I was really looking forward to this weekend...a "girls getaway" to downtown Vancouver with a close friend (cousin, actually...Glenna was married to Steve's cousin). We try to get together at least once a year when we are back in the area...unfortunately, timing hadn't worked for us the past couple of years, so this time we were going to make it work.
Glenna arrived at about 11:30 and after a brief visit with Steve, we were on our way into "the big city". We are spending the night at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel, a luxury hotel overlooking the Vancouver Harbour and Stanley Park (Glenna had managed to get a corporate rate...sweet!)
We were early for check-in, so our room wasn't ready but we left our luggage and headed across the street to find a place for lunch on the waterfront. We picked Mahony and Sons, Burrard Landing...and although they had tables on the patio outside, only a small number were in the sunshine, so we decided to take a table inside with a great view of the waterfront "happenings".
After a long lunch chatting, we found our way to a local wine and beer store to pick up a few supplies and then picked up the key to our room at the hotel...on the 14th floor with a fabulous view...
There was even a "magic TV" in (on) the mirror in the bathroom!
We relaxed with a couple of adult beverages, chatting and taking in views. Around 7:00 we decided to head out for dinner.
We enjoyed a great dinner and then returned to the hotel where we resumed our positions in front of the window enjoying the lights of Vancouver...and wine...lots of wine :-)
Sunday morning we woke to more beautiful blue sky and sunshine. We had a leisurely start, then went downstairs to Giovane Cafe for coffee and a bite to eat...and after checking out of the hotel, walked over to the Pan Pacific Hotel and our 11:00 spa appointments.
Glenna and her mom had both received gift cards for Spa Utopia. Mom wouldn't be using hers, so she gave it to me...thanks Marie!! We both chose "signature" treatments...Glenna a pedicure and me, a manicure. But it was like no mani/pedi I have ever had...talk about luxurious! We were escorted into a huge change room, where we changed into bath robes and put our things into lockers. Then we went out and relaxed in the lounge until called in for our treatments. Once finished, we returned to the lounge where we could relax and visit for as long as we wanted over a complimentary glass of wine. They also had a table with bowls of dried fruit and nuts, along with coffee, tea and water. Ahhh.....fabulous!
We thoroughly enjoyed our spa experience...but figured we had lounged long enough...time to get out and enjoy some of the sunshine and beauty along the harbour. Glenna with Canada Place and the Vancouver Convention Centre (east building)...
Looking west to Burrard Landing and the Convention Centre (west building)...Malony and Sons where we went for lunch yesterday is on the corner across from the blue statue...
On the west side of Burrard Landing, there is a great walkway along the waterfront...
Looking east...the edge of Burrard Landing on the far right and the Seaplane dock on the left...
A view back east as we walked along the walkway...
We stopped at the Tap Shack along the walkway for lunch...and then wandered back to the hotel and the car...time to head back out to Surrey. What a fabulous time we both had! A great visit...so happy we were able to fit it in this year, Glenna!
While I was gone, Steve did a little maintenance inside the trailer...finally using some buffing compound he had picked up a couple of years ago at the Quartzsite RV show. The granite counters in the kitchen and bathroom are much shinier now!
Monday was a beautiful sunny day! We had a few errands to do today so we headed out just before 10. First on the agenda was a stop at a nearby walk-in clinic so Steve could have the 3 stitches removed from his back. It has been 12 days since he had the mole removed. He had received a call from the doctor saying that the test results had come in...it had been cancerous but she had gotten it all out. Good news! What we didn't expect was how long the wait would be at the clinic! It was close to 2 1/2 hours later before he was out...that kind of wait for a procedure that took less than a minute! Sheesh!
So before continuing on with our errands, we stopped at home for a quick lunch first. Then we were on our way again...out to Langley this time. We stopped at Intercontinental Truck Body (ITB) where our truck was built...Steve wanted to talk to the service manager about getting the front bumper re-painted. Unfortunately, the manager wasn't in today...so he'll try again tomorrow.
Mt. Baker (in Washington State) is beautiful today...
After a stop at Walmart for a few things, we were on our way home.
Tuesday was another gorgeous day...so nice to see so much sun after so much cloud and rain! We didn't do much today...managed to get out for a walk around the campground. Steve went back to ITB (once he confirmed the service manager was in). Once home, he continued planning and researching our trip east this summer. While he was gone, I puttered around doing odds and ends and then did some banking.
Around 2:30 we headed over to Ray and Deb's...they had invited us over for dinner. We went early so that they could take us to a local park that they had discovered. Redwood Park is a beautiful spot...
The unique forest found at Redwood Park is a legacy of Peter and David Brown, twin brothers born to one of Surrey's earliest pioneering families. In 1893, their father gifted them this large plot of land, logged and ripe for farming. However, the brothers instead filled the vast space with their favourite trees from all around the world. Fully committed to their forest sanctuary, the eccentric duo built a treehouse where they lived in solitude until their deaths in 1949 and 1958. Today, a replica of their treehouse stands in the centre of the park.
