Happy Father’s Day! Steve had a nice phone call from Chris wishing him a Happy Father’s Day, just as we were finishing breakfast. It was a beautiful morning so Steve thought he would like to try a little fishing. There are lots of fish jumping—mainly carp and apparently there are also some bass. No gas boat motors are allowed on the lake so Steve got his electric motor out. It was beautiful as he took off...
Unfortunately, it clouded over shortly after he got out on the water but it was still warm.
Here are some pictures Steve took while out on the water...
The RV park from the water...
This is a private complex down at the other end of the lake...
And some lovely new homes...
While Steve was out on the lake, Rob called to wish his dad a Happy Father’s Day...no problem, he’ll call back later. I had a nice little chat with him, though. I did a little reading and then thought I would wash the trailer windows. I did the ones I could reach with the small stool and then when Steve came back in, he helped me get the ladder out.It seems the big fish were just teasing Steve...there are hundreds of these big carp swimming around but they just weren’t interested in what he had to offer on his hook. Gee...he just wants to catch you and then release you...let him have a little fun, after all!
While Steve was out fishing and I was doing stuff around the trailer, Dennis was finishing up his waxing job on his 5th wheel...that’s a good job done...complete with clean windows, too!
We all sat outside and relaxed for a bit...Steve called his dad to wish him Happy Father’s Day...and then we decided to go for a bike ride. Dennis was going to go down to Kurt and Ann’s—they had their TV outside and were watching golf...the US Open. They are all avid golfers...something Steve and I haven’t gotten into.
We rode to a park at the other end of the lake...
And then into Oliver where we took a path that follows the river...heading back north towards the lake. We rode roughly 13 kms and were gone about 70 minutes...stopping frequently so Steve could take pictures with his new camera.
The Okanagan River is sure high...
I was left holding the camera bag while Steve took the pictures...

When we got back, we joined Dennis at Kurt and Ann’s to watch the end of the US Open. As usual, the wind had come up and was blowing the clouds away...the sun was very warm, even considering it was getting quite late in the afternoon.
This is Simba...
...and Dunkin'...they are such handsome fellows...
Some beautiful birds coming for dinner...these are Evening Grosbeak...
After enjoying a couple drinks and a visit with them, we headed back to our trailer so I could start preparing dinner. Steve was relaxing in the shade outside with Dennis and Dunkin’ when he received his Happy Father’s Day call from Rob. He said they were having a campfire and roasting hotdogs. Angie’s mom and sister with kids are visiting from Winnipeg. They had a nice chat and finished up just as dinner was ready.
We finished dinner up with a slice of yummy apple-caramel pie. While the guys were sitting outside, a woman came by with a big tray of fresh made pies. She bakes them and then sells them with the profits going to a local charity. What a good idea!
After dinner, Steve went down to the boat to get his fishing rods and Dennis took Dunkin’ for a walk while I cleaned up and did dishes...cooking dinner and cleaning up afterwards was my Father’s Day gift to them both!
Once back from their walk, Dennis said goodnight...and Steve and I watched a little TV before heading to bed. It was a gorgeous night...the sky was clear in the twilight and it was warm, promising to be a hot, sunny day tomorrow.