We were up bright and early Friday (October 4) so Steve could enjoy a cup of coffee before showering and finishing his packing. Rob pulled up shortly after 6:30 ...in the pouring rain...and after loading his suitcase and cooler they were off...have fun guys! Rob said on his way here he saw a doe at the bottom of their driveway and another two further down the road. Hopefully that's a lucky sign!
I headed out for my day shortly after 8:30...starting off with a trip out to Langford. My first stop was at Costco. Then it was onto Walmart and Michaels before I headed into Victoria for lunch with my former co-workers. After a fabulous lunch and visit with Lynn and Gwen, I was off to a haircut appointment (finally) and finally, out to Sidney for a pedicure.
A great day...but I didn't get everything done that I had planned, good thing there is always tomorrow!
Meanwhile, this is what Steve was up to...I'll pass this over to him...
We drove to Duncan where we met my buddy, Jim at McDonalds. He started a tradition with Rob a few years ago where he'd buy Rob breakfast so included me as well...thanks Jim!
Our destination is McClure Lake in the Cowichan Valley...an area we have hunted since the 70's. It has seen a lot of change with continued logging and second growth that has overgrown old favourite hunting spots. On our drive in we had a cow and bull Elk run across the road about 50 yards ahead of us...too quick for a photo but what a treat to see these beautiful animals.
We always used to camp at the lake but after getting flooded out on our trip in 2015 and having to cut our trip short by a few days, Jim and Rob had found a new spot since then. The last time I was here this was a wide open log sorting lot and helicopter landing pad. Wow...is it ever overgrown! Luckily the rain stopped just before our arrival. Jim fired up the chainsaw, Rob grabbed his machete and I collected the branches and threw them off to the side.
Jim's camp on the left and Rob and I on the right...
With camp set up it was time for a break. Rob has my old utility trailer I set up for hunting and hauling my old quad. It has bunk beds that fold down against the wall...
Time to get our firewood before that rain hits us...
Because I'm only here for a couple of full days it wasn't worth getting a hunting license or bringing my quad...just here as another set of eyes and doing guy stuff..burpin, fartin, scratchin, cursin, and drinkin! Well maybe a little drinkin...LOL!
Time for our evening hunt...the landscape around here is either up or down. There was a variety of different types of mushrooms. This patch was huge...see my boot.
We weren't seeing much sign up here so decided to head to another spot...
This spot was much more promising..we saw tracks and this recent buck rub. Unfortunately we saw nothing and would not return to this area. The road in became very overgrown and once on it Rob was committed to continue until we could turn around...also too far to walk in. You might have some waxing to do Rob!
I was up and out shortly after 7:00 Saturday (October 5) morning...to go over and hang out with my grandboys for a while. Angie had an appointment and some errands to take care of, so I spent a few hours with Conner and Bryce.
When Angie got home, I had a nice visit with her and then decided I'd better get on with the things I panned to get done today. So I spent the afternoon completing the shopping that I didn't get done yesterday.
And now, over to Steve to tell you about his day...
Rob parked the truck at the edge of the timberline below and we walked, or should I say huffed and puffed our way to the top and just inside the timberline.
Beautiful morning...
Looking back down...
We could see Jim across the valley where the road follows the upper ridge to the timberline. He rode his quad part way then walked up. He later told us he couldn't believe we walked up this mountain...
Our destination is to the timberline up top in the fog beyond that lower road where we had a well deserved rest and a snack...
Rested and fed we headed back down...
...and down...
The clouds looking kind of neat...
Almost back to the truck, barely visible down below. Other than easy breathing sometimes going down can be almost as bad as going up!
Once back we continued down the valley passing over the bridge at McClure Lake...
We explored a bit and ended up in a new clear cut...unlikely to find any game here.
After brunch we decided on some beach time in the sunshine at the lake...Jim and Rob.
And me and Rob...
Already a little flooded here...with the steep mountains here in the valley it takes no time at all for the lake to rise quickly.
Here's a couple of photos from 2015 when we got flooded out. We had a creek running through our site as well!

Didn't have to take my boat to the lake...it came to the boat. Never did get out in it :(
Jim heading out for an evening hunt...
Rob and I watched a clear cut for a couple of hours with the rain threatening to return. Had a brief sprinkle and a faint rainbow and sunshine.
Dinner time...
(Jim's photo)
I spent Sunday (October 6) morning doing odds and ends and a little baking. Nothing too terribly exciting...LOL!
Around 1:30 I wrapped my carving knifes up in a tea towel and headed over for a visit with Dwight and Helen (my brother and sister-in-law). My knifes are so dull that they hardly cut anything and Dwight owns
KnifePro...sharpening knifes and selling all sorts of kitchenware from around the world.
I spent a great hour and a half visiting with them, Dwight took and sharpened my knifes...and then I was on my way. After a brief stop at home, I was on my way out to Angie's for dinner. I also had a load of laundry that I thought I would finish up...so I got to try out their new "space age" machines.
Angie's dad, Brian, had arrived last night from Winnipeg for a visit while her mom, Linda, is in Scotland. It was great seeing him! I feel very fortunate getting my knee replacement relatively quickly as he is waiting for hip replacement. His appointment with a surgeon isn't until next June...who knows when the surgery will be! I'd say Manitoba's wait lists are crazy! I know our's here in BC used to be horrendous too but at least ReBalanceMD has been working closely with Vancouver Island Health Authority to get them reduced to a more manageable level.
