Friday to Tuesday, January 17 to 21, 2020 (La Posa South LTVA, Quartzsite, AZ)

Friday morning, we watched as Jim and Barb loaded the final things into their truck...they have quite a load! We were just waiting until it looked like they were all ready to go before we went over to say goodbye...but they beat us to it by walking over here. With big hugs, we said goodbye to our good travels back to South Dakota. We're going to miss you! We'll see them again this summer in BC when they're on their way to Alaska.

The rest of our morning was spent in town running errands...getting propane, drinking water and filling the gas containers.

We had a lazy afternoon...enjoying the sunshine and just relaxing. At about 3:45, we loaded our chairs and adult beverages into our quads and headed over to Les and Sue's annual happy hour. Red and Pam, Ray and Deb, and Guy and Sue followed us over to their spot across the highway in La Posa Tyson Wash.

We no sooner got there when Steve got a message from Harry and Vicki that they were lost, so he hopped back onto his quad to lead them in. On his way there he came across the Ferg's so had them wait until he returned with Harry and Vicki.

Les and Sue had quite the group...22 in all! I don't remember everyone's name...four couples were other friends of Les and Sue's, but Allen and Donna, Ray and Deb, Harry and Vicki, Pam and Red, Sue and well as us, were all there...(thanks for the picture Les/Sue!)
As usual Sue had been cooking up a storm for the last few days and put on quite a spread of delicious dishes. Their "happy hours" do not consist of a couple appetizers...she puts on dinner, complete with an array of yummy desserts!
We had a wonderful's just unfortunate that there was a cool wind blowing that made the gathering disperse a little earlier than usual. Les had everyone's attention about something...
Saturday (Jan. 18)...and another beautiful day. Steve and I got out for a short walk in the morning and that was pretty much all we did...all day! A very quiet relaxing day.

Sunday (Jan. 19) was another pretty lazy day…just enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Steve and I got out for a little ride around the LTVA just to check out the area. It’s pretty busy here now that the Show is on. It’s also the time when a lot of big rally gatherings happen. We came across the Bluebird bus group, the RRV (Rainbow RV) group, and the Entegra Class A motorhome group...lots of $$$ parked there!

Other than that, we just chilled…Steve reading and I was crocheting. At 4:00, we had a small gathering at our place. Dale and Chloe had arrived for a couple of nights. They are the folks that live in Apache Junction who were kind enough to let us store our rig at their place last year when we flew home for Christmas. So they popped over, along with Cindi, Ray, Deb, Dino and Lisa.
Left to right, around the circle...Chloe, Dale, Deb, Ray, Cindi, Lisa, Dino and Steve...
 A fellow in a powered para glider flew over....
Monday (Jan. 20) morning, we had a beautiful sunrise...
Deb picked me up at 8:30 and we were off to Parker…time to restock our groceries! After a stop at Walmart and Safeway…and lunch at Crossroads Café…we were on our way home. Thanks for letting me tag along, Deb!

For a change it was a dull, cloudy day…what a difference from all of the sunny days we have been having.

View of our back yard...
It was definitely a campfire kind of day…so Steve got a fire going and Jim, Cec, Dale, Chloe, Cindi, Dino and Steve M. joined us. We enjoyed a couple of hours out there and then everyone dispersed shortly after 6:00 to go home for dinner.

Tuesday (Jan. 21) was “ride day”! Claude and Theresa (camped over in La Posa Tyson Wash) had rented a 4-seat side-by-side for the day and asked Steve if he could organize a ride to Skull Rock. It turned out to be quite a group…there were 13 machines in all between their group and ours. I took Allison’s spot with Earl in their SxS…and ended up driving it for most of the day. Thanks Earl…I had a great time!

It was another cool, cloudy day…taking a break as it's almost an hour and 20 minute ride just to the entrance to the Skull Rock Valley...
The views are spectacular!
Steve McCormick venturing out from the mouth of Skull Rock...
The balancing tall rock has a slot under it...
Steve climbed to the base of it...
There's not much at it's base holding it up...
Looking through the slot into the next valley...
Full view of the valley behind the balancing rock...
View from the balancing rock...

