Conner is an absolute delight...such a happy little guy. Rob leaves for work at 6:20 a.m. before Conner is up, so I was there to get him up and ready for daycare. Not a hard job when you have a smiling face greet you every morning! It wasn't long before we were in our routine...I would drop him off around 8:00 a.m. and pick him up at 4:00. I guess I had it pretty easy but when you are not used to taking care of little ones...well, I must admit I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day! Particularly the first couple! It was nice having him in daycare, though, because it kept him on his normal schedule and it also allowed me/us time for various appointments we had.
Sunday (March 30), Rob drove an emotional mom to the airport at about noon. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, this is Angie's first trip for work since returning from maternity leave...and the first time leaving her baby. Of course, it was much harder on mom than on Conner...he just took it in stride and had fun playing with his toys.
Rob had taken Monday off...which was great because it was an extra day with Gramma and Grampa around before waking up to only us there. We met our good friends, Rob and Nancy for breakfast at 10:00. Their son, Aaron, happened to be visiting. He is a pilot and works for a company that contracts to the UN...he is currently stationed in Afghanistan (much to his mother's dismay). He is quite the adventurer and has traveled all over the world. It was so good seeing him and it was also great that Rob was able to join us too because our kids (Rob and Chris) spent many summer vacations camping with Rob and Nancy's kids (Arron, Jonathon and Kimberley). Unfortunately, I didn't think to take a picture until just before we were leaving and Conner was getting a little restless.
That afternoon, we went into Victoria to visit Steve's dad. We took him out for a nice drive along the Victoria waterfront and then stopped for coffee. I think he really enjoyed getting out for a change in scenery.
Tuesday, everything went smoothly with Conner's first morning waking up to Gramma. He played with his toys, ate a bit and I managed to get him dressed, face washed, hair combed and teeth brushed...and to playschool by 8:00...whew!
It was an absolutely gorgeous day so Steve and I went into Sidney for a walk along the waterfront...our favourite walk...
Canadian Navy Frigate...
Sidney Pier...
Set of TV series Gracepoint...
That's a wrap...pack it up!
Sea Anemone's...
They hold outdoor music sessions here in the summertime...
Fish Market...
Downtown Sidney ends at the Fish Market wharf...
After dinner that night...bath time! Conner loves his bath...
Wednesday morning Steve and I both had appointments to have our eyes checked. Since we both have the same doctor, he went first so that he could leave in time for a dentist appointment. While I was waiting for my turn, I took a walk down to the Sidney waterfront...just beautiful....
With Steve having a dentist appointment in Victoria, it meant I would have to walk home after I was finished with my eye appointment...about a 7 mile walk but it was a gorgeous day and I didn't mind at all. There is a new bike/walking path that heads west across to the other side of the Saanich Peninsula. It goes along the edge of the airport (Victoria International) to Patricia (Pat) Bay in the Saanich inlet. This is a lovely viewing area/rest stop along the way where you can watch aircraft taking off and's also a tribute to the Royal Canadian Air Force, Patricia Bay 1939-1945...
This is Pat Bay...
...and the beachfront path that I took, heading north..
Steve got home about a half hour after I did...the outcome of his dental appointment is going to be very costly. Last October when we were in McMinnville, Oregon on our way south, two crowns came out. And this was just after he'd been to the dentist in September for a checkup and cleaning. Initially, he thought they were fillings that had come out but they ended up being old crowns. The missing crowns didn't cause any was just uncomfortable when he decided to wait until we got home to see his dentist. Well, now he needs two new crowns and of course, they are not covered under our extended health dental coverage. Yes, hindsight is wonderful...we should have done what so many Canadians do and gone across the Mexican border into Los Algodones for the dental work. To top it off, in addition to the crowns, he also has an infected root and is being sent to a specialist in Endodontics for microsurgery....sheesh! Ka-Ching!
Thursday morning when I woke up my eyes were really gritty and sore. I am testing new contact lenses and didn't have another appointment until next week however, after dropping Steve off at the ferry (he went back to Fort Langley but will be back Monday afternoon), I thought I would stop in at Peninsula Lifetime Eyecare Centre and see if I could have a quick chat with my doctor. She wasn't available so I made an appointment for later on that afternoon. Good thing I did...the trial contact lenses I was wearing were too tight for my eyeballs so were not floating on the surface like they were supposed to. Consequence...dry irritated eyes so along with drops 4x/day, I am to try to limit any contact lens wear.

