After a walk along the beach and back through the campground, Steve noticed that the big field was empty...and the wind was calm, so he took his glider out and did a little flying. While he was doing that, I sat at the dining table with the laptop doing some banking.
The rest of the day was spent just chilling outside reading. We had neighbours move in next door...a Phaeton Motorhome. So we lost our view...but it was bound to happen, it is the start of a weekend! We had actually seen this motorhome while in Campbell River...they had come in and stayed for one night. Carl and Lindy are quite interested in our full-time RV'ing lifestyle, so they invited us over for happy hour and we spent a few hours chatting with them...always nice to meet new RV friends!
We woke to rain Saturday (July 6) morning...sure hope it clears up this afternoon when Rob, Angie and the boys arrive! It's never nice setting up camp in the rain...especially when it's a tent!
We spent the majority of the day just chillin'...I sat outside under the awning reading or knitting while Steve spent his time inside.
About 2:30 Rob arrived in his truck...and about 20 minutes later, Angie pulled in with the kids in the car.
After big hugs, the kids bikes were unloaded and they rode with Gramma and Grampa over to the playground so Mom and Dad could set up the tent. First a ride on the swings...
Then Bryce climbed up the wall to try out the slide...
Conner joined him...
Back at their site, we sat visiting while they finished their set up...unfortunately it's quite windy on the waterfront but they do have a big tree beside them that helped block it a bit. Although their gazebo is a little small for the picnic table, they managed to get it a little more protection from the elements.
Bryce helped pump up the air mattresses...
Dinner was at our we all headed over there. Steve grilled burgers and hot dogs and we sat outside...much more sheltered from the wind where we are. After dinner we sat around the propane fire until Rob and Angie decided it was time to take the boys back and get them to bed.
Sunday (July 7)...and it was raining! And it did so most of the morning. Around 7:30 we heard a knock on the door...Good morning Conner, Bryce and Rob! The kids had some hot chocolate and cereal and Rob joined us for a cup of coffee. A great way to start the day!
Rob took a cup of coffee down to lure Angie out of bed...while I cooked breakfast for everyone. Once all the dishes were done (thanks for helping, Rob!), everyone headed off to brush teeth and then go for a walk. Unfortunately, it had started raining Angie and Bryce were hunkered down in their gazebo playing a game, and Rob and Conner came back to our place. I left them playing a game of Othelo while I borrowed Angie's car and headed off for a little grocery shopping.
A couple of hours later, I was back. The rain had pretty much stopped but it was still cloudy and quite windy again. Emery and Glenda had arrived from Campbell River and were all set up in the site next to Rob and Angie. I unloaded the groceries from the car and then drove it back to Rob and Angie's site and greeted Glenda and Emery.
Steve went with Emery into Qualicum Beach for propane and a water hose. After I finished putting the groceries away, I walked over and joined everyone. Along the way I came across Rob pushing Bryce on a set of swings near our campsite...
We all basically sat under the awning at Glenda and Emery's trailer for the rest of the afternoon. It also made a great windbreak! The propane fire also added some heat...thanks Emery.
The forecast for Monday (July 8) was for the sun to come out by mid morning. It didn't happen until much later in the day but it was warm and there was no rain.
Rob and the boys slept in this morning and didn't come over until after 8:00. They had a much better sleep last night with no wind flapping the tent.
I spent the morning making the sauce for lasagne and Caesar dressing...preparing what I could for dinner tonight. While I was doing that, Steve was outside emptying the holding tanks...and using the 27 gallon blue boy Ray and Deb gave us. It's been years since he had to use one of these. At least he didn't have far to pull it...the sani-dump is just across the road from us...
Around noon, Don and Rhonda (my brother and sister-in-law) stopped by for a quick visit...they only live about 10 minutes from here. Great seeing you...look forward to seeing more of you now that we are so close!
Chris, Angela and Issac arrived just before 1:00...about an hour earlier than anticipated because they had managed to catch the 10:00 ferry from North Vancouver, rather than the 11. After big hugs...and registering at the office, we led them to their cabin on our bikes.
With the added help of Conner, Bryce and Rob, we unloaded their SUV. Their cabin is a nice modern one-bedroom unit, with a bathroom, and a living room/kitchen combination. There is a patio with a picnic table and barbecue...all with a great view of the ocean.
After they got settled in, we all gathered over at Rob and Angie's campsite for the rest of the afternoon. Angela with Bryce sitting on the blanket...that's Emery and Glenda's trailer in the background. Emery is actually on his own for a couple of nights...Glenda has gone away with a girlfriend for an annual get together.
