Friday, August 16 to Tuesday, September 3, 2024 (Puntledge RV Park, Courtenay, BC)

Well, it's time for another update on what we have been up to the past couple of weeks. 

We had a wonderful surprise Friday (Aug. 16) when we received a phone call from our good friends, Rob and Nancy. They have been spending the week at Parksville and wondered if we were available for dinner if they drove up. Absolutely! We went to the Black Fin Pub in Comox and had a lovely dinner and visit with them. Afterwards, we sat outside at our place for a bit before they headed back down to hours drive south.
We had another warm day Saturday (Aug. 17) but we managed to get out for a hike at Nymph of our favourite spots!

On our way  home, we decided to check out the Saturday Farmer's Market that is held in the exhibition grounds. We've lived here for over a year and this is our first time. Typical market with all sorts of local farmers selling their fresh veggies...there were also some other kiosks, food trucks, etc.
Back home, we  basically hunkered down inside with the A/C running but by happy hour time, it had cooled enough to enjoy sitting outside. We have a rain storm with a wind warning coming in tonight, so we put everything outside away before we headed inside for the evening.

Sunday (Aug. 18) morning we had some light rain but it seemed like the "big" storm skirted around us, hitting both the Victoria and Vancouver areas. It was just drizzling lightly by the time we finished our walk.

Before going home, we decided to take a drive...we stopped at Kye Bay and Steve took a short 30 second video of the low tide...
We had one of Steve's salmon for dinner...I followed a recipe that I found online and it turned out really good!
The next few days were rainy but still fairly warm. I won't bore you with the minutia of our days...just routine stuff. Oh, I did have an appointment with the 'nurse navigator' from ReBalanceMD about my knee replacement surgery. Apparently my surgery would be scheduled sometime late October/early November which really surprise me because I figured it wouldn't be until well after Christmas. Anyway, I told her we had planned on going south October through March and she immediately said that she could check with the booking department about putting my surgery on hold until April. I heard back from her later that they had no problem postponing it...didn't think there would be since the wait for knee replacement surgery is about a year. Although I know my knee is getting worse, it is no where near as bad as my left knee was when I had it replaced, so I think I'll make it through until next April. I'm also getting another injection in it Friday, so that should help. Besides, after spending the winter up here last year, we really want to go south!

Thursday (Aug. 22) morning we packed up the car and headed south (island) for 10 days. Rob and Angie have "booked" us to watch the boys again next week. Like last June when we watched them, as a teacher, Angie has to work and the boys don't return to school for another week. We are stopping at Lake Cowichan for 2 nights on the way down to visit Deb and Ray at "Kyles Kottage"...such a beautiful spot!

Unfortunately, after such a hot spell, the last week has been rainy...and the forecast is more of the same for the next few days.  Oh well...always at the mercy of the weather! We arrived at Ray and Deb's at about 2:00 and after unloading the car and getting settled, we were out on the deck staying warm and dry under the gazebo. 

Deb cooked a pork loin roast on her Traegar smoker...
A delicious dinner...
After dinner we resumed our positions on the deck. The rain had let up...

The sun even started peeking through...with a small rainbow...
And a beautiful sunset...
Friday (Aug. 23) was a cool, cloudy socked-in kind of day with lots of felt more like November than August!

We all had a nice soak in the hot tub and then got ready to head out for a drive to Youbou with some sightseeing along the way.  We thought this was a pretty cool fence made out of old water skis.
Lunch was at the Youbou Bar and Grill... (Ray's photo)
Back to Ray and Deb's...resuming position! Thank goodness it wasn't windy...just socked right in and raining, but so nice sitting outside with my favourite view!
Saturday (Aug. 24) morning we were packed up and ready to leave at about 10:00. With big hugs, we said goodbye...thanks again for such a wonderful visit. We wish the weather had been better but it was still great seeing you both!

After a stop at Rob and Nancy's place for a short visit, we arrived at Rob and Angie's to an empty house. Even though it is Saturday, Rob had to go into work...luckily he was off earlier than anticipated and it wasn't long before he got home. Angie and the boys are flying back from Winnipeg today but unfortunately their original flight was cancelled, so instead of 7:15 tonight, it won't be until about 10:30. They also have a 2 hour time difference so they will be tired.

We celebrated Steve's 69th birthday by going out for dinner at Jacks on the Water in Sidney. Rob along with Nancy and Rob joined us and although they don't take same-day reservations, we scored a lovely table on the patio. That's Port Sidney Marina in the background...
After a great meal and visit, we wandered along the waterfront to check out the Salish Sea Lantern Festival. Lots of people enjoying the festivities...

Sunday (Aug. 25) morning we received big hugs from Angie, Conner and Bryce. They had not gotten home until after 11:00 last night...when we were fast asleep!

Steve and I decided to go into Sidney for a walk along the waterfront. We were surprised to see fog...
The Town of Sidney gardeners do a wonderful job...

Jacks on the Water where we went for dinner last night...

We got back to the house just as Rob and Angie, and Angie's Uncle Alan and Denise were leaving. They are going to a family wedding in Victoria, leaving Steve and I to have a nice chill evening with the boys.

