Sunday, June 24, 2012 (Maple Bay Campground, Cultus Lake Provincial Park, BC)
It was another cloudy, cool day
today.By late morning we decided to go
for a walk around the campground and down to the lake.The aftermath of yesterday’s storm was
evident everywhere...lots of leaves, branches and trees down....they have a big clean up job to do!
Back at our site, I sat outside
reading my book while Steve busied himself cleaning debris off the trailer
awnings and generally puttering around.By
late afternoon, I had finished my book and decided to go for a saunter around
the portion of the campground we were in.
When I got back, Steve had
company sitting around the fire with him.Neil and Lisa are work-camping just up the road at the 1000 Trails RV
Resort.We met Neil and Lisa at the
campground in Fort Langley.They had
just retired, sold their house in White Rock and were embarking on a new
lifestyle of “full-timing”.As soon as
they retired, they went down to Mesa, Arizona for 6 weeks and were actually
staying at the Val Vista RV Village in January when we were there.Neil says he remembers seeing our rig.Too funny!
We had a nice visit with them and
after making plans to walk over and see them and their park tomorrow, we said
our goodbyes.
We enjoyed barbequed burgers
while sitting around the campfire before deciding to head inside.Steve wanted to print off some Backroads Maps
of the Chilliwack River area.We thought
we would offload the quads tomorrow and explore the area.
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