The next week involved more family time. We don't seem to be doing an awful lot but time is sure whizzing by!
Conner playing with his firetruck before getting ready to go to Playschool...
Bryce just chillin'...he was sure interested in those birdies hanging above him!We both enjoyed our meals...Steve had Baron of Beef with Yorkshire and gravy...
...and I had Halibut and Chips...Yum!

Apparently last year these little girls were afraid of Plasterman...

Friday afternoon Bryce met his Great-Auntie Suzanne...
Bryce relaxing with Dad after his bath...
Unfortunately we didn't get our ride in with the Cowichan Valley ATV Club again this year. They had a big camp out and rides last weekend which we couldn't attend because of the birth of Bryce. I guess everyone was ridden out from that event as no other rides were scheduled.
Saturday I was on my way into Sidney when I saw this mommy doe and baby fawn at the bottom of our driveway...the little guy is pretty small...
Daddy helping Conner eat a freezie out on the sundeck...another beautiful weekend with lots of sunshine to enjoy out on the sundeck!
We had a pretty lazy Sunday morning...Conner and Grampa made a fire station out of blocks. Conner parks his firetruck in it...
Conner relaxing in Gramma and Grampa's bed...
Sunday afternoon we all headed over to my other brother's place for a family barbecue. Dwight and Helen have a great place near Durrance Lake...lots of room for the kids to run around and play. I took this picture from the sundeck...that's Dennis, Suzanne, and Melanie (Dennis' daughter)...
Conner loved Great Uncle Dwight's ride'm lawn mower...
Melanie, Dwight, Rob...Rob and Conner...
Melanie, Adam (Dwight and Helen's son) and Suzanne...
Helen busy in the kitchen...
While Dwight grills burgers....
After a bit of rain, the sun came back out!
Dwight giving the kids lawn mower rides...
Tuesday morning (May 26), after dropping Dennis and Suzanne's jeep off for a service, the four of us went for a walk along the Sidney waterfront. It was cloudy out for a change, but still warm (quite humid, actually). Suzanne and I posing with a statue on a bench near the pier...
Dunkin is not too sure about this fellow...Dennis and Suzanne (and Dunkin)...
Wednesday morning, Steve was up bright and early...and on the road shortly before 6:00 a.m. He had to pick up his dad and take him to some pre-op appointments at the hospital (he's having day surgery June 3). He thought it was only one appointment with the anesthesiologist but it turned out to be four appointments for various tests too. So it was going on 1:00 by the time he got home.
Suzanne, Angie and I...and Bryce...were supposed to meet another sister-in-law and niece (Helen and Vanessa) for lunch today but since Steve had the car with the baby seat holder, we had to make alternate plans. Helen and Vanessa picked up some lunch goodies and came over here to the house. It probably turned out better...we had a great visit!
Angie opening baby gifts...
Some growing room in these sleepers!
After dinner, we sat outside on the deck enjoying the beautiful evening. Conner wanted me to sit inside his tent with him...
Rob, Conner and Suzanne sticking their tongues out for the photo...
Well, that brings us up-to-date for now. We plan on leaving Friday morning and driving up to Deep Bay (between Bowser and Courtenay, up island) to visit another brother. Don and Rhonda moved over to Vancouver Island last fall from Vancouver. We'll spend one night with them and then take the Nanaimo ferry back to the mainland...then on to Monck Provincial Park and home!