The park has over 50 species of trees and 5 towering groves...and over 5 kilometres of scenic trails.
Replica of the treehouse...
Further along the trail, just past the treehouse is a very unique area...called the "Fairytale Forest"...
Magic dances through the timbers of Redwood Park. A magical knoll awaits discovery down a wooded path. When you look through the trees and spot dashes of colour you are nearing the Fairy Kingdom. Whimsical, kind-hearted, fun-loving folk have created dozens of fairy homes. Some are grand and others are sweetly simple. Many of the homes have been created by children. Some of the homes are merely doors built into the base of trees.
Maybe there is something magical here as most of the photos Steve took here mysteriously have a purple hue to them...
What a very cool spot...and a favourite enjoyed by kids. As we headed back to the car, the trail took us past the playground where some young boys were playing...with their mom's keeping a close watch. Well, one of the brave young fellows wanted to pat Freya...and pretty soon all 3 were happily enjoying her "wet kisses"...
Back at Deb and Ray's place....time to enjoy a little patio time...
We celebrated, with a glass of champagne, Ray and Deb's purchase of their new home at Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island...Congratulations!
Freya relaxing out on the lawn...such a pretty girl!
Then it was time for dinner. Deb made honey garlic chicken wings in her Instant Pot along with Chinese fried rice...yum!
Steve, Ray and Deb enjoying ice cream for dessert...
Wednesday...and another beautiful, sunny day! We got out for a walk around the campground...doing all of the roads, it's about 1.75 miles.
After lunch we thought we'd drive the short distance over to Serpentine Wildlife Management Area and hike the nature trail...The Serpentine Wildlife Management Area - better known as the Serpentine Fen - is in a triangle between Highway 99, the King George Highway (99A), and the Serpentine River. The nature trail around Serpentine Fen Nature Reserve is around 3.5 kilometres long. Allow 1.5 hours for this walk.
The fen includes many different types of habitat in its 150 hectares, and is home to more than 130 different bird species. September and October is the busiest birding season. In the winter months, many birds shelter where there is open water and a good, natural food supply. The Serpentine Wildlife Area is managed by Ducks Unlimited.
First day back in shorts since being south of the border...
There are three wildlife viewing towers...
Not much of a view from this one other than the mountains beyond the tree in bloom...
Zoomed in...
Better views from the next tower but not a lot of birds around...

Having a snooze...
Mount Baker through the haze...

Great Blue Heron...
A great walk in a beautiful area...too bad it's marred by all of the traffic noise from the nearby highways and busy roads.
Thursday was spent on more research for our trip east...and basically just puttering around. After lunch we went out for our usual walk around the campground, stopping to chat with Jack. We met Jack this past winter down in Quartzsite...while filling the rig with water upon arriving. We learned that they are from the Vancouver area and Jack works part time at Traveland RV in Langley.
At 4:00 Jack and Faye joined us for happy hour and we spent a lovely couple of hours chatting. They have done a lot of travelling and we enjoyed listening about their adventures...and picking their brains about places we want to see, particularly back east.
According to the weather forecasters, today would be the last of this lovely string of warm sunny days that we have been enjoying...rain is to come in tomorrow.
After getting out for our usual walk around the campground, Steve spent a good part of the day continuing with his research of our trip east. While he sat outside doing that, I was busy inside baking. Deb and Ray have invited us over for turkey dinner...she found a huge turkey in the freezer that needs to be cooked. Not being ones to deny a good meal, we readily accepted! I said that I would bring dessert...hence my baking spree. I had decided to make the Chocolate Coconut Tart recipe that I made a couple of weeks ago to take to Chris and Angela's but this time I thought I would try a different crust (ground walnuts/almond flour/coconut oil). However, something went wrong with the filling...don't quite know what, but the filling ended up being very runny and I had way too much! Sheesh! So I ended up making the usual coconut crust, just to use the extra filling. We took the later pie for dessert and although it tasted fine, it wasn't at all firm like it was supposed to be. I went over, and over, the ingredients...but I still can't figure out where I went wrong! Oh well....
After a stop to pick up a bottle of wine, we arrived at Deb and Ray's place shortly after 3:30...and sat outside in the late afternoon sunshine. It had gotten quite windy out this afternoon...the cold front coming in, I guess. However we were fairly sheltered on the patio and it was warm, as long as we were sitting in the sunshine...
Inside and getting the last preparations for dinner done...carving of the turkey!
Another delicious dinner Deb!
Deb even went out of her way to ensure I had plenty to eat since I don't eat wheat/grains...thanks Deb! It was after 7:30 when we said our goodbyes and with left-overs in hand, we packed them into the truck and headed home. Thanks for another lovely evening1
And that's it for another week here at Peace Arch RV Park...one final week here and we move to Fort Camping in Fort Langley.
Replica of the treehouse...
Further along the trail, just past the treehouse is a very unique area...called the "Fairytale Forest"...
Maybe there is something magical here as most of the photos Steve took here mysteriously have a purple hue to them...