When Rob and Angie got home, this little bat greeted them over the front door...cute, eh? Ewwww....LOL
Our week with the boys was pretty chill...they had been away for 2 weeks camping at Cluxewe, were home for only a couple of days to get ready to fly to Winnipeg for 3 weeks and just got home late Saturday, so I think they were happy to relax and spend as much time as Gramma and Grampa would let them on their computers playing video games with their friends.

Tuesday (Aug. 27) I met my (ex) sister-in-law, Linda for lunch out at Milestones in Langford. We don't see each other often (yearly, if we're lucky), so it was nice catching up!
While I was gone, Grampa was in charge...he and Bryce did some mandatory reading so Bryce could spend more time on his computer. They even got out for a walk on the neighbourhood trails. 
There's always a pinecone fight!
Wednesday (Aug. 28) we took the boys on our usual hike at John Dean Provincial Park. A beautiful park and hike...but a lot of ups and downs! I'm a little "slow-going" downhill...
Down, down we go...
To Pickles Bluff...and an amazing view...
Steve took a short 25 second video...
Snack time!
As we were arriving at the bluff this Vulture was soaring below, eventually landing on this dead tree below us...
It flew up to the bluff to check us out and was soon joined by another...
Steve and the boys managed to get quite close...

Unafraid of us the one decided to spread it's wings...

Time to carry on...

We're so glad the boys enjoy hiking as much as we do.

Thursday (Aug. 29) we took the boys for a hike around Durrance easy 2.3 km (1.5 miles) loop trail...

Bryce twerking...

Friday (Aug. 30) morning I had an appointment to have a Cingal injection in my knee. All I can say is OUCH! So I spent most of the day in the recliner with ice on my knee. 

Angie was off to work so we were relieved of our "babysitting" duties. She took the boys shopping...for runners, and groceries.

Once Rob got home, we enjoyed the evening on the sundeck. Angie cooked up a storm in the kitchen...a delicious pasta dinner, so yummy!

Saturday (Aug. 31) we met a bunch of Steve's old school friends (along with a couple of wives) for lunch at the Spitfire Grill. All of the guys together at one end of the table and us "wives" at the other. Left to right around the table...Nancy, Barbara, Dan, Alec, Steve, Bruce, Jim, Rob and me...
Steve here: I see Rob and Jim frequently, Dan 5 years ago, Bruce maybe 15 years ago, and Alec 40 plus years ago! So many stories and memories restored. It's a wonder we all survived our youth...and thankfully there was no social media back in our day!

This RCAF SARS helicopter landed and the crew came in the restaurant for lunch...
We all had such a great time catching up...especially the guys. Thanks for organizing it, Rob!

Dinner tonight was a special recipe created by our son Rob...he brined and marinated chicken and then slow smoked them on his charcoal barbeque. They were delicious! I don't know where he gets his ideas and desire to cook, it certainly wasn't from me or Steve...LOL! 
They paired perfectly with the delicious left over pasta from last night!
Angie and Conner quickly put together a batch of brownies (one of Steve's favs) and we celebrated Steve's belated birthday (since they weren't home on his actual birthday)...
They didn't have a "6" and a "9" candle so Conner got ingenious and put "84 -15" equal 69! Good job Conner! 

Warm brownies right out of the oven served with ice cream...YUM!

With Steve's 2 deliveries arriving last Friday (Starlink and lithium batteries), it was time to head back home Sunday (Sept. 1) morning.  We thought we might need to stay for an extra couple of days waiting for delivery but luckily both shipments arrived.

With big hugs to all, we hit the road...thanks for all your hospitality, Rob and Angie! As usual, we enjoyed our visit and of course, spending time with our grandboys!

We stopped for lunch at the Shady Rest Pub on the waterfront in Qualicum Beach...a favourite stop whether going down island or back up. Beautiful view for lunch...

We arrived home just after 2:30 and immediately emptied out the car and unpacked our suitcases...we like to get everything put away right away. With everything settled back into place, we decided to drive up to the Gladstone for a brew, listen to the local musicians playing, and people-watch...after all, it is Sunday! 
We were back into our usual routine Monday (Sept. 2) and Tuesday (Sept. 3)...walking, grocery shopping, picture editing, blog-writing, etc. It's good to be back home!


  1. A belated Birthday Wish to Steve.
    Glad you were able to have fun with the family.
    Have you tried selling Buster on Auto Trader. It only takes one person seeing it.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wish! Been on Auto Trader since day one. Seems there’s not much of a market in our neck of the woods.

  2. Happy Birthday Old-Timer! Looks like you had a great few weeks and some great food; pork loin, salmon, chicken.... Fun to spend time with the boys I bet.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wish! Great few weeks for sure. Always nice to get back home to a regular routine before our clothes don’t fit anymore.

  3. Even though the sun didn't shine it was so nice to have you at the lake for a couple of days. Gonna miss you both.

  4. Great visit and birthday! Let us know his your starling works.

    1. Thanks! The Starlink is currently on sale for $199 in Canada and surprisingly $299 in the US? Couldn’t pass it up at that price because our Shaw Direct Satellite I’m told will no longer work in the US. Safe travels!

  5. Seems like no matter where you go the scenery is beautiful. Happy belated birthday. The candles were a cute idea.

    1. Thanks Elva! The candles had me confused at first.🤣