Love this picture...the Colibaba clan. Thanks for taking it, Emery! Front left to right...Conner, Chris, Isaac, Bryce and Angela; Back...Rob, Angie, me and Steve...
Cool dude Isaac with his sunglasses on...Mom had to hold his hands from pulling them off while Grampa took a picture...
Rob and Angie decided to take their kayaks out...Rob pulling Angie and Conner free off the beach while Bryce waits for Dad to return. It had turned out to be a gorgeous afternoon...
They saw lots of seals...
Dinner was back at our place...left to right around the table, Bryce, Rob, Angie, Emery and Conner...
Isaac and Angela...
Grampa and Isaac...
Emery, Angie, Bryce and Conner...
Okay...goofy face time!
After dinner it was time to get a campfire going down on the beach. L to R...Bryce, Chris, Angela, Rob and Conner....and time for S'mores! Bryce is the marshmallow cooker!
Rob, Angela and Isaac...
What a gorgeous evening! (Those are Rob and Angie's kayaks)
Bryce and Isaac having some cousin time on Angie's lap...
Tuesday (July 9) was a beautiful sunny day...there were still clouds on the horizon indicating a change was coming. But in the meantime, we enjoyed the sunshine.
As usual, Rob and the boys came over just after 7:30 and let Mom stay in bed in little longer. Conner and Bryce think morning cartoons at Gramma and Grampa's trailer while camping is pretty cool...LOL!
Steve went out kayaking with Rob and the boys...
Lots of seals...they tend to hang around the mouth of the Big Qualicum River...
There were 4 seals near Rob and Conner...
Looking back at the campground and the cabins that Chris and Angela are staying in...
Another seal...and seasonal campers on the other side of the river...
Steve took a 27 second video...
We basically had a relaxing day...spending time between Chris and Angela's cabin and our place. Chris grilled smokies for lunch. They have a lovely spot...but with no awning for shade, it's pretty hot.
We sat chatting at the picnic table and then decided to go back to our place and find some shade. On the way, Chris and Angela took Isaac down to the ocean to "dip his toes in"...
My brother, Don, popped by for a visit. He hadn't seen Chris and Angela since their wedding almost 5 years ago...and had never met Issac.
By late afternoon, the clouds had moved in and we no longer needed to search out shade. Emery, Rob, Angie and the boys joined Chris, Angela and us at our place.
Steve was grilling burgers and we were just in the process of taking all the fixin's out to the picnic table when the rain started. So we quickly moved everything inside. Angie, Bryce, me and Conner sat at the dining table...
We managed to fit everyone else in...Angela holding Isaac, Chris, Emery and Rob...
Wednesday (July 10) Rob, Angie and the boys came over just after 8:00. It had been a rainy night...and it ended up being a major rainy day!
I cooked breakfast for everyone, including Chris...Angela came a little later after Isaac woke up. After a visit, Chris and Angela took Isaac back to their cabin for a nap.
It just poured for most of the day...we occasionally had a little reprieve from the rain, then the sun would appear briefly but a few minutes later, it was socked right back in and pouring again. That happened a couple of times. Such heavy rain and very blustery out but it's badly needed as many parts of BC are tinder dry. So needless to say, it was an inside day for the most part.
Rob and the boys hung out here watching TV and playing card games...Chris and Angela were at their cabin and Angie and Emery were hunkered down inside Emery's trailer.
By late afternoon, the rain stopped and we all went outside. Steve and I went for a walk....and then everyone gathered at our place. Bryce is such a little my spiky hair!
Bryce getting another bike riding lesson...this time from Emery and Conner...
At dinner time, Emery and Glenda decided to do their own at their place. Glenda had gotten home this afternoon and I think they wanted some time alone. Meantime, Chris grilled chicken souvlaki while I made rice, Caesar salad and put a package of dried garlic ribs from Costco in the oven. Rob holding Isaac...he loves his uncle!
We woke Thursday (July 11) to a beautiful day...a nice change from yesterday! Conner came over, leaving Mom, Dad and Bryce in bed.
After getting cleaned up and having a bite to eat for breakfast, Steve, Conner and I walked down to Chris and Angela's to watch Isaac while they packed up...unfortunately, they have to go home today. But I get to see them a little longer...I am going with them! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so am grabbing a ride over with them...and Chris will drive me back to the ferry tomorrow afternoon.
Once packed, we all went back to our place to relax for a bit. We are taking the 1:25 p.m. ferry, and with about an hour's drive to the terminal in Nanaimo, we decided to head out just after 11:30. After walking over to say goodbye to Emery, Glenda, Rob, Angie and the boys, we were off.