After a delicious dinner and a wonderful visit with Angie, Conner, Bryce and Brian, I loaded the clean laundry into the car and headed home. Thank for dinner and the use of your washer and dryer, Angie! (No pictures because my photographer is away)
And...over to Steve...
We returned to the clear cut area that had the rainbow last night and sat for 1 1/2 hours. It's so peaceful watching a new day dawn and listening to the birds chirping. This was my view...
Rob scanning the hillside...we sat on either side of a large burn pile...
We walked back to the truck and drove back to check out another large clear cut. These areas are new to us and were probably logged a couple of years ago as the
Fireweed hasn't invaded the area yet. Once it does it's really hard to spot a deer in it as it can grow up to 6 feet tall! We'll be heading to the top next...
One thing we noticed and had never seen before is they topped all the trees along the edge of the clear cut. In researching this it's to prevent blow downs. I thought perhaps a guy slung on a line below a helicopter with a chainsaw but apparently each tree is climbed and topped!
Looking back down...
That's the clear cut across the valley where we got our firewood...
Coming back down from the upper road...
This Grouse flew up from the road and posed long enough for us both to get a picture. Even though Rob brought his shotgun we both tend to pass on loud gunfire that'll spook the deer for just a Grouse:)
Time for brunch...
Rob's turn to cook...
Brunch over time to relax. Where to go next...none of us has seen a deer yet!
Rob and Jim had discovered an overgrown trail across the road below our camp to the lake a few years ago so we thought we would check it out...
The trail leads to a creek bed to the lake...
We could see a few fish rising and a nice sized one swam right by us. Years ago as a boy Rob, or Robbie back then caught a 5 lb. Brown Trout here. Back then the lake had not been known for fishing.
I've taken a couple of deer off that hillside when that second growth was a clear cut...
Rob considers himself a bit of a survivor-man so I bought him a homemade Fat Wood Fire Steel Fire Starter Kit. Cowichan Valley ATV Club member Randy was in Quartzsite last winter selling them.
You scrape the Fat Wood with a sharp knife into a small pile then scrape the Fire Steel until the sparks set it alight. Fat Wood is a resin impregnated heartwood derived from pine trees and is high in pitch. Works great!
Evening still hunt across the valley from the mountain we huffed and puffed up...
All we saw on this evenings hunt was a Salamander...oh...and a Black Bear. WHERE'S THE DEER!!
Me and my bud and Bud Light...LOL!
(Above and below Rob's photos)
Monday (October 7) I woke up to rain, rain...and more rain. Not a great day to have to drive up island to Lake Cowichan to pick up Steve!
I decided to bake some keto buns first thing in the morning. Good to have on hand so Steve can make me a sandwich too when he makes his lunch. I had made a batch last week but they totally flubbed...couldn't understand because I've made them many times before. I thought it might be "bad" baking powder, so bought a new container. Well, this batch also flubbed...WTH?! The last ingredient that could possibly be the problem is the psyllium husk powder that I purchased in the bulk from the grocery store. I have never had good luck buying from the bulk section in the past...most things taste stale and old. So I threw it out and will purchase a new container...not bulk! Hopefully that does the trick!
I headed out around 10:00...in the pouring rain...and after a stop in Langford at Walmart, I was on my way up island. Driving conditions were not the best...pouring rain and dense fog as I drove over the Malahat. But I had no problems and arrived at the A and W Restaurant in Lake Cowichan at exactly 1:00...our pre-arranged meeting time. Steve and Rob were already there having lunch.
Over to Steve on his final day...
Man...did it ever rain all night! Rob and I decided to do our morning still hunt in the clear cut where we got our firewood the other day. It continued to pour as we waited for daybreak. We sat there for 1 1/2 hours...Rob is just left of the road...
Well that area was a bust, so we returned to the area of the rainbow. FINALLY...in the pouring rain we saw our first deer, a doe. Telephoto shot from a phone camera so not the greatest pic. She's in the centre of the shot. We drove to the end of the road and on our return we spotted two more does. Even though we couldn't grow any antlers on these two it sure was nice to finally see something!
Well unfortunately my time was up, so we headed back so I could pack up my things and head to Cowichan Lake to meet Dianne.
On our way in the other day Jim had said he saw another Elk in the bush just after we had spotted the two cross in front of us. Both Rob and I misunderstood him to mean a live one but he later said a dead one. We found it on our way out so stopped to take a look. There is always a problem with poachers in the area so I wanted to check it out. With my city shoes on I wasn't able to make it down the muddy bank to get close enough, but it appeared to be a cow and was probably hit by a truck and died there.
Rob has a radio in his truck to monitor the logging traffic on their channels so we new this guy was near us and sure enough, we met him at the intersection of the main South Shore road. He later pulled over to let us pass.
During my time with Rob we saw 2 Elk, 4 Grouse, 1 Bear, and 3 Does...oh and 1 Salamander.
Rob and Jim hunted until Friday. Jim saw a spike and Rob saw another Bear. They also heard some wolves howling...no wonder we weren't seeing much game...sure had fun though!
Steve was unpacking and getting ready for a shower when we heard a knock on the door. It was Tami and Andy from next door. They had flowers and a card for me...so nice! The card is so cute...inside it says "One at a time...You'll get there." Very thoughtful...thanks guys!
The big day is finally here...I go for a total knee replacement of my left knee tomorrow.