At 4:00 we packed refreshments in the cargo box. secured our chairs and rode our quads down to join Les and Sue for happy hour. On the way we spotted Dave and Diane who had recently moved over to La Posa South from a gathering at Plomosa Road (a free BLM 14 day area). So we pulled over for a brief chat with them. Unfortunately both have bad we didn't get too close! Once you are feeling better, we'll have to get together!
We arrived at Les and Sue's just as everyone was gathering. We all put our chairs in a circle around the campfire pit..and the food was set up on a table. The happy hours at Les and Sue's are more like a full meal, rather than just a few "finger foods"! Harry and Jim are surveying the food and filling their plates...
Left to right around the circle, starting at the bottom left with Popo (the Rat...and Les and Sue's mascot)...Barb, Jim, Harry me, Bert, Sue, (Mike and Brian, I think...), Dale, Ruth and Les...
As the sun got lower in the sky, Les lit the campfire, Po Po is sitting next to Barb...
...and we had another spectacular Arizona sunset...
Just before 7:30, we packed our things away and after hugs and handshakes, we headed home...a wonderful gathering spent catching up with old friends...and new. We also said goodbye to Jim and Barb...they plan on leaving early tomorrow morning. It's been a wonderful month spending time with you...going to miss you both!
Thursday morning Steve and I got out for a morning walk...and stopped for a chat with Harry. There is a big empty spot next to his rig where Jim and Barb had been...sniff, sniff.
After our walk, we went into town to use the free WiFi at the library. Steve wanted to watch a video on replacing the slide he could measure and order the fabric...and I wanted to download a program onto my laptop. Both things we don't like to do while using our own limited data...we go through 12 GB a month fast enough!
When we finished there, we stopped at Roadrunner Market for a couple of things, then parked the truck at the end of Kuehn Road to wander around what vendors were left. The "big tent" is down now and many of the vendors that are only here during the show, have packed up and moved on as well. I picked up a new cutting board and Steve got his supply of disposable gloves.
Of course, it just happened to be after 1:00 by the time we were finished and our tummies were growling, so we just had to stop at Beer Belly's Adult Day Care for a burger and beer... :-)
Back home, I got started on a new knitting project..."Toast Tee Toes" slippers in camo yarn for Steve. Thanks for sending me the pattern Charlene! While I was doing that, Steve gassed up the quads in preparation for another ride tomorrow. Friends, Bill and Janet from our ATV club on Vancouver Island (Cowichan Valley ATV Club) are here for a short visit, so we thought we'd show them some of the local trails. They also joined us for a cocktail...Steve, Bill and Janet...
Everyone gathered at our place at 9:30 for the ride. There would be 5 machines hitting the trails today...Earl, Art, Steve and I on our quads and Bill and Janet in their RzR side-by-side. With Earl in the lead and Steve as tail-gunner, he was able to take a ton of pictures (just a warning LOL).
There is a lovely memorial up there...obvious a popular ride in the area...
And we're off!
That's me riding up the hill in the distance...
Love this ride! Beautiful views...
Look at all that greenery!
The geography ahead is very interesting...
Into the canyon. Note the trail heading up the hill on the right. To my dismay we'll be riding up that later...Yikes!
End of the trail...
Lunch time! Steve, Art, Earl, Bill and Janet...
Oh...and guess who's quad got a flat tire? The back left tire on my quad has had a very slow leak...just enough that Steve usually has to add air before each ride. Today, though, it was flat when we stopped for lunch...
With help from everyone, we finally found the Steve could put a plug in it. That tire now has two plugs in it...
To get out of the canyon, we either had to retrace our route...or go up that steep trail. Apparently it wasn't as bad as it looked (at least beyond the initial very sandy steep spot) but I still didn't feel comfortable taking my quad up. So Steve rode his up, got a ride back down with Bill...
That's Art and me waiting below...
And then Bill gave me a ride up while Steve rode my quad up. Thanks for lift, Bill!!
Yee Haw!!!
You can barely see Earl and Janet watching from above...
That's a long way down!
Art's turn to come up (he has already been up and back down once)...
This time, though, his quad had popped out of 4-wheel drive and he didn't make it past the steep sandy he had to back down. Backing down on the steepest part in the above photo...
No problem on his second try, though...
Great views. We came through the valley on the other side of those ridges...
A stop at Apache Mine...
That's a deep hole!
Steve and Bill went a long ways into the mine never reaching the end. There was evidence the ceiling, that was reinforced in spots,was caving in a little which made it to dangerous to continue on...
Janet was on her way in as we were heading out...
Janet and Bill....
That's an old relic!
Riding a large wash...
Steve's turn to head down...
Almost 7 hours and 60 miles later, we were! What a fantastic day! Thanks for leading, Earl! Needless to say, we were exhausted...but Steve still wanted to take the wheel off my quad so we could take it into Blythe tomorrow. While he was doing that, I cleaned up and put everything away...and we sat outside for a well deserved frosty one!
Saturday after our resistance exercises and showers we headed off to Blythe shortly after 10:00. It was another spectacular day! Looking towards California from Arizona...
Steve dropped me off at Smart and Final to pick up some groceries. I wasn't all that impressed with the had some good prices on some things but didn't have a lot of the things I was after. Their price on Steve's Bud Lite was excellent though...$16.99 for a 30 pack if you bought 2. Even $19.99 for one 30 pack is good! They were all out of the wine I like though...good thing I really didn't need any yet!
Just shy of an hour later, he was back...just as I was going through the check-out. And we headed back to Quartzsite. I just love the mountains you have to drive of the prettiest drives...
Before going home, we stopped in Q and Steve got his hair cut. We had done all that and it was just shortly after 1:00 when we got home. While Steve put the wheel back on my quad, I made lunch...and then he spent the rest of the afternoon "pumping and dumping"...a good 2 hour job. I vacuumed and did a little cleaning inside...then settled in my chair outside with my knitting.
Steve was finished at about 4:00 and he joined me enjoying the late afternoon sunshine...the end to another beautiful day in the desert....
Glad you are enjoying yourself. Your ride looked scary up that hill! It sure is nice the temps have come up.
ReplyDeleteIt was a perfect nice not having to be bundled up for our ride!
Deletesounds like another perfect few days in the aren't making the slippers that Belle shared on facebook? Nola's?..
ReplyDeleteoh the dreaded 'stinky' hair day.. :)
I don't have the right needles for that pattern...will try it another time when I have easier access to purchase the right materials.
DeleteBummer about the flat tire. The Apache mine looks very cool!
ReplyDeleteIt was a great ride...sorry you missed it!
DeleteFound some WIFI ! Great ride awsome views and great company Thks again!Bill &Janet!
ReplyDeleteAnytime guys. It was great having you along.