We had an uneventful journey over to the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal in North Vancouver. The drive into Vancouver was crazy though...the traffic was horrendous! We decided to stop at Angela's parents in Burnaby for a break...and ended up having an early dinner there.
Both Nonna and Nonno (grandmother and grandfather in Italian) really missed Isaac...they were so happy to see him! Lots of toys to play with...
And Nonno put up a swing in their yard for Isaac...
It was about 6:30 when we got home to Chris and Angela's place. I watched Isaac while they unloaded the car and got things put away. Dexter (the cat) was also very glad to see us!
Once Isaac was in bed, we decided to watch a movie...part way through, we paused the movie and Angela and Chris decided to make s'mores. With no campfire, Chris improvised!
Angela putting them together...yum! Nothing like carrying on a camping tradition even if we are home!
The movie (Incredibles) ended just after 10:00 and we all called it a night.
Meanwhile, while I was away...
Bryce had more bike riding lessons and practice...and this happened! He did it!
Notice dad following behind...just in case help is needed!
Both Chris and I were up shortly after 6:00 Friday (July 12) morning. Isaac is teething and is having a tough time sleeping...poor little guy! And poor Mom and Dad!
I headed off just after 8:30 in Chris' car (thanks, Chris!). After a quick stop at Walmart, I headed into Vancouver to my doctor's appointment. A couple of hours later, I was back at Chris and Angela's house.
At 11:30 I said goodbye to Angela and Isaac and we headed out...Chris driving me to the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal. Again, the traffic was crazy...sorry for making you battle that traffic again, Chris! But it was very much appreciated!
Steve was waiting for me at the passenger pickup area when I finally made it out...the walk from the ferry to the pickup area is usually quite a long one. He had Angie's car (thanks!) and after a couple of quick stops, we were back at the campground around 4:30.
They had to be out of their campsite today so decided to join us in our site for another couple of nights. Plenty of room behind our trailer...
We sat outside with Rob for a bit and then joined Angie and the kids down at the beach...
We spent the next couple of hours catching up and then headed back up to get dinner going. Steve grilled burgers...another quick easy dinner!
After dinner we sat around the propane firepit...and then Bryce showed Gramma how he can ride a bike. They both posed for a picture...
Now...that was a fast week! Such a great time and so nice having our family all together! I think we should try to make this an annual tradition...?
We woke to rain Saturday (July 6) morning...sure hope it clears up this afternoon when Rob, Angie and the boys arrive! It's never nice setting up camp in the rain...especially when it's a tent!
We spent the majority of the day just chillin'...I sat outside under the awning reading or knitting while Steve spent his time inside.
About 2:30 Rob arrived in his truck...and about 20 minutes later, Angie pulled in with the kids in the car.
After big hugs, the kids bikes were unloaded and they rode with Gramma and Grampa over to the playground so Mom and Dad could set up the tent. First a ride on the swings...
Then Bryce climbed up the wall to try out the slide...
Conner joined him...
Back at their site, we sat visiting while they finished their set up...unfortunately it's quite windy on the waterfront but they do have a big tree beside them that helped block it a bit. Although their gazebo is a little small for the picnic table, they managed to get it a little more protection from the elements.
Bryce helped pump up the air mattresses...
Dinner was at our we all headed over there. Steve grilled burgers and hot dogs and we sat outside...much more sheltered from the wind where we are. After dinner we sat around the propane fire until Rob and Angie decided it was time to take the boys back and get them to bed.
Sunday (July 7)...and it was raining! And it did so most of the morning. Around 7:30 we heard a knock on the door...Good morning Conner, Bryce and Rob! The kids had some hot chocolate and cereal and Rob joined us for a cup of coffee. A great way to start the day!
Rob took a cup of coffee down to lure Angie out of bed...while I cooked breakfast for everyone. Once all the dishes were done (thanks for helping, Rob!), everyone headed off to brush teeth and then go for a walk. Unfortunately, it had started raining Angie and Bryce were hunkered down in their gazebo playing a game, and Rob and Conner came back to our place. I left them playing a game of Othelo while I borrowed Angie's car and headed off for a little grocery shopping.
A couple of hours later, I was back. The rain had pretty much stopped but it was still cloudy and quite windy again. Emery and Glenda had arrived from Campbell River and were all set up in the site next to Rob and Angie. I unloaded the groceries from the car and then drove it back to Rob and Angie's site and greeted Glenda and Emery.
Steve went with Emery into Qualicum Beach for propane and a water hose. After I finished putting the groceries away, I walked over and joined everyone. Along the way I came across Rob pushing Bryce on a set of swings near our campsite...
Bryce wants to learn to ride a bike, so Rob took him out on Conner's bike to give it a try. It will take a little time and practice. Conner is on his old 'strider' that Bryce had been using...a good way to learn how to balance, but it doesn't have pedals.