It wasn't long before others joined Steve to check out the views...
Three of Claude and Teresa's group left to take care of their dogs while the rest of us went to check out the spiral labyrinth in the Kofa...
People have left all kinds of trinkets in it's center...
From here Guy, Sue, Roger, Penny, Matt, Sheila and Steve and Debbie left to check out Palm Canyon while the rest of us rode to the abandoned microwave tower...
The building on the left was open and still had lots of it's equipment just left although a lot of the wiring had been removed. The travel trailer had a broken door window but was surprisingly very clean inside...even the bed was made up.
View from the tower...
Our next stop was a wildlife watering area...

A shaded water trough...
It was after 4:30 when we got home...a great day! There were bits of blue sky breaking through the clouds but it was still chilly.
Guy and Sue had a fire going so we went over and joined them for awhile. Deb, Steve, Sheila, Matt, Sue, Guy, Roger was working, Penny, and me.
Another great day on the desert comes to an end!

Sunday to Thursday, January 12 to 16, 2020 (La Posa South LTVA, Quartzsite, AZ)

Sunday was another beautiful sunny day. We're enjoying some great weather...even if the wind can be annoying.

Steve headed out with a group on another quad ride....over to him...

Earl led the way to our first stop at the Gold Eye Mine. His neighbours Len and Fran are visiting for their very first time. This is a midden of old cans...

Stone cabin in the distance...
Our next stop was the ancient footprint in the rock. Between the sticks you can see the toes on the left and the heel on the right...
Jim and Len checking out the footprint...
This was to be our final destination to accommodate Lisa's fear of hills but she decided not to come so we continued on to some great hill climbing. If I had known I would have brought my Go Pro camera. Up we go...
Into the next valley. It's much steeper than it looks in a photo.We made our way to the trail that runs beside the I-10 with lots more steep hills...
Our final stop before heading back...

While Steve was gone, I cleaned up inside, did a little work on the laptop...which is really starting to be an exercise in frustration as the internet gets worse and worse with all the folks arriving for the show. After I did what I was able to do, I took my crocheting outside and enjoyed the sunshine.

The group out riding ended up being out much longer than they had originally was after 3:00 by the time they got back. Steve put his stuff away, got cleaned up and then it was time to go over to Ray and Deb's...they have invited us, along with Jim and Barb over for drinks and dinner.

We sat around a campfire drinking Mai Tai's that Deb and Ray had made... were they ever good!
And then it was time to take the pork rib roast off the barbecue...
Looks delicious, Deb! (picture from Ray)
And it was! We sat outside this time, with a little protection from the wind...
Barb made Creme Brule for dessert...yum!
After dinner we moved back over to the campfire for a bit...and then called it a night. Thanks for a lovely evening, Deb and Ray!

Monday (Jan. 13) morning we headed out just before 9:00...we are going to Los Algodones, MX for my dental appointment. But before heading south towards Yuma, we went into town to fuel up the truck at the Arco seems to have the best price for diesel at $2.96/gal.

The green fields of Yuma are such a sharp contrast to the desert...
Yuma Territorial Prison State Historic Park...
Colorado River...and the border into California...

As usual, we parked the truck in the massive lot at the border and walked across into Los Algodones. We wandered around a bit...

And then took a table at El Paraiso for an early lunch...and a Margarita, of course!
Steve had his favourite beer...Negro Modello...
Love the atmosphere at this restaurant...
And a selfie...
The bar and live entertainment way in the back...
We arrived at Bernal Dental Group early for my 1:00 appointment, which was good because since I had a knee replacement 3 months ago, I needed to be taking antibiotics before he could do the implant. So Juan sent us off with a fellow who escorted us to a pharmacy where I picked up the antibiotics along with some pain-killers. I immediately took an antibiotic and then we continued onto another place where I had a 3-D scan. We arrived back at the dentist at about 1:20...where we waited until 2:00 (one hour after taking an antibiotic) and I was taken in to have the post put in.

Juan, the receptionist, giving me  "thumbs up"...
While I was in having the procedure, Steve went out for a walk and took some pictures of the streets of Los Algodones...The last time we checked there were reportedly 300 dental businesses and 900 dentists in this town! No idea how many pharmacy's and optical businesses but there are lots.

The purple pharmacy is one of the more popular ones but we just found out they are more expensive than some others...

