Since we continue to have a frozen waterline from the freshwater tank in the rig, Steve doesn't want to leave the trailer. I have an appointment tomorrow to see my Orthopedic Surgeon regarding my knee, so he dropped me off at the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal and I took the 3:00 p.m. sailing over to Vancouver Island. Hopefully, the forecast for warming temps is accurate and Steve will be able to come over early next week.
Our son, Rob, picked me up on his way home from work...this time, though, he didn't have the kids with him. Angie had the day off so they were waiting for me when I got to the house after picking up a car rental from the airport (Rob dropped me off).

...and Conner...both very happy to see me (or maybe it was just the excitement of Christmas...??)
Friday morning, I was up and out of the house by 8:00. I had to drive into Victoria to pick up the prescription "shot" for my knee and be back out to Saanich Peninsula Hospital by 9:20. That was no problem...I even had time to stop at Starbucks for a coffee...but unfortunately the doctor "had a slow start this morning" and was behind on his appointments. It was about 11:00 when I finally saw him...and after explaining that the last shot he gave me in late September barely lasted a month, he decided to try a different prescription. That meant driving back to the pharmacy in Victoria, exchanging the prescription, and returning to the hospital...where I had to wait to see him again. At least it wasn't as long that time!
Afterwards, I drove into Sidney, wandered around a bit, picked up something for dinner and went home.
Saturday morning I met my very good friend, Nancy, for coffee in Sidney. We spent well over an hour catching up...and then parted ways with plans to get together next week when Steve came over. Steve and Nancy's husband, Rob, have been friends since grade school. So good seeing you, bud!
Later that afternoon, I tagged along with Rob, Angie and the kids to a Christmas Party at my nephew's house in Victoria.
Rob, Angie, Brian (my nephew) and his wife, Kara...
Brian's mom, Linda, was also at the good seeing her again too!
Once we got home from the party, Conner, Bryce and I had dinner and then with Bryce tucked in bed, Rob and Angie went out for dinner (a rare "date night" for them) while Conner and I settled in to watch a movie. Both boys were fast asleep when mom and dad got home...we'd had a good evening!
Sunday morning, we woke up to a fresh layer of after breakfast, it was time to bundle up and go out to play!
Although, not a lot of snow, there was enough to 'crazy carpet' down the hill behind the house...
Mom (Angie) on the crazy carpet with Conner while Dad (Rob) and Brycie watch...
Then Dad with both boys on the crazy carpet...
Lovely snow scenery when we walked around the property...
Meanwhile, back in Surrey...Steve was also experiencing more snow...
By Monday morning, most of the snow here had melted...but not so in Surrey, they still had a lot with more falling overnight. But the temps had warmed up and the water lines had thawed, so Steve decided to join me on the island...he caught the 11:00 a.m. ferry. I did some shopping in the morning and then picked him up at 1:00.
And a zebra for Bryce...
Wednesday we met family friends (or should I say family and friends) for brunch...left to right around the table...Gerry, Steve, me, Mike, Nadine and Doreen. Gerry and Doreen have been family friends ever since Steve's family moved to Courtenay from Victoria way back in 1967. Even though Steve's parents are both now gone, we stay in touch. Nadine and Mike are Steve's sister and her husband.
Steve had been watching the forecast closely and when he came over last Monday, the temps in Surrey were forecast to stay above freezing...well, guess what? Yup, you got it...the forecast had changed and temps over the Christmas weekend were going down to -3C and -4C. Not wanting to take a chance, we decided we had better make a trip back to winterize the trailer.
So with Chris and Angela just arriving Thursday morning, they drove us back to the ferry terminal later that afternoon and we made the trip back to Surrey. It was about 7:30 when the taxi dropped us off to a very chilly was 3C/37F inside!
Friday, we managed to get the trailer winterized and were on the noon ferry back to the Island. Rob got off work early and picked us up. We spent a wonderful family evening together. Angela with Conner and Bryce...
Angela with the kids, Steve and Chris chatting at the table...while Angie and Rob prepare dinner...
Ta Da...baked ham is ready!
And it's dinner time!
Saturday afternoon...Christmas Eve...Rob and Angie hosted a gathering of their "orphan" friends, aka friends who have no family in town. Bryce is ready for the party!
Steve and Conner discussing the model airplane he is playing with...
Twelve adults and eight kids were spread throughout the house...
Rob and Angie with neighbours and good friends, Kerry and Sean...
Kerry and Sean's kids, Mackenzie and Liam (far right) with Bryce and Conner. Liam and Conner are similar age, playschool classmates and best friends. Mackenzie and Bryce are also similar age and playschool classmates...
It was a lovely Christmas Eve gathering...shared with excited kids and close friends of Rob and Angie's...and lots of good food. After putting Conner and Bryce to bed, the adults enjoyed the rest of the evening playing a couple of different board/card games.
Chris and Angela hamming it up while enjoying a rum and eggnog...
Christmas Day...and two excited kids come down the stairs...
Santa came last night!, of course!
A "little something" for Chris/Angela and Rob/Angie...
Our traditional breakfast "feast"...'WifeSaver Egg Puff', bacon and ham...
Chris, Angela, Steve and I got out for a good long was a beautiful, but chilly day...
About 2:30 that afternoon, we headed out and after a stop at the cemeteries to pay our respects to family no longer with us, we arrived at Mike and Nadine's for Christmas Dinner. Angela, Chris and Amanda (Mike and Nadine's daughter) chatting in the kitchen...
Nadine and Steve...
Bill and Myrna (Myrna is a distant cousin of Steve/Nadine's mom)....
Angela, Matthew (Mike and Nadine's son) and Chris talking to Uncle Dave and Aunt Kerry in Thompson, Manitoba via Facetime....
Conner admiring the decorations...
...particularly the Gingerbread House! Great work Minckler family!
Then it was time to sit down for dinner...turkey with all the trimmings, cabbage rolls, salad...yum!
Left to right around the, Rob, Conner (getting tired of having his picture taken, I guess), Bill, Myrna, Nadine (standing), Angela, Chris, Matthew, Bryce, Angie and Amanda...
Matthew, Angie, Amanda, Mike, Steve, me, Rob, Conner, Bill, Myrna and Angela (thanks for taking the picture, Chris!)...
A little after dinner reading...Bryce with Angie and Conner with Amanda...
Angela, Chris and Matt (nice hats!!)
Myrna made a pinata for the boys...
They both had a great time swinging at it as dad held it up...
It was one tough pinata...
But they finally got it open...
Brycie playing with his very own remote control digger. He's also wearing a coat that Steve wore when he was around that age...amazing that Steve's mom kept it and Nadine found it!
And that was Christmas Day...a wonderful day spent with family!
Boxing Day...we had a small get together with my brother, Dwight, his wife, Helen...and their daughter, Vanessa, husband, Nate and baby Ella.
Vanessa and Helen...
Dwight and Steve...
Nate, Vanessa, Dwight (holding Ella) and me...
Helen and Dwight...
Conner, Rob, Bryce and Angie...
Chris and Angela...
So wonderful finally getting a chance to get together with Dwight and his family for a has been awhile! Another great day spent with family!
Tuesday (Dec. 27), it was time to pack our suitcases and head back home. As usual, time has just flown has been absolutely wonderful spending time with our family...makes me cherish these times together when we don't see them regularly. Especially at Christmas...
What a wonderful Christmas you all had!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy new year to everyone!!
It was wonderful spending it with family!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!