After parking in the "Park N Go" lot and catching the shuttle to the terminal, we caught the 3 pm ferry...
When we were in Drumheller Alberta we got them some Dinosaurs with a book about them...
It seemed to be a hit and Conner even knew the name of a couple...
Friday morning I got up bright and early to go with Rob to drop him off at work so that we could have the use of his truck. The rest of the day was filled with errands...oh, I also got the much needed injection in my left knee. It did the trick! Mind you, I probably did a lot more walking on it than I should have because it was pretty sore that night. After that, though, all has been good (touch wood!)
Saturday was a pretty lazy day. Steve pulled up pictures on the laptop, of the dinosaurs we saw at the Drumheller Museum...the kids were really enthralled...
The rain finally subsided to let us get out for a walk on the surrounding trails in the neighbourhood...
Yikes! Last spotted Sept. 23rd...
Poor daddy...he's got quite a load!
We woke to rain Sunday morning but by the time we met our good friends Rob and Nancy for breakfast, the rain had stopped...and by the time we had finished breakfast and went to the Sidney waterfront for a walk, the sun and blue sky had come out.
Nancy, Steve and Rob...
A beautiful day to be out on the water...
Nancy and I...
Steve and Rob, buds since grade 8...
Lots of crabbers...
We had a wonderful visit with them, getting some exercise at the same time, and then checked out a couple of stores in Sidney before heading home.
Here is Bryce having a "time out"...too cute. He's a spirited little fellow...but so darned cute, that it's hard not to laugh at his antics!
I finally had a much needed appointment to have my hair done this morning. I not only got it cut but had 'lo-lights' put I now sport a new hair colour! On the off-chance that one of my 'old' co-workers and good friend would be available to meet for coffee on short notice, I contacted her. She early that afternoon, I met Lynn at a coffee shop in Victoria and we spent a wonderful hour catching up. So good seeing you, sorry that I didn't have time to pre-arrange a lunch date with all of my retired co-workers. Maybe next time, Gwen and Delcie!
Tuesday we headed up island to Cowichan Bay to visit more friends. Jim and Nan have a lovely spot at the end of a cul-de-sac. We visited inside for a bit and then before heading out for lunch, Jim took us out to his "man cave" to show us the motorcycle he has been building.
No, Steve, you can't have one...
We drove into the village of Cowichan Bay and enjoyed a delicious lunch at the local pub...
Again, we had a great visit with them...and it was wonderful catching up! We were going to go for a walk along the quaint little oceanfront village, but it had started we headed back home.
That evening we left Rob and the boys on the their own and went over to Rob and Nancy's for dinner. Rob loves cooking...
He made a delicious roast beef dinner, complete with Yorkshire pudding, gravy, roast potatoes, peas and carrots...yum!
An excellent evening...good food and good friends! Thanks guys!
Wednesday we both had an appointment to have our contact lenses checked so after dropping the boys off at daycare, I gathered all of our stuff and had the suitcase packed before we headed off for our 11:00 appointments. Steve's contacts were fine but "Murphy's Law" would have it that I needed a prescription change...and of course, I had just received a new 6 month supply of the old prescription. Well, at least I haven't opened the boxes, so I will be able to return them.
We were back home just after 12:30 and after checking the ferry schedule, discovered that there was a 2:00 pm I gave Nancy a call. She was able to come pick us up right we managed to catch the earlier ferry, rather than waiting for the 3:00 one. Yay! Thanks for the lift, Nancy...we really appreciated it!
Considering the forecast for the day didn't sound so good, it ended up being pretty nice. Steve managed to get some beautiful pictures of the ferry ride...
Salt Spring Island in the distance...
Salt Spring Ferry...
Mount Maxwell in the distance on Salt Spring Island...
Entering Active Pass...
Galiano Island left and Mayne Island on the right...
A ferry from Vancouver has just entered Active Pass and is heading to Victoria...
It's unusual to see commercial marine traffic in Active Pass...
Vancouver in the distance as we leave Active Pass...
Steve saw a huge splash after a whale had breached so he ran outside again. Within seconds an announcement came on that there were two whales either Humpback or Grey Whales but unfortunately they didn't breach again so this was the only evidence that they were there.
We were home by about 4:00. While I was unpacking our suitcases, Steve took the pegs holding the outdoor mat to the ground and moved it into the sunshine to dry off. He wanted to get it put away before the rain sets in tonight.
The next four days are going to be busy getting things done around here...we have to be out of the campground on Monday (they close it down for 5 days to prepare for the winter guests) so we will be putting the rig into storage. That also means we have to ensure we have everything we need for our big trip, but also another suitcase packed for the 10 days before we leave.
Enjoy your adventure!! Can't wait to read all about it!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, guys! We are getting excited. I think Steve is going to have fun editing the thousands of pictures I'm sure he will be taking! LOL!