Our dentist Dr. Bernal...the tall sign. He doesn't have people out on the streets (barkers) trying to entice you into his office. Steve had a crown done here and I've had two root canals and crowns done a few years ago...
I was finished about 45 minutes later...we paid our bill ($900 plus $100 for the 3-D scan) and we were on our way back to the border. That is the first part of the implant...I will be back next season to have the crown done. It takes at least 6 months for the bone to grow around the post...the longer, the better.

We were expecting there to be a line-up at the border crossing but we certainly hadn't expected it to be so long! After getting to the back of the line, we started the very slow shuffle to the border. One hour and 40 minutes later, we were finally through and on our walk across the parking lot to our truck. On our way back to I-8 east...
Back through the green fields towards highway 95...
The border surveillance blimp tethered down...with Castle Dome in the background...
We arrived back home just after the dark! That had been a long day...especially the border crossing part!

We were looking forward to a quiet day Tuesday (Jan. 14)...but that wasn't to be! Steve received a phone call from Parker Yamaha about our generator. They had heard back from Honda and wanted us to bring it in today so they could try the troubleshooting.

So we loaded the generator into the truck and headed to Parker. Steve took the generator in, and after talking to Adam, decided he wasn't going to spend anymore money at Parker Yamaha...another $193 plus on top of the $393 already spent! The troubleshooting that Honda suggested had already been done at Ace Hardware. The generator runs fine without the air intake hose, so we loaded it back into the truck and returned to Quartzsite...that was a wasted couple of hours! We'll deal with it when we get back to Canada.

We weren't back long when a red jeep pulled in... it was Alan and Cec, friends we met on our trip to Alaska in 2013. They are staying at an RV park in Quartzsite with friends. We had a quick visit with them before they had to leave. Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow.
We put up the sunscreen and had a relaxing afternoon...I'm in my happy place sitting outside on a beautiful day!

We ended up having an impromptu happy hour at our place...left to right around the circle, me, Jim, Barb, Vicki, Pam, Red, Harry, Lisa and Dino...
...before moving over to Guy and Sue's for Guy's birthday party. Sue had planned a small gathering to celebrate a milestone birthday.  Sue made a delicious birthday cake...
Birthday boy, Guy...and Sue...Happy Birthday Guy!
Dino, me, Lisa, Barb and Jim...

A great gathering and birthday celebration!

Wednesday (Jan. 15) morning Alan and Cec arrived at about 11:00, bringing their GPS so we could load the track for Dripping Springs. They want to take their friends there in their jeeps. We had a fabulous visit with thing we knew it was 2:00! Always great seeing you both!

At 4:30 we took our chairs over to Jim and Barb's where they were having a small beer tasting gathering...Jim, Barb, Dino, Lisa, me, Vicki and Harry...
Treats for Daisy and Dakota...
As you can see, more than just beer was being "tasted"...good thing Barb and Lisa picked up some pizza on their way back from Parker this afternoon...

We had such a fun time...calling it a night at about 10:00.

Thursday (Jan. 16) morning Steve was out making a run to the sani-dump shortly after 7:00. He had pumped yesterday afternoon so was ready to just haul the poop mobile over to dump the first load. It is really busy here and the line ups at the dump station start early.

While he was doing that, I got all the laundry together and when Steve was finished, we were off to the laundromat...again, best to get there early as it gets to be super busy with so many folks here. I got the machines going and then joined Steve at the adjoining restaurant for breakfast. By the time we were finished, the washing machines were done and we loaded it all back into the bags to take home to  hang on the line.

The rest of the day was pretty laid back...I spent my time between checking laundry and sitting with my knitting. Steve managed to fly his glider while the wind was calm and then do some odds and ends.

Jim and Barb are busy packing their truck...they hand over the keys to their fifth-wheel to the new owner tomorrow....
Just before 4:00 Steve moved the truck over as a wind break and got the campfire ready, then we all started gathering for happy hour....

We enjoyed another great couple of hours with good friends and then called in an evening about 6:30 and headed in for dinner.

The internet here wasn't that great to start with but now that hundreds more RV's have arrived for the Show, it is pretty much non-existent. So stay tuned as life on the desert continues...we'll get updates out when we can!