Saturday was pretty much a good for nothin' kind of day...rain had settled in and it poured all day. For the most part, we hunkered down inside...Steve watching TV and me crocheting.
At 3:30 we joined Ray and Deb at their place...enjoying cocktails and snacks. After a couple of hours, we headed home to let them get on with their dinner...and to prepare ours.
We woke to find our power out Sunday morning but at least it wasn't off too long, coming back on shortly after 8:00. All I can say is thank goodness for our Coleman propane coffee maker...I just pulled it out and was able to make our morning coffee!
The day started off much like yesterday and we thought it was going to be a total repeat but the rain actually subsided and we were able to get out for a bit of a walk around the campground.
Chris and Angela were coming out for a visit and dinner, so I prepared veggies to roast...I had put ribs in the oven first thing this morning to slow cook all day. Yes, that meant having the propane oven on but at least it was on a very low setting.
It was shortly after 2:30 when Chris and Angela arrived. We actually managed to sit outside for a bit...until the wind and rain started up again, then we retreated inside to continue our visit.
After dinner, Steve went out to to help a fellow who was having trouble finding a satellite signal. He had stopped by while we were having dinner and since we have the same system, asked if Steve could help.
Once back, we had dessert...and then it was time for Chris and Angela to head off. So good seeing them!
Once home from lunch, Deb and I dropped the guys off and then went into Fort Langley to do a little wandering around. Deb had an idea of something she wanted to get to hang on a wall in the motorhome...we didn't find anything but at least picked up a few ideas. While we were gone, Steve scrubbed and washed last summers grasshoppers off the front of the truck, then washed the cab and box roof...a start on a big job.
Tuesday morning we were up and out to the lab for our annual blood tests as ordered by the doctor. No coffee or breakfast this by the time we were finished there we were starving! It was almost noon by the time we got home. The first thing I did was get some food cooking...we decided to have a big breakfast for lunch...ham, eggs and blueberry pancakes!
After we had some sustenance in us, we both had a working afternoon...Steve finished washing the truck while I did laundry.
The finished product...served over rice along with was yummy!
Time to relax after a delicious dinner!
It was just before 7:30 when we thanked our hosts for a lovely dinner and headed home.
Wednesday we packed a suitcase, put away a couple of things outside, put the awning up and then said goodbye to Deb (Ray was out at a dental appointment)...and we were off to the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal to catch a ferry over to Vancouver Island. It's time to visit Rob, Angie, Conner and Bryce...along with other family over there! Oh yeah...we also have other fun things to do like dental appointments and all sorts of odds and ends to take care of.
We caught the 1:00 ferry which arrived at Swartz Bay at 2:45. We were supposed to be picked up by Angie but she was not having a good afternoon...she lost the FOB to her car so it wouldn't start. She eventually found it by calling a friend and retracing her route...but not until after a stressful couple of hours! No big deal for us...we just took a taxi to the house and were waiting for her when she got home.
Steve with a very smiley little Bryce...
Angie, me and Steve...along with a couple of silly kids that really didn't want to pose for the camera! Conner is upside down...and Steve is holding Bryce...
Thursday morning, Steve was up at 5:45 so he could go with Rob to work, drop him off and have the use of his truck. On his way home, he stopped by his old office for a coffee and visit and then went to Peninsula Eyecare in Sidney to see if they could fix his glasses...the nose-piece had come off. As it turned out, they couldn't fix it and a new piece was going to cost $110 along with a few weeks, nope, that's not going to work! So she told Steve to leave the glasses with her and she would see if she could find a piece in the box of donated eyeglasses that would work.
I finally got my butt in gear and was ready to head back into town with Steve for his 11:00 dental appointment. He's just having a cleaning...any other work required will get done down in Las Algodones, Mexico this winter.
After Steve's dentist appointment, we met with out financial advisor and then went to visit Steve's Dad at the seniors home. Dave and Kerry (Steve's brother and Fiance) are visiting from Thompson, Manitoba and were also there along with Nadine (Steve's sister). We're looking forward to a family gathering this weekend! Left to right...Nadine, Dave, Kerry, Dad, Steve and me...
We remembered (after reminding ourselves throughout the day) to pick up Rob and were waiting for him when he got off work at 4:00. We stopped back at Peninsula Eyecare in Sidney on our way home so Steve could pick up his glasses. She had managed to find a spare nose piece and fix Steve's glasses...and to top it all of it was "no charge"...Sweet!
Just finishing our evening meal...Angie, Conner, Bryce with Rob and Steve...
After dinner, Conner helped Mom make Chocolate Chip Cookies...
(They turned out delicious!)
While Grampa played with Bryce...
Friday morning was my turn to get up at 5:45 to drive Rob to work so we could use his truck...yes, more appointments and "stuff" to take care of today!
Back home, I updated the maps on our GPS so it would be ready for our trip south. Then it was time to head out and get started on the other "stuff" we had to do. Our first stop was at Peden RV...where we had purchased our Montana. After chatting with the fellow who sold us our fifth-wheel, Steve picked up a replacement magnesium anode for the hotwater tank then we continued on into Sidney...our second stop was at our bank.