It was after 6:00 when we said goodnight and went home for dinner...we figured we'd just stay in for the rest of the evening. But just after dinner, we received a text from Angie saying they had a campfire down at the beach. So we grabbed our chairs and sat for about an hour enjoying the evening. Glenda, Angie holding Conner, Rob, Emery and Steve behind, holding Bryce...
Me, Conner, Steve and Bryce...The forecast for Monday (July 8) was for the sun to come out by mid morning. It didn't happen until much later in the day but it was warm and there was no rain.
Rob and the boys slept in this morning and didn't come over until after 8:00. They had a much better sleep last night with no wind flapping the tent.
I spent the morning making the sauce for lasagne and Caesar dressing...preparing what I could for dinner tonight. While I was doing that, Steve was outside emptying the holding tanks...and using the 27 gallon blue boy Ray and Deb gave us. It's been years since he had to use one of these. At least he didn't have far to pull it...the sani-dump is just across the road from us...
Around noon, Don and Rhonda (my brother and sister-in-law) stopped by for a quick visit...they only live about 10 minutes from here. Great seeing you...look forward to seeing more of you now that we are so close!
Chris, Angela and Issac arrived just before 1:00...about an hour earlier than anticipated because they had managed to catch the 10:00 ferry from North Vancouver, rather than the 11. After big hugs...and registering at the office, we led them to their cabin on our bikes.
With the added help of Conner, Bryce and Rob, we unloaded their SUV. Their cabin is a nice modern one-bedroom unit, with a bathroom, and a living room/kitchen combination. There is a patio with a picnic table and barbecue...all with a great view of the ocean.
After they got settled in, we all gathered over at Rob and Angie's campsite for the rest of the afternoon. Angela with Bryce sitting on the blanket...that's Emery and Glenda's trailer in the background. Emery is actually on his own for a couple of nights...Glenda has gone away with a girlfriend for an annual get together.
Love this picture...the Colibaba clan. Thanks for taking it, Emery! Front left to right...Conner, Chris, Isaac, Bryce and Angela; Back...Rob, Angie, me and Steve...
Cool dude Isaac with his sunglasses on...Mom had to hold his hands from pulling them off while Grampa took a picture...
Rob and Angie decided to take their kayaks out...Rob pulling Angie and Conner free off the beach while Bryce waits for Dad to return. It had turned out to be a gorgeous afternoon...
They saw lots of seals...
Dinner was back at our place...left to right around the table, Bryce, Rob, Angie, Emery and Conner...
Isaac and Angela...
Grampa and Isaac...
Emery, Angie, Bryce and Conner...
Okay...goofy face time!
After dinner it was time to get a campfire going down on the beach. L to R...Bryce, Chris, Angela, Rob and Conner....and time for S'mores! Bryce is the marshmallow cooker!
Rob, Angela and Isaac...
What a gorgeous evening! (Those are Rob and Angie's kayaks)
Bryce and Isaac having some cousin time on Angie's lap...
Tuesday (July 9) was a beautiful sunny day...there were still clouds on the horizon indicating a change was coming. But in the meantime, we enjoyed the sunshine.
As usual, Rob and the boys came over just after 7:30 and let Mom stay in bed in little longer. Conner and Bryce think morning cartoons at Gramma and Grampa's trailer while camping is pretty cool...LOL!
Steve went out kayaking with Rob and the boys...
Lots of seals...they tend to hang around the mouth of the Big Qualicum River...
There were 4 seals near Rob and Conner...
Looking back at the campground and the cabins that Chris and Angela are staying in...
Another seal...and seasonal campers on the other side of the river...
Steve took a 27 second video...
My brother, Don, popped by for a visit. He hadn't seen Chris and Angela since their wedding almost 5 years ago...and had never met Issac.
By late afternoon, the clouds had moved in and we no longer needed to search out shade. Emery, Rob, Angie and the boys joined Chris, Angela and us at our place.
Steve was grilling burgers and we were just in the process of taking all the fixin's out to the picnic table when the rain started. So we quickly moved everything inside. Angie, Bryce, me and Conner sat at the dining table...
We managed to fit everyone else in...Angela holding Isaac, Chris, Emery and Rob...
Wednesday (July 10) Rob, Angie and the boys came over just after 8:00. It had been a rainy night...and it ended up being a major rainy day!
I cooked breakfast for everyone, including Chris...Angela came a little later after Isaac woke up. After a visit, Chris and Angela took Isaac back to their cabin for a nap.
