...and so was Conner (LOL!)
After a delicious late morning breakfast, Steve and I met his sister (Nadine) and her husband (Mike) for coffee. Mike was just returning from meetings in Vancouver, so we met them in Royal Oak (outskirts of Victoria) where Nadine was picking him up. We had a nice visit and after hugs, we parted ways. On our way home, we decided to stop at the Sidney waterfront and go for a walk...it was such a beautiful day! No pictures this time...you've seen enough (just look at previous blogs!).
Monday I was having a nice leisurely start to the day when Steve asked me if I was going to have a shower and get dressed...Mike would be here in half an hour! Oh sheesh, I had forgotten! Nadine, Mike and their two (adult) kids, Amanda and Matthew are leaving for Hawaii for a family vacation and since Rob's house is so close to the airport, they asked if they could park their car there. So Steve and I were going to drive Mike back to the airport and join the family for coffee before their flight. I was ready just in time and we enjoyed more time with Nadine and Mike...and the kids...before they headed off through security at the airport.
Angie had Monday off, so that afternoon we buckled Conner into his car seat and drove into Victoria for a little shopping trip. We stopped in the food court at Hillside Mall for a coffee...Conner was so intrigued by everything going on around him...
Tuesday, we went into Victoria for a last visit with Steve's Dad...we plan on leaving tomorrow. Before the visit, though, we went for a great walk along the north side of the Inner Harbour in Victoria. It wasn't a particularly nice day...but at least it wasn't raining!
Float Plane landing in Inner Harbour...
West Bay Marina...
Fairmont Empress Hotel...
Wednesday morning, Steve had an appointment with Victoria Endodontics...a consultation for an infection he has in one of his teeth. Result...the specialist will consult with the dentist, who will call Steve next week. Yes, I see more $$. At 2:00 that afternoon, our good friend, Rob Cawsey, popped by to give us a ride to the ferry....thanks Rob! We caught the 3 p.m. ferry and were back in our "home on wheels" by 6:00...ahhh...so good to be home!
Thursday was a socked in, rainy day. We drove the short distance into Fort Langley to pick up some beer/wine and a few groceries. We also stopped at the post office to send our Olympus TG-2 camera back...under warranty, thank goodness! You may have noticed that many of our pictures are distorted so since we are here for a couple of months, we wanted to get that taken care of. After that, we basically sat inside while it poured outside, watching the RV's come in for the Easter long weekend.

My brother and sister-in-law, Dennis and Suzanne, arrived back in Canada yesterday and were driving from Osoyoos, BC to Victoria today for a visit with family there. Since we are along the way, they stopped in for a visit. Another brother, Don, drove out from Vancouver for a visit as well...so we had a great time catching up. Our 'Fort Langley' friends, Neil and Lisa, also popped by...they are here again after their winter travels south. After a wonderful greeting from them, we made plans to get together in the coming week...looking forward to catching up with them as well!

Saturday (April 19), we moved sites. Our favorite site (C-1) right next to the one we're in, was supposed to become vacant tomorrow, however, the folks left this morning. Since we are planning on being here until the end of May, we asked to move into it. The timing was perfect, once maintenance was done cleaning up the site (you wouldn't believe the crap those pigs...I mean people left at their site!) we managed to get moved just before the rain started!

Left to right...Lucy (Angela's Mom), Lucia (Lucy's nephew's wife), Angela, Luigi (Angela's Dad), Steve and Chris...
After dinner, Angela wanted to show us the wedding invitations and put a few together. First Angela put it together...
...and then Chris' job is to put it in the envelope and seal...
Ta! Da!
Not so easy to get that bow into the envelope...
Lucy, Luigi and Steve...
We had an absolutely lovely evening...thank you so much for all your hospitality, Lucy and Luigi! It was about 9:00 when Chris drove us back to our truck...and we headed back out to Fort Langley, about a 35 minute drive.
Easter Sunday we left at 11:00 and headed back into Burnaby...this time it was for Easter lunch with Steve's cousins and their families. Chris and Angela also joined us...
Steve talking to cousin Cheryl...
It's really hard getting 13 people to pay attention (LOL!)...and the "kids" at the end of the table just weren't! That group of second generation cousins were busy catching up. Not that you can see everyone...but, left to right around the table...Cheryl, Angela, Chris, Nicole, Natalie, Cam, Nicholas, Christopher, me, Marie (Glenna's mom), Glenna and Bev...
It was going on 3:00 by the time we got home...time for a good walk! We took Tavistock Trail, right here on Brae Island...
The last couple of days (Monday and Tuesday), we really didn't do much other than putter around. We went for our daily walk and Steve off-loaded our bicycles from the back of the trailer. He pumped up the tires and washed them. My bike was having issues with the brake pad rubbing, and since neither bike had been in for a check-up in a couple of years, we decided to take them both into the shop where we bought them. Yes, my bike was definitely having problems...the back tire was bent! We have no idea how that could have happened...we figured that someone must have backed into it or kicked it, in one of the many parking lots we've been to since leaving last fall. So, in addition to a routine service, my bike also needed a new back wheel.
Some of you may already know of these websites, but for those who don't, you may find them of interest. Howard Payne of RV-Dreams gives a very good explanation of a new site called RVillage...click RVillage: An Introduction. The second one is a new app for iPhone/iPad and android developed by Chris and Cherie from Technomadia on US public lands and only costs $1.99. Their site is also great for anyone interested in technology on the road
And that pretty well brings us up to date. As I mentioned, we will be here until the end of May...so, I'll post updates...occasionally...
That is an incredible truck/toy-hauler were did you have it made?
ReplyDeleteThanks Bryce. I had it built to my own design at http://www.itb.ca in Surrey, BC.