What a very cool spot...and a favourite enjoyed by kids. As we headed back to the car, the trail took us past the playground where some young boys were playing...with their mom's keeping a close watch. Well, one of the brave young fellows wanted to pat Freya...and pretty soon all 3 were happily enjoying her "wet kisses"...
Back at Deb and Ray's place....time to enjoy a little patio time...
We celebrated, with a glass of champagne, Ray and Deb's purchase of their new home at Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island...Congratulations!
Freya relaxing out on the lawn...such a pretty girl!
Then it was time for dinner. Deb made honey garlic chicken wings in her Instant Pot along with Chinese fried rice...yum!
Steve, Ray and Deb enjoying ice cream for dessert...
Wednesday...and another beautiful, sunny day! We got out for a walk around the campground...doing all of the roads, it's about 1.75 miles.
After lunch we thought we'd drive the short distance over to Serpentine Wildlife Management Area and hike the nature trail...The Serpentine Wildlife Management Area - better known as the Serpentine Fen - is in a triangle between Highway 99, the King George Highway (99A), and the Serpentine River. The nature trail around Serpentine Fen Nature Reserve is around 3.5 kilometres long. Allow 1.5 hours for this walk.
First day back in shorts since being south of the border...
There are three wildlife viewing towers...
Not much of a view from this one other than the mountains beyond the tree in bloom...
Zoomed in...
Better views from the next tower but not a lot of birds around...
Having a snooze...
Mount Baker through the haze...
Great Blue Heron...
A great walk in a beautiful area...too bad it's marred by all of the traffic noise from the nearby highways and busy roads.
Thursday was spent on more research for our trip east...and basically just puttering around. After lunch we went out for our usual walk around the campground, stopping to chat with Jack. We met Jack this past winter down in Quartzsite...while filling the rig with water upon arriving. We learned that they are from the Vancouver area and Jack works part time at Traveland RV in Langley.
At 4:00 Jack and Faye joined us for happy hour and we spent a lovely couple of hours chatting. They have done a lot of travelling and we enjoyed listening about their adventures...and picking their brains about places we want to see, particularly back east.
According to the weather forecasters, today would be the last of this lovely string of warm sunny days that we have been enjoying...rain is to come in tomorrow.
After getting out for our usual walk around the campground, Steve spent a good part of the day continuing with his research of our trip east. While he sat outside doing that, I was busy inside baking. Deb and Ray have invited us over for turkey dinner...she found a huge turkey in the freezer that needs to be cooked. Not being ones to deny a good meal, we readily accepted! I said that I would bring dessert...hence my baking spree. I had decided to make the Chocolate Coconut Tart recipe that I made a couple of weeks ago to take to Chris and Angela's but this time I thought I would try a different crust (ground walnuts/almond flour/coconut oil). However, something went wrong with the filling...don't quite know what, but the filling ended up being very runny and I had way too much! Sheesh! So I ended up making the usual coconut crust, just to use the extra filling. We took the later pie for dessert and although it tasted fine, it wasn't at all firm like it was supposed to be. I went over, and over, the ingredients...but I still can't figure out where I went wrong! Oh well....
After a stop to pick up a bottle of wine, we arrived at Deb and Ray's place shortly after 3:30...and sat outside in the late afternoon sunshine. It had gotten quite windy out this afternoon...the cold front coming in, I guess. However we were fairly sheltered on the patio and it was warm, as long as we were sitting in the sunshine...
Inside and getting the last preparations for dinner done...carving of the turkey!
Another delicious dinner Deb!
Deb even went out of her way to ensure I had plenty to eat since I don't eat wheat/grains...thanks Deb! It was after 7:30 when we said our goodbyes and with left-overs in hand, we packed them into the truck and headed home. Thanks for another lovely evening1
And that's it for another week here at Peace Arch RV Park...one final week here and we move to Fort Camping in Fort Langley.
Wow and that's a "quiet" week, that was actually a pretty darn good week. Redwood park looks cool with all the trails and fairyland, put that one on our list. Shame you had to wait so long for stitches,yuk, Leslie pulled mine before but she's mean :) Good stuff guys, enjoy the last week there and safe trip over to Fort Langley.
ReplyDeleteI tried to talk Dianne into removing my stitches but it was a no go.
DeleteWhat a cute Fairy Kingdom! I would have been there forever looking at every "home." BC is still very much on our list of places to visit and spend time. Vancouver looks like a beautiful city. What a great Girls Getaway with lots of pampering:)
ReplyDeleteThe park was lovely and the Fairy Kingdom very unique! BC is a definite must see. Vancouver is a beautiful city especially in the sunshine and we certainly lucked out after all of the rain they have had!
DeleteYet more pictures of you two getting fed by Deb and Ray! If you two keep that up you are going to have to up your exercise routine!
ReplyDeleteThe forest certainly looks interesting, would love to visit that area someday!
Like Deb says...she loves to cook and we love to eat! They treat us well. After all the happy hours down south last season we need to up our exercise routine. 😜