This is my nose, Gramma...
Friday, I met my "old" work buddies for very, very good seeing them and keeping in touch. Unfortunately, one was missing, though...Delcie was away visiting family in Seattle. Lynn, Gwen and moi...
After lunch and a great visit, I thought I would stop by my old office. I can't remember the last time I was's been awhile! I was warmly greeted by my former co-workers that are still working...I even sat down and had a nice chat with my former boss.
And then had a fun time at the playground...
With the airport nearby, there are lots of airplanes flying over...and Conner loves airplanes. The look on his face was priceless..."wow...look at that!"...
Monday (April 7), after dropping Conner of at playschool, I came home and puttered around...a little laundry and vacuuming. After lunch I drove to Broadmead Village (northern edge of Victoria)...I had a couple of errands plus I wanted to stop in at Knickerbocker's to see my sister-in-law, Helen and her daughter, Vanessa. I picked a good time to drop in...they weren't busy and we had a nice visit.

Tuesday, I had another appointment with my eye doctor in Sidney and Steve had an appointment at the dentist in Victoria to have temporaries put in while the replacement crowns are being made. My appointment today was for a full eye exam (my previous appointments had been for contact lens check and refit). The results of the eye pressure test (for glaucoma) showed that the pressures were quite high, so I would have to return for more in-depth tests....sheesh!
Since Steve was at his dental appointment, I had to walk home again. Unfortunately, the weather was not quite as nice as it had been last week...but the walk was still nice (although a little damp). Today, I was almost home when Steve came by and picked me up...yeah, I don't have that last long hill to climb!
Wednesday, I had a lunch date with my friend, Linda...whom I hadn't seen in well over a year. We enjoyed a lovely two hour lunch catching up...great seeing you again, Linda! After a quick stop at Costco (where I ran into my friend, Nancy), I picked Conner up and we headed home to see Grampa...who had had a pretty lazy day (oh, okay, he did get out for a walk).

After dropping him off, I was back at Peninsula Lifetime Eyecare for more tests on my eyes (my eye doctor called later in the afternoon to say that the pressures were down today and that the other tests looked fine...yay!...but rather than the normal 2 year check-up, she wanted to see me in 1 year...ok!).
That afternoon, we went into Victoria for another visit with Steve's dad...but before the visit, we went for a walk along the Gorge Waterway on part of the Galloping Goose Trail... Steve's place of employment from a previous life was just a couple of blocks away so he used to walk this trail every day on his lunch hour.
Steve's sister, Nadine, joined us for coffee at dad's place...
Friday morning Conner woke up rather cranky...a change from his normal self. We think he has more teeth coming in. But he seemed back to his normal self as we were getting ready for playschool...a little horsey ride before we go...
After dropping him off, I went to the Orthopedic Clinic at Saanich Peninsula Hospital for an appointment with my knee doctor. He wasn't too happy that the "lube-job" (the injection I had last September) took two months to work, so next time he'll use the "heavy-duty" stuff. But for now, all is fine with my knee...however, he wants to see me in early June. Since we plan on leaving Fort Langley by June 2, I made an appointment for May 30th...the nurse and I agreed that that was close enough to early June...LOL!
While I was at my appointment, the playschool called to say that Conner was running a bit of a temperature. She called it a "courtesy" call...basically a heads-up that we may need to pick him up. I told her that I could pick him up after my appointment but she said she'd call again should his temperature go up.
Shortly after 12-noon, I received another call...he had just woken up after a two hour nap and his temperature was up to just over 103F, so I went and got our little fellow. He seemed fine, although not as energetic as he usually is...I took his temperature again, it was 102.5. He had a good lunch, eating well and then we bundled him up and went out for a was a beautiful afternoon!
When we got back, I put him down for nap...another good 2 hours, so he hadn't been up too long before daddy came home. Here he is just chillin' in the late afternoon sunshine as it streams through the window...ahhh...
Rob gave him a bottle and put him to bed just after 7:00 and we didn't hear a peep out of him until about 6:30 the next morning. He woke up his usual happy self Saturday morning!
I went into Sidney Saturday morning to pick up a few groceries. When I got home, Rob and Conner were out for a walk but by the time I had most of the groceries put away, they were back home. We all had lunch and then went into Sidney for a walk along the waterfront...
Followed, of course, by fun at the playground!
He went down this slide by himself today...
Oops...almost went over the side here!
When we got home, Rob tried putting Conner down for a nap...we were hoping that he'd have a good snooze and be able to stay up until mommy got home. Angie's flight arrives in Victoria at 7:23 p.m. Unfortunately, he didn't feel like napping and was only down for about a half hour. Grampa reading him a book...
After dinner, Conner wasn't showing any indication of needing to go to bed, so we decided to just leave him and let him play while Rob went to the airport to pick up Angie. I got him ready for bed...pj's on and teeth brushed...and we were playing when mommy and daddy got home. Who's that, Conner?....
We were initially planning on going back over to Fort Langley tomorrow, but Steve has another dental appointment...this time with Victoria Endodontics & Microsurgery for a consultation. It looks like he might have an infection in an old root canal. Back when it was done, they may not have gotten all of the root and the infection is eating away at his jaw bone. Oh gee...what next? And of course, again, our dental plan does not cover it. His appointment is next Wednesday, so we will likely take the 7 pm ferry back to the mainland.
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