behind the trailer providing shade at the picnic table so we ate dinner outside. Afterwards, we thought of going for our usual after dinner power walk...nah...maybe a bike ride...nah...besides I think I should rest my hip for the rest of the day!
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