It just poured for most of the day...we occasionally had a little reprieve from the rain, then the sun would appear briefly but a few minutes later, it was socked right back in and pouring again. That happened a couple of times. Such heavy rain and very blustery out but it's badly needed as many parts of BC are tinder dry. So needless to say, it was an inside day for the most part.
Rob and the boys hung out here watching TV and playing card games...Chris and Angela were at their cabin and Angie and Emery were hunkered down inside Emery's trailer.
By late afternoon, the rain stopped and we all went outside. Steve and I went for a walk....and then everyone gathered at our place. Bryce is such a little my spiky hair!
Bryce getting another bike riding lesson...this time from Emery and Conner...
At dinner time, Emery and Glenda decided to do their own at their place. Glenda had gotten home this afternoon and I think they wanted some time alone. Meantime, Chris grilled chicken souvlaki while I made rice, Caesar salad and put a package of dried garlic ribs from Costco in the oven. Rob holding Isaac...he loves his uncle!
We woke Thursday (July 11) to a beautiful day...a nice change from yesterday! Conner came over, leaving Mom, Dad and Bryce in bed.
After getting cleaned up and having a bite to eat for breakfast, Steve, Conner and I walked down to Chris and Angela's to watch Isaac while they packed up...unfortunately, they have to go home today. But I get to see them a little longer...I am going with them! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so am grabbing a ride over with them...and Chris will drive me back to the ferry tomorrow afternoon.
Once packed, we all went back to our place to relax for a bit. We are taking the 1:25 p.m. ferry, and with about an hour's drive to the terminal in Nanaimo, we decided to head out just after 11:30. After walking over to say goodbye to Emery, Glenda, Rob, Angie and the boys, we were off.
We had an uneventful journey over to the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal in North Vancouver. The drive into Vancouver was crazy though...the traffic was horrendous! We decided to stop at Angela's parents in Burnaby for a break...and ended up having an early dinner there.
Both Nonna and Nonno (grandmother and grandfather in Italian) really missed Isaac...they were so happy to see him! Lots of toys to play with...
And Nonno put up a swing in their yard for Isaac...
It was about 6:30 when we got home to Chris and Angela's place. I watched Isaac while they unloaded the car and got things put away. Dexter (the cat) was also very glad to see us!
Once Isaac was in bed, we decided to watch a movie...part way through, we paused the movie and Angela and Chris decided to make s'mores. With no campfire, Chris improvised!
Angela putting them together...yum! Nothing like carrying on a camping tradition even if we are home!
The movie (Incredibles) ended just after 10:00 and we all called it a night.
Meanwhile, while I was away...
Bryce had more bike riding lessons and practice...and this happened! He did it!
Notice dad following behind...just in case help is needed!
Both Chris and I were up shortly after 6:00 Friday (July 12) morning. Isaac is teething and is having a tough time sleeping...poor little guy! And poor Mom and Dad!
I headed off just after 8:30 in Chris' car (thanks, Chris!). After a quick stop at Walmart, I headed into Vancouver to my doctor's appointment. A couple of hours later, I was back at Chris and Angela's house.
At 11:30 I said goodbye to Angela and Isaac and we headed out...Chris driving me to the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal. Again, the traffic was crazy...sorry for making you battle that traffic again, Chris! But it was very much appreciated!
Steve was waiting for me at the passenger pickup area when I finally made it out...the walk from the ferry to the pickup area is usually quite a long one. He had Angie's car (thanks!) and after a couple of quick stops, we were back at the campground around 4:30.
They had to be out of their campsite today so decided to join us in our site for another couple of nights. Plenty of room behind our trailer...
We sat outside with Rob for a bit and then joined Angie and the kids down at the beach...
We spent the next couple of hours catching up and then headed back up to get dinner going. Steve grilled burgers...another quick easy dinner!
After dinner we sat around the propane firepit...and then Bryce showed Gramma how he can ride a bike. They both posed for a picture...
Now...that was a fast week! Such a great time and so nice having our family all together! I think we should try to make this an annual tradition...?
Awesome week you had with your boys and their families. Treasured time to all be together.
ReplyDeleteIt was so nice having everyone together!
DeleteWow...looks like everyone had a great time, Dianne! What a beautiful area.
ReplyDeleteThe location of the campground on the oceanfront is perfect!
DeleteWhat a fun time creating lasting memories with the family. The kids are having so much fun. I must say I do envy the long pants and sweatshirts!!
ReplyDeleteHaha...yes we had quite a mix of weather!
DeleteHow awesome was that week for you guys?!?! Looks like a great time with family and the weather cooperated mostly. Cool solo bike ride! That's great!! Good times, fun to read.
ReplyDeleteGood times, for sure!!