I went in while Steve waited in the truck...which he had parked right outside of 'Fish on Fifth'. When I got back, he suggested we go there for lunch. In all of the years we had lived in the area, we had never been to this funky little fresh fish restaurant! We both had Halibut and Chips...delicious! We had heard how good it was...and they didn't disappoint!
We ended up getting all of the things we wanted to get done today done much earlier than we expected before picking up Rob. With a little time to kill, we decided to do a little sightseeing. First of all, we stopped at West Bay Marine Village where, in addition to a marina, they have an RV park.
There are also float homes...
These sites at the very end, backing onto the harbour would likely be the only sites we would be able to get our rig into, however just maneuvering into and around the campground would be tricky. You can't beat the views but most sites are awning to awning.
This picture is taken looking away from the water...
View of the Inner Harbour...
After walking around West Bay Marina, we jumped back in the truck and drove to Songhees Road where there are great views of Victoria's Inner Harbour...
The blue Johnson Street Bridge built in 1924 will be no longer in 2017...
Prince of Whales Whale Watching Tour boat..
That's the Fairmont Empress Hotel in the background. There are also little harbour boats that transport people to different places around the harbour...
We picked up Rob and then headed home. Friday night dance party at the Colibaba's!
After dinner....Angie gave Bryce a bath. He's such a happy little doesn't take much to get him to smile!
And there you have it...another week has gone by! We are looking forward to continuing our visit...we plan on heading back to the mainland next Wednesday.
It was just before 7:30 when we thanked our hosts for a lovely dinner and headed home.
Wednesday we packed a suitcase, put away a couple of things outside, put the awning up and then said goodbye to Deb (Ray was out at a dental appointment)...and we were off to the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal to catch a ferry over to Vancouver Island. It's time to visit Rob, Angie, Conner and Bryce...along with other family over there! Oh yeah...we also have other fun things to do like dental appointments and all sorts of odds and ends to take care of.
We caught the 1:00 ferry which arrived at Swartz Bay at 2:45. We were supposed to be picked up by Angie but she was not having a good afternoon...she lost the FOB to her car so it wouldn't start. She eventually found it by calling a friend and retracing her route...but not until after a stressful couple of hours! No big deal for us...we just took a taxi to the house and were waiting for her when she got home.
Steve with a very smiley little Bryce...
Angie, me and Steve...along with a couple of silly kids that really didn't want to pose for the camera! Conner is upside down...and Steve is holding Bryce...
Thursday morning, Steve was up at 5:45 so he could go with Rob to work, drop him off and have the use of his truck. On his way home, he stopped by his old office for a coffee and visit and then went to Peninsula Eyecare in Sidney to see if they could fix his glasses...the nose-piece had come off. As it turned out, they couldn't fix it and a new piece was going to cost $110 along with a few weeks, nope, that's not going to work! So she told Steve to leave the glasses with her and she would see if she could find a piece in the box of donated eyeglasses that would work.
I finally got my butt in gear and was ready to head back into town with Steve for his 11:00 dental appointment. He's just having a cleaning...any other work required will get done down in Las Algodones, Mexico this winter.
After Steve's dentist appointment, we met with out financial advisor and then went to visit Steve's Dad at the seniors home. Dave and Kerry (Steve's brother and Fiance) are visiting from Thompson, Manitoba and were also there along with Nadine (Steve's sister). We're looking forward to a family gathering this weekend! Left to right...Nadine, Dave, Kerry, Dad, Steve and me...
We remembered (after reminding ourselves throughout the day) to pick up Rob and were waiting for him when he got off work at 4:00. We stopped back at Peninsula Eyecare in Sidney on our way home so Steve could pick up his glasses. She had managed to find a spare nose piece and fix Steve's glasses...and to top it all of it was "no charge"...Sweet!
Just finishing our evening meal...Angie, Conner, Bryce with Rob and Steve...
(They turned out delicious!)
While Grampa played with Bryce...
Friday morning was my turn to get up at 5:45 to drive Rob to work so we could use his truck...yes, more appointments and "stuff" to take care of today!
Back home, I updated the maps on our GPS so it would be ready for our trip south. Then it was time to head out and get started on the other "stuff" we had to do. Our first stop was at Peden RV...where we had purchased our Montana. After chatting with the fellow who sold us our fifth-wheel, Steve picked up a replacement magnesium anode for the hotwater tank then we continued on into Sidney...our second stop was at our bank.
I went in while Steve waited in the truck...which he had parked right outside of 'Fish on Fifth'. When I got back, he suggested we go there for lunch. In all of the years we had lived in the area, we had never been to this funky little fresh fish restaurant! We both had Halibut and Chips...delicious! We had heard how good it was...and they didn't disappoint!

There are also float homes...

This picture is taken looking away from the water...
View of the Inner Harbour...
After walking around West Bay Marina, we jumped back in the truck and drove to Songhees Road where there are great views of Victoria's Inner Harbour...
The blue Johnson Street Bridge built in 1924 will be no longer in 2017...
Prince of Whales Whale Watching Tour boat..
That's the Fairmont Empress Hotel in the background. There are also little harbour boats that transport people to different places around the harbour...

After dinner....Angie gave Bryce a bath. He's such a happy little doesn't take much to get him to smile!
And there you have it...another week has gone by! We are looking forward to continuing our visit...we plan on heading back to the mainland next Wednesday.